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I didn't know Biden had removed the Houthis from the list of terror groups after Trump added them. I also didn't know that he'd been forbidding Israel from attacking them back after 200 Houthi attacks on Israel. Anyway Israel stopped listening.


Seriously what's with this guy

I thought it was maybe just boomerbart nonsense but I found all sorts of articles screeching about them being readded to the terrorist list in late January


https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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unironically we need a president who isn't a giant fricking b-word and won't sit by while terrorists do terrorist shit. frick the white social media liberals who blindly support anyone doing anything as long as they aren't white. bomb them along with the terrorists.

removing actual terrorists from the terrorist list and pressuring countries to not defend themselves when attacked by terrorists is so ridiculous i'm half convinced biden is a terrorist himself and protecting his terrorist boys.

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Obama and Biden have always had a weird soft spot for Iran. One of the D's biggest consistent foreign policy failures. The media too was more outraged about Soleimani getting killed than they did about an assassination attempt on a former US president

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They legit treat Iran as a country that is trustworthy. Both made multiple concessions to Iran without any payoff for the US. Makes me wonder what their true motivation is

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Because a war with Iran is fricking stupid on so many levels, only an Israeli semen slurping Muttbrain would think about wasting money trying to be Israel's golem vs Iran. Mossad has failed to stop the Iranian nuclear program, which was always going to succeed regardless of sanctions. What kind of payoff could the USA look for? Iran is already sanctioned to heck and back, and through those sanctions they've developed a war machine designed not to win battles but instead bleed more advanced armies dry. And this never would have been a problem in the first place had head R-slur Reagan and Bush Sr chosen to not to literally fund Iran's network of terrorism in the first place. Based conservacucks indeed.

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American Israel cucks are too deranged and addicted to Zionist c*m to realise fricking with Iran has zero beneficial effects for the US

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!jidf get him

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Opposing a country whose motto is "death to America" has no benefits to the US


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ISIS was entirely US made and they almost instantly stopped being a problem :marseycanofworms: once Russia :marseybongoukraine: stepped in. Then "Russian agent" Trump :marseyhitler: finished :marseysunglasseson: the job.

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ISIS was only a problem because Arab militaries are wildly shit.

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That too but ISIS had US backing supply wise whether on purpose or not.

Obama to seek more aid for moderate rebels in Syria

Obama urges Russia to stop bombing 'moderate' Syrian rebels

Moderate rebels bombed, ISIS quickly declines. Interesting.

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Those are the moderate Muslims of the Free Syrian Army!!! By definition, that loose coalition could never include extremists!!

Don't forget about the US-Franco-Britbong war against Libya too. Remember "ISIL?" The Islamic State in Libya?

It was funny how Ghadafi warned the west about all those extremists in his country leading the charge in those riots. Then they depose him and cause chaos. But it's not related to the Islamic State movement at all.


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ISIL had nothing to do with Libya? It was the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant aka the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Obama started calling them that for some reason, maybe to to distract from their Syrian origins.

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:#marseysurejan: Sure, Goy.


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Libya is in a much better place now thanks to Hilldog

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It's interesting how ISIS is only Muslim group fighting against Hamas

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Sometimes part of grilling is knowing when to apply an intense sear.

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This is proof that Trump will win the election. It has already been decided :marseyschizowall:

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I'm so confused. Have all the headlines I've glossed over over the past four years just assuming they're rightoid hysterics been true?

!chuds redpill me on the redpill

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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Biden's really, really bad on the Middle East; there's not much of a way around it unless you're a "death to Amerikkka, resistance is justified by any means"-type leftoid. Pretty much every single thing his admin's done over there has fricked up regional stability and allowed explicit enemies of the US to gain power.

Pulling out of Afghanistan without a concrete plan/timetable was always gonna frick over the people we left behind and leave a power vacuum for the Taliban. Lifting sanctions on Iran in exchange for a pinky promise that they only want to enrich uranium for energy purposes is embarrassingly naive. Shying away from the Abraham Accords because they were an Orange Man project, despite the fact that you had multiple power players willing to normalize relations with Israel, is a historic level of bag fumbling. Flip-flopping on whether a terrorist group should be called one, and therefore whether our allies should be allowed to fight back when attacked, is absurd enough that I struggle to even understand the motivation behind it.

