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Anti-CCP and Anti-Covid-19 precautions sentiments on the rise as nerds get upset their iPhone 14 Pro & Pro Maxes face delays



Per Apple Newsroom

CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA COVID-19 restrictions have temporarily impacted the primary iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max assembly facility located in Zhengzhou, China. The facility is currently operating at significantly reduced capacity. As we have done throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, we are prioritizing the health and safety of the workers in our supply chain.

We continue to see strong demand for iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max models. However, we now expect lower iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max shipments than we previously anticipated and customers will experience longer wait times to receive their new products.

We are working closely with our supplier to return to normal production levels while ensuring the health and safety of every worker.

Orange site demands people die so they can get their iPhones

Xi's obsession with "zero-covid" will continue to lead to things like this, and will seriously wreck their attractiveness as a manufacturing hub for the world over time.

Protect your citizens? Not in the way of my consooooooming. We explotied China for cheap labor and now they're unattractive so we must go to an even cheaper place so my $1000 phone can be shipped over in a massive container ship using a shit tone of diesel fuel or flown overnight because I need it now


COVID-19 restrictions, jesus. What is this 2020?

Wow, don’t think I’ve seen Apple issue a PR like this before. No doubt Apple’s considering now more than ever to continue to diversify their supply chain. China seems to have no issue continuing with their Zero-Covid approach.

Diversify diversify diversify

Glad I got mine weeks ago and didn't have to wait for a Welfare check to arrive


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We are in a tie right now but I'll give you an updoot cause I'm nice


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We explotied China for cheap labor and now they're unattractive so we must go to an even cheaper place so my $1000 phone can be shipped over in a massive container ship using a shit tone of diesel fuel or flown overnight because I need it now

Excepts Chinx would be still starving without the West exploiting them, and Chinx deserves oppression anyway.

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Ugh..I think I may have to give up and order the 14 plus. I'm tired of waiting and want to an iPhone now. I don't want to wait any longer to get rid of my s22 ultra

What horrors

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Why don't they just get the SE?

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Best news all day

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Rule 7: Absolutely NO anti-CCP sentiment.

This is your only warning. Delete this post or I will send you to azkaban

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You and carpathianflorist are some CIA psyop, huh? Same training camp?

You literally just repeated the same argument word for word. You really need to learn to coordinate your soamming of disinfo better. At least write something different than him like "China is harvesting baby organs for boner pills" or something. It can't be so fricking difficult, I bet one of you losers has written an anti-Chinese bullshit generator at this point.

Please explain in more detail the little conspiracy theory you just wanted to push based on one random youtuber's meaningless personal anecdote that's probably entirely made up just like 99% of all anti-Chinese bullshit on the internet. I really want to have a good laugh at you thinking China asking people to stop spreading racial hatred and sinophobic disinfo is equivalent to a global campaign of war crime and terror and the total oppression of all opposition through war and the violent enforcement of one of the most murderous ideology in history (capitalism/liberalism/fascism, i.e. Americanism) to actively prevent global progress. Wow, you sure got China there, buddy.

Even the nazi-style conspiracy theories about China committing "genocide" are better than this, at least the NED is investing hundreds of millions into promoting terrorism and religious extremism in Xinjiang so it has a steady stream of "witnesses", but now that you realized that all the people spreading that propaganda are liars, THIS nonsense is your next best thing? A fricking whining youtuber spreading conspiracy theories nobody gives a shit about and that nobody - not a single person - in the Chinese government probably ever heard of?

The fact you unironically use the term "Wolf Warrior diplomacy" already shows what level of idiocy is driving you to write your comments. lmao

Edit: Half an hour later. Lots of Anglo losers responding with single sentences trying to derail the conversation by attacking me personally, not a single justification for the deranged anti-Chinese propaganda garbage they spread so far. Ever more conspriacy theorists and sinophobic losers attacking me personally without justifying their delusions or responding to criticism. I think we can once again see what kind of people oppose China. As ALWAYS when people on reddit criticize China: They are totally incapable of justifying their nonsense and stick to their lies as they personally attack those calling them out. 🙂


Per Apple Newsroom:


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