Zoomerdevs >>> Boomerdevs


>be zoomerdev

>knowledge of programming comes from "how to program in python" tutorials

>hasn't even heard of the word efficiency

>write programs that could be done in 0.01s in 5s

>collect massive salary for being a "cloud data specialist" or something


>be boomerdev

>went to college, learned how to program in ASM

>obsessive about efficiency

>spend hours creating an alorithim to solve a problem 500x faster than zoomerdev

>no one cares, in fact, they think zoomerdev is better (if it takes longer it must be doing more)

>gets fired for being obsolete

@TwoLargeSnakesMating @DrClaus Aevann discuss

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Zoomer and boomer devs kneel :marseykneel: to the power of the :marseytunaktunak: Java enterprise dev

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static int TWO = 2;

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Silent gen programming


#define IF      if(
#define THEN    ){
#define ELSE    } else {
#define ELIF    } else if (
#define FI      ;}

#define BEGIN   {
#define END     }
#define SWITCH  switch(
#define IN      ){
#define ENDSW   }
#define FOR     for(
#define WHILE   while(
#define DO      ){
#define OD      ;}
#define REP     do{
#define PER     }while(
#define DONE    );
#define LOOP    for(;;){
#define POOL    }
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you forgot goto.

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c already has that

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Java enterprise dev


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I put ASM in my golang and D code just to frick with people on github. tbh a lot of my D programs are just C and ASM with dub managing the libraries

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You're doxxing yourself as one of the 5 people that writes D code and perhaps the only one to randomly put ASM in it.

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:#marseydetective: im on the case

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I prefer SQL tbh I just write my schizoquery and let the schizoengine come out with a fast implementation @TwoLargeSnakesMating discuss

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ahhh the good old days of 4000 sprocs and 5000 "compiled views" 3000 triggers

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fun fact: this :marseysharksoup: is the SQL query that generates the leaderboard on https://rdrama.net/events/worldcup2022/leaderboard ( @TwoLargeSnakesMating wrote it as a quick lil thing)

WITH bet_options AS (
	SELECT p.id AS submission_id, so.id AS option_id, so.exclusive, cnt.count
	FROM submission_options so
	JOIN submissions p ON so.submission_id = p.id
		SELECT option_id, COUNT(*) FROM submission_option_votes
		GROUP BY option_id
	) AS cnt ON so.id = cnt.option_id
	WHERE p.author_id = 30 AND p.created_utc > 1668953400
		AND so.exclusive IN (2, 3)
submission_payouts AS (
		sq_winners.sum AS bettors,
		floor((sq_total.sum * 200) / sq_winners.sum) AS winner_payout
		SELECT submission_id, SUM(count)
		FROM bet_options GROUP :marseymarseyloveorgy: BY submission_id
	) AS sq_total
		SELECT submission_id, SUM(count)
		FROM bet_options WHERE :marseydrama: exclusive = 3 GROUP :marseymarseyloveorgy: BY submission_id
	) AS sq_winners ON sq_total.submission_id = sq_winners.submission_id
bet_votes AS (
		opt.option_id AS option_id,
			WHEN opt.exclusive = 2 THEN :marseytransflag: -200
			WHEN opt.exclusive = 3 THEN :marseytransflag: (submission_payouts.winner_payout - 200)
		END payout
	FROM submission_option_votes sov
	LEFT OUTER JOIN bet_options AS opt
		ON opt.option_id = sov.option_id
	LEFT OUTER JOIN submission_payouts
		ON opt.submission_id = submission_payouts.submission_id
	WHERE opt.option_id IS NOT NULL
bettors AS (
		COALESCE(bet_won.user_id, bet_lost.user_id) AS user_id,
		(COALESCE(bet_won.count_won, 0)
			+ COALESCE(bet_lost.count_lost, 0)) AS bets_total,
		COALESCE(bet_won.count_won, 0) AS bets_won
		SELECT user_id, COUNT(*) AS count_won FROM bet_votes
		WHERE exclusive = 3 GROUP :marseymarseyloveorgy: BY user_id) AS bet_won
		SELECT user_id, COUNT(*) AS count_lost FROM bet_votes
		WHERE exclusive = 2 GROUP :marseymarseyloveorgy: BY user_id
	) AS bet_lost ON bet_won.user_id = bet_lost.user_id
	bet_payout.net AS payout
FROM bettors
	SELECT user_id, SUM(payout) AS net FROM bet_votes GROUP :marseymarseyloveorgy: BY user_id
) AS bet_payout ON bettors.user_id = bet_payout.user_id
ORDER BY payout DESC, bets_won DESC, bets_total ASC;

(this is excluding the part where :marseydrama: it gets user data)

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At no point in your rambling, incoherent post were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone on this site is now dumber for having read it. May God have mercy on your soul.

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you keep :marseykys2: bullying me on the aoc threads smdh :marseybruh2:

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WHERE exclusive = 3 GROUP :marseymarseyloveorgy: BY user_id) AS bet_won

kek is this the marsify effect?

also nice easily understandable query :) also I was talking about the days when stored procedures were basically used as rest api endpoints

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Is it worth it to learn binary

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nope :zoomer:

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What the heck is a backend?!

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something to be avoided working on at all costs :zoomer:

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I'm convinced codecels create new js frameworks to make work for themselves to justify their salaries.

>me being a stemcel has to cope with R and MATLAB :marseycrying:

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the entire notion of node js makes me seethe

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but muhhhh single language backmend and frontmend :soycry:

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Holy frick i hate javascript. I would like to 9/11 anyone who has ever been like "you know what we should do all the actually heavy lifting of web programming in? That awful browser scripting language that is so shit a new framework is created evwry 10 secpnds to make it usable"

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:thistbh: I cant imagine writing actual business logic in javascript, even writing front end apps is a pain in all my buttholes

Are soydevs so r-slurred they cant know two programming languages?

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Its cause they cant actually program anything so they need to install ten thousand random js packages and copy/paste code from terrible indian devs on stack overflow. REEEEEEEEEEEE

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Matlab programming was the most pointless class of my civil engineering degree

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If they are going to teach script shit they should just teach Python.

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Sorry sweatie it’s time for matlab and AutoCAD 2004

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You're strictly bottom huh? Figured.

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it's all about non-binary now sweaty

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ternary gang

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Binary is misogynistic, just look at that phallic 1. Disgusting.

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>if it takes longer it must be doing more

where's the lie?

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If I had a dollar for every time I heard it pointed out that the latest zoomer "innovation" is something you could have done in COBOL in the 1970s...


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idk what that means but i still love u


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Not bad.

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Zoomer devs use macbooks

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all thanks to microsoft's vscode which ironically is written in js :marseygunshotsuicide:

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Emacs for life

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Nice post, bro! I posted it to twitter.

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Yeah I’m not a queer I just put cute twinky rainbow lights on everything because my groomer on groomercord said they make it faster

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Are you still salty over my Moore's law joke?

It's okay, I can do all that Big O stuff, I even know big theta/omega.

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jk :marseylove:

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It was the inspiration but i just thought it was funny tbh lol

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ik bb


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'Ight, but we all should agree that xoomerdevs and linoleums are infinitely more harmful to software development.

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You messed up the lore. 30 y.o. boomer always wins in the end.

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