Hello, I recently became aware of some information and I'm going to share it.
It started when I saw this article about the pier that the US recently constructed in Israel in order to "bring aid" to Gaza
So I asked: why is America doing this?
And I got this answer: "Saudi Arabia and Israel are building a canal to replace the suez. This will let work crews and material land and start construction."
Wow, that's weird. I hadn't heard of this. Could this be true?
Google 'saudi arabia, india, suez replacement'
The first result is this: https://www.agenzianova.com/en/news/The-Egyptian-authority-the-Saudi-Indian-corridor-will-not-replace-the-Suez-Canal/
That's weird, why would he say that?
Rabie was commenting on the Saudi-India Economic Corridor project, part of an agreement reached between Saudi Arabia and India on the sidelines of the summit of G20 in New Delhi.
So the G20 summit was in India, and during this time Saudi Arabia and India made an agreement for an economic project.
Wait a second, when was this?
Early September...
And the Palestinian attack happened in early October.
So this meeting happened one month before the Palestinian attack on Israel. That's fricking weird.
Here's an article that fills in a lot of the details
tldr: The Suez canal is controlled by Egypt, which is an ally of BRIC's.
Building an alternative would massively frick over Russia and China .. And also Egypt ( sorry @Aevann )
Anyways: on to Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia is in the process of building a brand new futuristic city. They're calling it NEOM or some shit like that
The name NEOM is derived from two words. Envisioned by His Royal Highness Mohammed bin Salman, Crown Prince and Chairman of the NEOM Company Board of Directors, the first three letters come from the Ancient Greek prefix neo – meaning 'new'. The 'M' is the first from 'Mustaqbal', an Arabic word meaning 'future'. The M is also the first letter of the Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman.
Okay, cool.
Here's another article
Okay, so in order to build NEOM, SA is forcibly evicting people from their land and shooting people who resist.
Where is NEOM?
ANYWAYS so back to the beginning.
Remember that big fricking dock we just built in Gaza?
It's rated so that we can basically unload whatever the frick we want on it. Meaning, construction equipment and materials.
So remember that article about the Ben Gurion canal that Israel has been wanting to build for forever?
That had a picture in it
ayyy lmao, that runs up and carefully around Gaza
You know what would be even better? If it went right the frick through it.
lmao, even.
I made up the dock placement, but you get the point.
It doesn't fricking matter where they put it, it's in gaza and they're unloading shit with it.
Also, this is why they're starving and forcibly relocating people in Gaza right now.
To make way for the Canal.
If this project comes to fruition it is going to circumvent the Suez canal, and by extension, BRICS.
Completely kneecapping China and Russia economically.
This will likely lead to World War 3.
Oh, but first we have to fricking get rid of Palestine.
Good thing they're all fricking starving or whatever and getting forcibly relocated, idk. Aid dock, more like AIDS dock.
Also, if it wasn't completely clear already - There were rumors that the Israeli government had been warned in advance of the 10/6 attack and didn't stop it.
Well, now you know why. Trying to coerce these motherlovers to get out of the way would have been nearly impossible and also VERY EXPENSIVE.
There is no way in heck that the Palestinian government would have just let Israel buy up land and move people to build this thing.
And even if they did, the international community wouldn't have allowed it.
Now that there's a fricking war going on, Israel can just fricking level everything and turn all of the Palestinians into Refugees instead.
Anyone who doesn't make way for Suez Canal 2.0 is getting shot the frick up.
The people in the way? Gone.
The buildings in the way? Also gone.
@Aevann effort post me plz, thank you
p.s. if you still don't believe 9/11 was an inside job. well idk what to tell you.
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That's all well and good but the theory breaks apart when you realise that the cost of the war is projected to be around 53 billion and the cost of building 10 more miles of canal is not 53 billion.
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The Palestinecels would lob rockets at the canal. They have to be removed either way.
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Phew, now that they're 10 miles away that'll stop those rockets
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you dum dum.
they didnt move it 10 miles away
they moved it directly into
the palestinians are leaving one way or another
you're thinking small. you havve to think bigger
they are removing palestine (from where?) the area
maybe the earth
saudi arabia will broker this deal
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They'd still be 10 miles away from Egypt's border which would be where a lot of them would go
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Seems like a reasonable investment
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I didn't say the canal was a bad investment. I said a 53 billion war isn't a reasonable cost to reduce the length by a few miles.