None of this is to say DDR would've been particularly better at handling any of these situations - I'm sure he would've found his own way to frick things up - but trying to pretend that ME policy has been well-handled for the last couple years is an embarrassing cope at this point.

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!nonchuds frickin gottem :mjlol:


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>Thinks Afghanistan is in the middle east.

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Erm actually this towelhead infested shithole is in CENTRAL ASIA!, not the middle east


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Sorry, not sorry for not respecting your geopolitical expertise in places you couldn't find on an unlabelled map.

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Hitlersperm, it literally shares a border with iran, aka the other towelhead infested shithole. Why are you splitting hairs over Afghanistan anyway?

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It's in the PvP zone, that's the relevant part

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There has been no "rightoid" headline since 2016. It's just been an endless barrage of smug shitlib propaganda.

Everything the leftoids mockingly say today like "oh..to criticize Israel you have too first acknowledge the wrongdoings of Hamas...haha, the rightoids are so snowflakey" is a projection.

Every criticism of Hilary, AOC, Bernie, or in general just stating a crime committed by any POC, LGBTQIA+, Latinx, Black person had too be started and ended with "Orang Man Bad"

Frick this bullshit. !Trump2024

Ivanka House Speaker 2026

Trump Jr 2028

MTG 2032

Hawley 2036

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Ummm yikes. Try being a decent person and not a fascist.

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Biden was always mentally sharp until that debate a few weeks ago.

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>assuming they're rightoid hysterics been true?

Your source, Breitbart, may be sensational, but it's in a friendly competition with the Blaze to be the source of record that a MAGA politician would read over breakfast :pancakes:

Fox News and the Dailywire are for the warhawk neocon Republicans like Carl Rove and Mitt Romney. :marseymacarthur:

The rightoid tabloids are Infowars and Trump's favorite gossip rag TheGateWayPundit. :marseymeangirls:

Twitter X is complicated. Lots of independent rightoid journos :marseyshrug:

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https://i.postimg.cc/dVgyQgj2/image.png https://i.postimg.cc/d3Whbf0T/image.png

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I actually hate this dude wtf?

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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Lol no this article is super duper cope, the peace between the houthis and the saudis was brokered by china:


The US didn't pressure the Saudis for frick all (when has a us govt ever pressured the saudis lol). They just hanged themselves the medal because china did it and they ended up looking like idiots.

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>the :marseytrain:cept

Imagine reading commie cute twinkry

:#marseycringe: :#marseyyikes:

https://i.postimg.cc/dVgyQgj2/image.png https://i.postimg.cc/d3Whbf0T/image.png

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It wouldn't matter if they did or didn't anyway. The Saudis weren't getting anywhere with their bombing campaign and were at best stalemated on land and could be argued to be losing.

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I still don't understand why the frick aid ships are allowed to continue supplying them. Frickers want to choke us, are enforcing blockade on Eurasias most important passageway starve them into submission. Even China and Russia won't b-word too much, this hurts them as well. Neither will Egypt or Saudis. The rest of the Muslims are irrelevant in this case.

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Lmao they tried that already, the Iranians and other Shia groups keep propping them up. You have to be brandead to think it's western aid ships keeping the Houthis alive.

And the Iranians got the ability to do this because Muttistan has been playing this two faced game with Iran where they condemn Iran out in the open while giving them aid and weapons to fight the other Muslims (Israel did the same too) since the Iranian Revolution. Of course that backfired just like it did with the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan so now the rest of the world has to deal with the aftermath.

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Iran has no surface navy to speak of how are they going to stop a coalition blockade of Yemens coast?

Which Muslims has Iran been fighting recently? I'd say the sunnis in Syria are much more likely to be American proxies. Since the cold war ended American ME policy has been containment of Iran, support before that was based on fact that they bordered ussr and were socially prime for a communist takeover with largely urban yet poor population.

