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Day 12

Post code, nerds.

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For this one, I started by treated the elevation as a graph. A location was said to be connected to another location in the graph if the other location could be reached from the current location. Then, I would start at the starting location and follow the graph until I reached the end. Along the way, I would keep track of the distance from the start - this doubled as a way to prevent me from having to deal with loops.

I don't really know much about traditional pathfinding algorithims but mine worked fine, so 💅. IDK if "wavefront" is what people in the feild call what I did, but it makes sense to me to imagine a wave crashing against the rocks...

import numpy as np
lines = []
with open("12.input", "r") as f:
    lines = f.readlines()


landscape = np.array([['abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.index(letter) if letter not in ['S', 'E'] else (START_INDICATOR if letter == 'S' else END_INDICATOR) for letter in line.strip()] for line in lines])

class LocationNode:
    def __init__(self, coordinates: tuple[int, int], connecting_locations: list[tuple[int, int]]) -> None:
        self.coordinates = coordinates
        self.connecting_locations = connecting_locations

INDICATOR_TO_VALUE = {START_INDICATOR : 0, END_INDICATOR: 25} | {i:i for i in range(26)}

locations  = np.empty(shape=landscape.shape, dtype=LocationNode)
for x in range(landscape.shape[0]):
    for y in range(landscape.shape[1]):
        directions = []
        if (x != 0):                    directions.append((INDICATOR_TO_VALUE[landscape[x-1,y]], (x-1, y)))
        if (x != landscape.shape[0]-1): directions.append((INDICATOR_TO_VALUE[landscape[x+1,y]], (x+1, y)))
        if (y != 0):                    directions.append((INDICATOR_TO_VALUE[landscape[x,y-1]], (x, y-1)))
        if (y != landscape.shape[1]-1): directions.append((INDICATOR_TO_VALUE[landscape[x,y+1]], (x, y+1)))
        locations[x, y] = LocationNode((x, y), [a[1] for a in directions if a[0]-INDICATOR_TO_VALUE[landscape[x,y]]<=1])

starting_location_array = np.where(landscape == START_INDICATOR)
starting_location = (starting_location_array[0][0], starting_location_array[1][0])
ending_location_array = np.where(landscape == END_INDICATOR)
ending_location = (ending_location_array[0][0], ending_location_array[1][0])

def get_distances(start: tuple[int,int]):
    distances = np.full(shape=landscape.shape, fill_value=-1, dtype=int)
    wavefront = [start]
    distance = 0
    while len(wavefront) != 0:
        new_wavefront = []
        for location in wavefront:
            distances[location] = distance
            new_wavefront = new_wavefront + [a for a in locations[location].connecting_locations if distances[a] == -1]
        wavefront = set(new_wavefront)
    return distances

print(f"PART 1: {get_distances(starting_location)[ending_location]}")
print("Finding bests...")
a_locations = np.where(landscape == 0)

distances = []
for i in range(len(a_locations[0])+1):
    if i != len(a_locations[0]):
        x = a_locations[0][i]
        y = a_locations[1][i]
        x = starting_location[0]
        y = starting_location[1]
    location_node : LocationNode = locations[x,y]
    result = get_distances((x,y))[ending_location]
    if result != -1:
print(F'PART 2: {distances[0]}')
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This is a really long way of saying you don't frick.

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>People are importing a library to do simple path-finding.

:#marseyphonecall:: Hello, cringe department? I'd like to make a report.

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def bfs_extract_path(node, visited):
    path = []
    while node is not None:
        node = visited[node]
    return path

def bfs_full_step(front, visited, goal, neighbors: Callable):
    '''Returns a list of goals reached on this step'''
    sentinel = object()
    goals: List[Any] = []
    while True:
        parent_node = front.popleft()
        if parent_node is sentinel:
            return goals
        for node in neighbors(parent_node):
            if node not in visited:
                visited[node] = parent_node
                if goal(node):

def bfs_full(start, goal: Callable, neighbors: Callable):
    '''Returns (goals, visited) or (None, visited) if goal unreachable or unspecified
    Always does the last step in full.
    visited = {s: None for s in start}
    front = deque(start)
    step = 1
    while front:
        found = bfs_full_step(front, visited, goal, neighbors)
        if found:
            return found, visited
        if not quiet: print(f'BFS: step={step}, visited={len(visited)}')
        step += 1
    return [], visited
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I had everything prepared, EVERYTHING, and still failed miserably because of bugs.