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time is money, a few miles adds up to a lot when you're multiplying it by ships per day and years. it's really that simple
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Or you know, the 100yr old blood libel war that recently climaxed for the same reasons it always does
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panama canal was built a hundred years ago and we still use it
you're talking about 10 less miles for every ship for however many years, it's worth it
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You're talking about a few minutes extra on top of what can be up to 6 weeks of transit time for these vessels. And Israel doesn't own all the ships so they wouldn't be the ones saving money from a shorter journey.
Rockets from Hamas is a more convincing argument tho
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Honestly $50B doesn't seem like a high price, and that's without accounting at all for undercutting the entire BRICS economic future. 50B for a permanent global power shift that lasts for decades is peanuts
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this is the goal
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It probably is but that doesn't have shit to do with the war
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what war
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Lmao US expands their base right in the region of the potential canal.
Also, whoopsie our base monitoring the skies for attacks on Israel just happened to miss the attack all intelligence agencies knew about ahead of time.
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a radar facility should have intimidate knowledge of an attack from an "open air prison" from 20 miles away
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yes and unironically
People who have job should be able to do that job.
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CIA/NSA doesn't need to run intelligence operations in Gaza, they dump money into Israel for them to do it and Intel agencies don't step on partners toes
Turf is very heavily protected in the IC
Those listening stations are going to be pointed at Syria and Iran and Egypt etc and fed to Israel as part of the deal.
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People would rather believe America and Israel faked a massive attack using millions of people rather than believe America and Israel are incompetent
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Ir's more comforting
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Lol yeah the US and Israel would never sacrifice a few of their own to manufacture a causus belli
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This is some good schizo shit, I believe you mr bookers
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I now fully support Israel. They're securing the continued economic dominance of the west AND flattening bussy disrespectors at the same time. Truly Israel is our greatest ally in the middle east.
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This will all be good for Europe and the west, also Africans will probably benefit a lot
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NEOM will come to nothing, it's just more Saudi royal peepee measuring and the canal is
But it's absolutely true that right before the Hamas attack the Saudis were close to brokering a big deal to formally recognize Israel and make the mideast more chill.
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Whether the city happens or not, we still want the canal because it takes the keys to global trade out of the hands of egypt and puts it into the hands of
This will destroy BRICS and rebalance the scales of economic power away from China and Russia and give it to the west.
That's the goal. The city is incidental. It's a way to get SA on board with the plan.
But it's all about the canal.
'The canal is schizo' - i just shared an article saying israel has been dreaming of this canal for 40 years
They literally told the world they want to do this, but you act like I'm making it up.
When people tell you who they are, believe them.
BRICs has been talking about creating their own petrodollar.
This would quite literally destroy America.
We will do anything and everything to frick them and stop this from happening.
And it's why we started a war in Ukraine. We thought that we could frick Russia with it and in some chain of events end up deposing Putin.
That plan hilariously backfired, but it won't stop from moving on to plan b - this.
Who do you think you are talking to here? The same fricking people that invaded Iraq, Afghanistan, bombed the shit out of Syria and are now fighting a proxy war in Ukraine
Did "lol this wont work" stop them ever before?
They do this over and over again directly in the face of "lol this wont work"
So why is this any different. The canal is the goal.
Whether it becomes reality or not depends on how things play out.
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Yes. There were attempts at a diplomatic solution between Ukraine and Russia.
These were torpedoed by Boris Johnson on orders of the west.
That's why the war is going on right now.
Because the west killed every alternative for at least 20 years.
I'm not going into all of the territorial frickery of Ukraine, but the point is this:
There was a diplomatic solution and the west did not want it.
This is because they believed they could draw Russia into a long and protracted war in Ukraine that would hurt Russias economy.
The idea was that this would be another Afghanistan for Russia and the failure would lead to the ousting of Vladimir Putin from power.
Additionally, they didn't want Russia to have an all weather deep water port.
This is the whole point of the war in Ukraine.
Russia wants this port extremely badly and the US does not want them to have it. (more geopolitical economic warfare)
Coincidentally, this port would allow Russia year round access to the Suez canal, by way of the Black Sea and Istanbul.