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Iranians don't need to stop a coalition blockade, cause almost no blockade is foolproof. The ocean is fricking big, and Iran has been funding and supplying the Houthis through the existing blockade for a while now. Iran has one of the biggest networks for arms and supplies in the world, and they're deeply entrenched within Yemen. The USA and it's allies will have to find, stop, and search every single ship coming through if they want to stop the flow of weapons and supplies to the Houthis, and it's an incredibly hard task. Not to mention the Houthis know the game, and are willing to play ball with China and Russia cause big surprise they're allied with Iran.

And it's not your fault for not knowing about America's past with Iran. It's been very hush hush with the one big expose being the Iran-Contra affair. But the USA didn't stop their dealings with Iran after that embarrassing leak happened. During the 90's when the Bosnian War was taking place America hired Iran to basically funnel weapons, supplies, and actual terrorists from places as far away as Pakistan into Bosnia. It seems weird considering the Sunni-Shia divide but ultimately Iran couldn't ignore the money + the prospect of helping Muslims fight unbelievers.

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Why not just bomb the port infra then? They can't have more than a handful of ports capable of handling volumes needed to run the sort of ship to mouth economy they run. And during the Saudi blockade starvation there was actually a shitlib talking point.


If Saudi navy could do it a proper carrier strike group would be much more effective. No blockade is being done because of these strags.

Huh that's interesting about Yugoslav war. I thought material American support there was restricted to the Croats. Why would they need Iran's help? Turkey makes sense logistically, what would Iran do? I think Saudis and Emiratis mostly bankrolled the Muslim effort?

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Did US support for Saudi Arabia abruptly end? Maybe that's related. :marseythonk:

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Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut praised the Biden administration's move, saying, "The designation did not impact the Houthis in any practical way, but it stopped food and other critical aid from being delivered inside Yemen and would have prevented effective political negotiation."

>ban subsidies that would relieve their citizens of consequences of their own government's dumb war

>resume such subsidies with no strings attached

>effective political negotiation has begun


Has Senator Murphy caught the dementia bug from Biden???


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Shit was peaceful in 2021, lists of terrorists are meant to be short. You guys are getting mad at :marseybiden: for not punishing the Houthis for shit they hadn't done yet.

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The whole reason it was ended was because of the constant famine stuff, it became very unpopular once it became apparent it wasnt going anywhere and Saudis never really committed militarily because they dont have a proper army. There's only so many Colombian mercenaries you can hire to be your meat.

You can never win a war with just cruise missiles and jets, and token special forces type operations.

Everything else was just a product of that situation.

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Houthi hands typed this. ^

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Houthis are poor and brown. Ergo they're poor victims of oppression that we need to uploft instead of punishing. Also aomething something if we just play nice, theyll want to be our friends and anyways we're just hurting the civilians with our actions anyways.

Thats basically the reasoning. worked just as well as every other time its been tried, and the ideologues are realising their failure just as little, of course.

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Imagine being a Yemenite and knowing that Abdul and his cohorts flying glorified leafblowers into passing ships is going to get you and the other 33 million people in your country turned to glass.

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Houthis are based little troublemakers tho

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They get a lot of mileage from there little drones I'll give them that. Fricking up global trade and hitting tel aviv is admirable even if I don't agree with doing it

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i support drone :marseypredator: striking tel aviv because it's filled with gay vegans and israel :marseynoyouoccupy: is committing a genocide :marseyeren: against smokers in gaza. how are cigarettes not considered an essential good?

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Absolutely, and the best part is they only exist because of Israeli and American meddling in the first place.

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>be yemeni

>country starting to stabilize after a long civil :marseysaluteconfederacy: war

>starts a war with israel :marseyivorytower:

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!fedposters how do we get Biden to remove rDrama.net as a terror organization and then get Trump to add us back in January? And how do we get permission to attack Israel?

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Still love how that little drone showed what a crock of crap Iron Dome really is.

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It's so funny Israeli destroyed the port and just happened to destroy one of their most important oil transport points.

It's like doing terrorism or economic targeting with plausible deniability.

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