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🚨🚨🚨 AmeriJews mass chuddening against the :marseytrain2: golem :marseyjewishkkk: :blacklivesmattertriogenocide: :zoomertearsgenocide: :marseylibleftgenocide:

Seething against the current woke overlords and their lack of empathy


The Jewish capital of the south is suggeted to mass move into, certain Tikkun Olam libtards object


Panic over the Amerimutt youth being literal CommuNazis


There are now frequent megathreads for Jewish 2A and self-defense tactics


One of the letter jvdeans seethes at their woke friends throwing them down the drain


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Yes and the west is not a patriarchy :marseygilead: because we have more male sewage :marseyshitpipe: workers and the west is not a matriarchy because we more more women :marseyhearnoevil: getting r*ped.

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Are you even making an argument at this point?

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No because what you said is dumb.

Israel is a matrilineal society :marseyunabomber2: fact.

Nobody is actively putting down Israeli :marseyjewish: mothers fact.

Israeli mothers are famous :marseycatbert2: for complaining to the high heavens to get what they want which is a behavior you wouldn't see in a patriarchy :marseygilead: fact

Just because a matriarchy has some traits characteristic of a patriarchy :marseygilead: doesn't make it less of a matriarchy.

It should :marseynorm: be noted that certain statuses are patriarchal, but actually :marseyakshually: being a Jew is totally :marseyaveragetotally: matriarchal.


Weak source :marseymissing2: but it gets my point :marseythissmall: across

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Israel is a matrilineal society fact.

No, only an element of it is. There are many patrilineal elements to Jewish society.

It should :marseynorm: be noted that certain statuses are patriarchal, but actually :marseyakshually: being a Jew is totally :marseyaveragetotally: matriarchal.

Israeli mothers are famous :marseycatbert2: for complaining to the high heavens to get what they want which is a behavior you wouldn't see in a patriarchy :marseygilead: fact

Yeah they complain to the person in charge, aka the patriarch.

Weak source :marseymissing2: but it gets my point :marseythissmall: across

It doesn't cause it's wrong. Even if it was purely matrilineal it wouldn't necessarily be matriarchal. Judaism is literally the OG patriarchal sand person religion. It codifies the laws of bronze age shithole goat herders, do you really think that was a matriarchal society???? The patriarchalness is one of the primary criticisms of it by secular Jews and the reformationist streams of Judaism.

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Befwore we cwontinyue this discussion.

Dwo u knyow the difference between :marseyzeldalinkpast: matwilinyewl and matwiarchal?

Judaism is literawwy the OG patwiarchwl sand perswon religion.

Demwocwats were the originywl party :marseyballoon3: of racists swo demwocwats are by defwinyition racist.

Same enyergy.

Ewerything u said has the same enyergy as these peopwal are Christian, their bwook is thwousands of years owld, they must therefwore be savages stuck in thwousands of years owld pwactices withwout any changes in that tim period :marseyuterus: in hwow they live their life.

he patwiarchalnyess is onye of the pwimary cwiticisms of it by secular Jews and the refwormationyist stweams of Judaism.

Then it shwould be wery easy two pwovide a swource.

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Same enyergy.

Orthodox Judaism has not significantly changed since a bit after the destruction of the second temple. The Jerusalem Talmud in 350 AD provides an upper bound for when Judaism already was chugging along and it probably was earlier.

Then it shwould be wery easy two pwovide a swource.




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isn't #metoo so recent it counts as external to every day culture and it lost steam even within the US after people realized women had a very very meaningless and low standard definition of harassment and sexual exploitation in some of these cases?

Second argument argues about Jewish religious practices being patriarchal to the extent of how Rabbis are only allowed to talk about certain things.

Third argument I only read the first page in which the only valid point appears to be women cannot initiate divorce. Which I agree is a patriarchal thing.

Then they go to protecting homosexual rights which is not patriarchal nor matriarchal.

As for acceptance of Single mothers isn't the fact that Jewish fathers children don't even count as jews but a mother's do whether single or married mean that single mothers are definitely valued more?

So you shared three articles from which I could only derive 2 good points at best.

I am not saying you are wrong. I am saying there is a good case for why I am right.

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They all talk about how Judaism is patriarchal as a given. You asked for a source on seculars and reforms complaining Orthodox Judaism is patriarchal. Unironically you clearly know nothing beyond the absolute surface level fun facts about Judaism, why not just accept that your made up schizo theory is wrong. I don't try to prove you wrong about Dalit culture.

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Yes but that shwows they are dwouble wwong.

They start with the assumption that Judaism is patwiarchwl instead of explainying why its patwiarchwl which makes them manyipulative and cwontwowwing the nyarrative.

Judaism is clearwy matwilinyewl at least. I cwontinyue two hwowld different :marseyvenn3: cwonclusions fwom u based :marseygivecrown: on the same data.

What abwout Dalit culture?


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