This is what the war in Ukraine is happening over - the port (sound familiar?)
Anyways, that was their plan. Lure Russia into an unwinnable war where Putin looks stupid and loses popularity.
This creates room for the west to overthrow Putin through "diplomatic" means (aka CIA tries to get him voted out).
It didn't work (or hasn't yet at least), obviously.
This is why Putin gave that long fricking neurodivergent speech like a month or 2 ago to Tucker Carlson.
To try and tell people what was going on and justify what happened.
But it got lost in the sauce because he started talking about Ukraine territory in 1650 or whatever and everyone's eyes glazed over.
Btw this shit is all well documented, that western powers thought they could draw Russia into a "quagmire" in Ukraine. You can literally just Google it.
Like, you can say Russia has no territorial claim to that area. And that's sort of true. But it's also sort of true that their claim is just as good as Ukraines.
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I believe your truth keep going king don't let the haters stop you 😘😘😘
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Biden tried very hard to dissuade Putin from invading - even to the point of overruling his intelligence agencies to publicly air what they knew about the invasion plans. If you think anyone on the world stage gives a shit what BoJo says, I've got a bridge in Crimea to sell you.
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It's what Putin said and it's his word against the West so it's sort of whatever.
Putin thinks it's rightful russian clay and that was his whole tucker carlson "Well you see, in the year 760 AD in the forming of the Russian Empire" speech
There have been negotiations on this dating back over a decade and it's the main reason why America even gives a shit about Ukraine in the first place.
(and also why the 'revolution' or whatever in Ukraine was backed by the CIA in 2014)
like maybe it was boris or maybe it wasnt. maybe ukraine or russia didn't actually want the deal. idfk, it's semantics and sort of besides the point.
Russia wants it and America doesn't want Russia to have it.
Winners draw new borders and losers lose.
this is a decent comment
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None of that disagrees with anything I said. Obviously Putin wants some/all of Ukraine and the US (and more importantly, Ukrainians) don't want him to have it.
I want to see Russia to lose and Putin to get the Mussolini treatment, I just don't think it's all wheels within wheels and the god-tier CIA behind the curtain the whole time. Too many chumps I studied math with work for "the government" - they just aren't that clever, honestly.
The most likely story is probably more or less the public story, modulo some futzing around the edges - for example, Zelensky probably knew what was coming but couldn't say so without alarming people and torpedoing the slim chance of averting a full scale invasion.
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I don't really see what the difference is, I guess.
i don't either really, different actors have different goals, both long term and short term and things happen.
the power struggle of nato vs russia in ukraine has been happening for over a decade, idk
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Also, I should say the idea of the canal itself is not schizo, but the idea that it has anything to do with the current war or the US aid pier (a hilarious "frick you" from Biden to his dear ally Bibi) is some tinfoil shit.
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This is your brain on CIA propaganda
Yes goy, Israel didn't want us to build this.
After 40 years of giving Israel everything they want, mentally deficient Biden is going to turn around and give Israel the finger.
No longer our greatest ally. Yay president Biden.
There's totally nothing to see here.
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This is unprecedented in modern American history. DDD is sick of Bibi's bullshit threatening his reelection chances.
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Israel still gets to inspect the aid in Cyprus and was totally ok with the pier. It's good for Israel because it's a crossing that it doesn't have to waste the lives of it's own soldiers to guard. Israel also has total control of the base of the pier anyways because Biden "doesn't want boots on the ground in Gaza".
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Can't even be arsed to go into detail about anything.
Lets start with: israel has other harbors. A tarded small dock in gaza is meaningless.
The rest ia just proper schizo making connections based on superficial relations that seem significant if you dont comprehend any detail about it.
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sure thing JIDF
if they have other harbors then why did america build a dock
additionally: the dock sells the kayfabe
they cant just frickimg have israel do that shit or w/e
its a misdirection. makes it look like US and Isntreal are at odds, when in fact theyre working together
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Without this dock they'ed still have to drive the trucks through Israeli blockades. The dock they built goes directly to Gaza. The burgers screen the supplies. Then put the trucks on one dock further out. Then they drive onto a ship. The ship goes to a second dock and the trucks drive right into Gaza. Presumably the UN will be driving the trucks so burgers will never have to set foot in Gaza or Israel. The burgers are strictly at sea.
