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5th circuit Supreme court rules that Social media platforms cannot censor speech. The floodgates have opened.
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Censorship on private property is legal, necessary and good. Follow the rules or get banned. Again.


Any lawcels know if this will this actually have any effect on major social media platforms? Or is it just cope

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The major effects will be having to sit through months of virtue signalling from media companies as they pearl clutch over the internet becoming unsafe.

One thing I don't understand is rethuglicans (and demonrats) talking about removing liability protection from content posted by a website's users. They want to force companies to leave potentially dangerous content on their platforms while at the same time making them liable for that content.

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I think it is basically :marseyhorseshoe:

Both parties want to be able to financially and legally destroy any tech platform that doesn’t bend to their will which is why we’re seeing both parties starting to go after Section 230 in earnest now.

Will be interesting to see which direction it goes, Big Tech is fairly obviously on the Dems side more so but I still don’t see them liking the possibility of Section 230 revisals even if it comes from Dems.

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I'm sure it's not as clear cut as I'm thinking, but the ruling specifically states that it does not cover speech that is unlawful. If you threaten someone, if you incite violence then you're fair game to get removed.

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Yeah but the actual standards used by these platforms would have to match the legal definitions of threats, incitement, etc., none of this "misgendering is stochastic terrorism" as hoc bullshit would be allowed to fly.

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Yeah that makes sense that would be stuff not covered by the first amendment anyway, I guess the issue I'm imagining is where they have to make a judgement call on edge cases. They're being incentized to both delete and keep controversial speech and be the arbiter of what is and is not covered as protected speech at risk of lawsuit/charges.

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This is precisely what I found worrisome after I noooooticed it. Aren’t both sides clamoring to repeal 230?

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230 doesn't serve any meaningful purpose anymore. Small websites are held responsible for any posts made by random dipfricks on their platform, and large websites are able to shape user content into saying whatever they please.

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They want to force companies to leave potentially dangerous content on their platforms while at the same time making them liable for that content.

Good. I want them to suffer.

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Idk, I'll have to read it and it's like 130 pages. Maybe I'll look at it tonight. Looking like this caused a circuit split with the 11th, so SCOTUS may be more willing to grant cert if it's appealed further up the chain. That's when things would get really interesting, as the court now would probably follow the 5th here. Thomas wrote a concurrence in the Knight v. Trump twitter case, granted a different issue, but he seems very opposed to censorship on these platforms. He's salivating for this to be kicked up to them. link

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Idk I really want social media to be defined as common carrier but I don't see how it happens.

And if it doesn't then these rulings are dumb.

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Nothing of this is ever happening as long as you don't pay for the services.

There are all sorts of interesting issues to solve, you can't have unmoderated forums of course but an idea I personally find intriguing is when you choose who and how is moderating spam and shit out of your feed, with all sorts of interesting models from crowdfunded to paid jannies, with all sorts of proudly declared biases.

But nothing like that is happening before the fundamental contradiction is resolved. You get electricity in your outlet even if you're a Nazi because you pay for the electricity. If instead of you it's an aggregate of ad companies that pays for hosting your comments, then they get to say what kind of content they want or don't want near their ads, this is how it is, how it should be, and how it will be, anyone who thinks that some sort of a law could be passed to change that might as well argue that we should pass a law forcing water to flow uphill when ordered and so solve our energy problems.

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nobody tell this neighbor about artesia

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I'm fricking dreaming of the day when social media companies have to choose between letting rightoids call their CEO a BIPOC or being sued because some Canadian :marseytrain2: defamed Trump

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It is still going through the courts. Gotta see if it survives further challenges..

Besides this was just r-slured legal challenge ofc it got struck down.

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Pictured, dramatards traveling back to the ancestral land following this ruling:


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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Nah, I like it better here tbh. I only miss pinging.

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Just perma-chud everyone left behind and we can n-word post in the dark.

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The Chtorr Captivity era is over. It is time to build the Second Temple.

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I wish we had lawcels on here. This would be an interesting discussion. Does this mean people can go back to calling people r-slurred and misgendering? What about violence?

More importantly, does this mean Trump will get his twitter back and bail on Truth Social leaving all his die hard followers left holding the empty bags? lol

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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We have a bunch. Im not an Amerifat but some of the others are

This is only one circuit (appellate) court and another recently came to the opposite conclusion. That makes it more likely that SCOTUS will hear the matter (two sets of jurisdictions having opposite conclusions on the same issue is a classic "let the top court decide which is right" situation). The Reps have intentionally been trying to create situations like this as the court is currently strongly on their side ideologically.

Tl;dr not yet but soon

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That's what I said but smart.


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Lol my bad, i just shit out the first comment that occurs to me when scrolling without reading to see if its a repost

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Same tbh

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Not a lawyer, but Florida had a similar law that was struck down on appeal, so this will likely set up a Supreme Court challenge.

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SInce they operate internationally, how does that work? They willingly censor in places like China and Russia.

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Proud Amerifat Lawcel here, seems like a perfect time for a r-slurred circuit split cage fight. We won't really have clarity until then.

I'll be controversial and say we might get a 6-3 siding with Texas purely on r-slurred political grounds. If not that it's going to be a 7-2 dunking on Texas. :marseyautismchonker:

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oh nice! We need more degen lawcel representation here. Too many programmer socks around here.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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Hey I'm all for the cute programming folx, their autism pays my bills. :marseyfemboy:

If we want more lawyers, just put out a sign with "free CLE" and I'm sure we can snag a dozen more.

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Not a lawcel, but the most likely outcome is this probably going to the supreme court where they'd probably shoot it down

Until then, we're immune to rdrama jannies

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Let a thousand flowers bloom.

I don't think he understands the reference but it might very well end up prophetic lol.

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Sometimes it already feels like it's happening


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He is unironically BOOM!posting, there's no way he understands fricking anything.

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Reddit :marseysnoo: jannies in shambles (soon) (2 more week) (inshallah)

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Darn it's easy to bait people if you have the Ukraine flag profile pic lol

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Chudbro's GET IN HERE

:#marseypartymaxx: :#marseyeldritchnut: :#!marseypartymaxx:

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100% getting struck down on appeal though

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With this supreme court? The very same Supreme court that Yeeted Roe v. wade?

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Eat shit @pizzashill

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i think that's an incredibly r-slurred decision...

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I’m using my newly court-appointed powers to tell you that you’re a cute twink :marseyhomosupremacist:

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Clean it up, Jan...

Oh, wait you can't loooooooooool!


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For the first time in my life Im siding with both parties so they destroy social media.

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It's good that the Supreme Court finally got around to pointing out that Twitter is required to abide by the First Amendment to the Constitution, and not Herbert Marcuse's Repressive Tolerance.

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5th Circuit Supreme Court


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While this is pleasing to me as a dramanaut, I think if I ran a website/social media platform I'd like to reserve the right to censor and janny whatever the frick I want.

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