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Don't let these Zionist peepeesuckers tell you you're wrong. You're absolutely spot on. These jewish chads have been salivating over building this cursed dam for decades in order to supplant Egypt's importance to world trade. It's their biggest wet dream after levelling Gaza and renting out beach front properties at extortionate prices in the future.
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it's kind of crazy how angry some people got at this post
real JIDF shut it down vibes in this thread
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Fricking CIA r*ped this earth
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America is SO back
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If the CIA did even a fraction of what people want to believe, they'd be so badass.
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Anyone who hasn't read "Diaries of an Economic Hitman" should. A portion is dedicated to how we fricked over Panama.
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PPP GDP per capita:
Colombia $19,482
Panama $53,470
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Lmao this is nutty and probably bang on
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I can see the advantage, according to the documentary video game Battlefield 1 it is very hard for the British to move along the Suez.
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Meds. Now.
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You can't build a canal there though, its not close enough to sea level. The canal would be 500 feet below the ground
Fake and straight.
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the suez canal was artificially built and shit gets stuck in it all the time
whats the dif.
the point is that israel will control the shitty canal instead of egypt
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The dif is the elevation
The Suez is basically at sea level and Israel isnt
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blah blah idk what youre talking about
google maps already put a line where the canal is going to be
its going to happen
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Just put some water above sea level, idiot. Google water locks
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Well, I'm sure that the Negev desert won't have any drought problems
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Uh, bring water from the ocean?? You know, since the canal will be connected to it
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I dont see why any of this a bad thing
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Jews did 9/11 again and thousands of children died for it. You can't care about anything if not this.
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Biden out here solving problems before they even start.
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Listen here, jihadi jack
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Speaking of Sleepy Joe, almost none of my fellow Americans on this site wake up before noon on weekends. The time until a pro-Eurongutan posts gets swarmed by comments is a reliable gauge.
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are you getting on this fricking site first thing in the morning?
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Usually a few hours after alongside sipping my morning pre-workout, during my post-pre-workout shit, and then between sets while I workout in my garage.
I've fully accepted that I'm a strange sperg
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this is it exactly. it's inside jobs all the way down.
Israel had their own people killed in order to set the stage for this.
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it's not really, unless you're palestinian. or one of the people that got murdered on 10/6.
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Just fricking wipe the whole place
Muslims are degenerate losers and Jews are basically irrelevant
Good opportunity to wipe out the worst abrahamic religions there are
There is nothing worth saving. Muslims are violent fricks and Jews are obsolete. Kill everyone in the Middle East and we can make a new country or something.
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How? Won't they use the Suez Canal instead?
This canal project simply puts downward pressure on whatever tolls the Suez Canal charges.
Would you like an orange?
How bout two?
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because BRICs is trying to create an alternative to the petro dollar.
control of the suez is important for this
yeah they can still use it, but they cant use it against anyone either
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But making a second canal doesn't kneecap Russia or China. And that whole alternative world currency has been tried a few times and has always ended in failure, and "petrodollar" nonsense is usually nonsense, on level with conspiracy theory shit and catastrophic climate change.
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Egypt controls suez. Egypt is friendly with Russia and China. Suez is a massive chip on the geopolitical chessboard. This completely eliminates the leverage they have. The leverage Russia and China want to have.
This isn't something that happens and stops happening, lol. This is ongoing economic warfare.
Okay bro
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Egypt is also friendly with America and is working with Israel and Saudi Arabia to surpress Gaza.
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Do you think America and Israel trust Egypt?
They just had a coup a fricking decade ago.
Who knows what the frick is going to happen there long term
Does America want Egypt to control its shit or does it want Israel to?
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Why is Egypt helping America and Israel against Gaza?
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Egypt is friendly with many countries. They're not going to shut down trade to countries that Russia or China doesn't like because one of them asks them too. There's no alliance or strong mutual bond for them to cooperate to that degree. "BRICS" refers to 5 up and coming countries in an economic sense. It was coined by an economist. There is no BRICS alliance or geopolitical entity.
The global alternative to USD has been tried and keeps failing because lol Russia and China aren't monetarily strong nor do they see eye to eye on many geopolitical issues.
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okay so its not fricking china and russia, just egypt
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