    g = networkx.DiGraph()

    def translate(c):
        if c == 'S': return ord('a')
        if c == 'E': return ord('z')
        return ord(c)

    def get(p):
        i, j = p
        if 0 <= i < len(data):
            if 0 <= j < len(data[i]):
                return translate(data[i][j])
        return -5

    start, goal = [], None

    for i, s in enumerate(data):
        for j, c in enumerate(s):
            p = (i, j)
            if c == 'S' or (c == 'a' and second):
            elif c == 'E':
                assert not goal
                goal = p

            for dir in directions4:
                p2 = addv2(p, dir)
                if get(p2) - get(p) <= 1:
                    g.add_edge(p, p2)

    found, visited = bfs_full(start, lambda x: x == goal, lambda x: g.neighbors(x))
    assert found
    p = bfs_extract_path(goal, visited)
    return len(p) - 1
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>be me :marseydoctor:

>C++chad :gigachad:

>see routing problem A→B

>decide to implementmaxx A* :marseybigbrain:


>spend 1 hour to find the proper C++® STL™ way to implement a min heap :marseyreading:

>SEGFAULTmaxxing :marseybsod:

>spend 1 hour GDBmaxxing :marseytrollgun::marseytrollgun::marseytrollgun:

>mixed up two C++® iterators™, calling close.erase(in_open_it) in place of close.erase(in_close_it) :marseyrope:




>FIND ALL PATHS FROM THE END TO ALL POINTS AT ELEVATION ZERO :marseytrollcrazy::marseytrollgun::marseytrollcrazy::marseytrollgun:



@everyone snakes @drama_enthusiast discuss


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@SlidingDonGER schizocel discuss

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I see, future Microsoft dev in the working

:marseysmug3: :marseybsod:

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The challenges are already too much for me to enjoy them, im sry c++ chad , but i can only say that the code seems nice.

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Fair enough

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spend 1 hour to find the proper C++® STL™ way to implement a min heap

isnt it just a std::unordered_queue?

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Yes but you can't search and erase an arbitrary element from it. At the end of the day I used the make_heap on a vector, complexity is the same

Well you don't need to necessarily erase it but you have to be able to change its priority when A* finds a better path

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Not sure why would want that feature? The idea would be to write a comparator/less function that ensure that the element with the lowest edge weight + heuristic is always at the front.

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Yes. If you have in the open set a vertex x with f(x) = 50, and A* finds another vertex from which f(x) = 40 you have to update the open set with the new f

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spent first 15 or so mins looking up how to use a graph library

then i spent forever trying to debug a problem where it told me the positions i was giving to shortest_path were not in my graph. this is because i accidentally gave it the matrix instead, but it didnt even tell me i wasn't giving it a graph :marseydespair: no type checking is cancer

after that i spent a while getting destroyed by my edge construction being if-elif instead of pure if like it's supposed to be


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just say list(...) btw

Also apparently networkx has multi_source_dijkstra though I use my own implementation.

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my feelings got hurt when i got filtoored by math yesterday so im going to drink a bunch tonight and look at this tomorrow

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Importing a pathfinding algorithm felt like cheating but my DFS never returned :platydown:


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isn't it supposed to be a BFS?

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it's probably better but DFS is easier to do through recursion and almost always works for earlier AOC problems.

Nothing can beat the pythonic import solution though

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DFS sounds like u'd have at least O(N^2) which would take longer and probably be harder to debug.

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butt: moderately washed

matlab (:gigachad2:)

idk what a* is or whatever so I just dijkstra'd the first part, slapped a for loop for the second part, and optimized it by making only one dijkstra from the end to the start, which finds the start and the optimal starting point.

The code is still a bit messy and I have absolutely no idea why it only works when I take out the last element of my priority queue instead of the first, regardless of the sorting order (that was true for the forward dijkstra too so it's not that)


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Why do you people do Dijkstra on unweighted graphs?

Fun fact: the i, j, k naming convention for loop variables was invented by Dijkstra, after his own surname.

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Because that's the only one I've ever learnt :gigachad3:

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It's just that

def wave(start, neighbors):
     front = deque(start)
     visited = {}
     while front:
            node = front.popleft()
            for n in neighbors(node):
                   if n not in visited:
                         visited[n] = node
      return visited

is so dead simple I just wrote it.

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spent some time thinking of proper algorithm that can handle multiple sources or targets, but then gave up. You could most likely use djikstra to start at the end point, calculate the distance to every node and the pick the starting nodes with the lowest distance. Instead of just doing a BFS from every starting node to the End Node. But why would i implement that one manually and people that use library algorithm are :marseyyikes:.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <queue>
#include <array>

typedef std::pair<int32_t, int32_t> coordinate;

constexpr char max_char = 'z';

int32_t run(std::vector<std::vector<char>>& map, std::vector<coordinate>& start_points) {
	std::array<int32_t, 4> dirx{ 0,0,1,-1 };
	std::array<int32_t, 4> diry{ 1,-1,0, 0 };

	size_t RR = map.size();
	size_t CC = map[0].size();
	int32_t shortest_distance = INT32_MAX;

	for (auto start : start_points) {
		std::vector<std::vector<int32_t>> dist(RR, std::vector<int32_t>(CC));
		for (auto& row : dist) std::fill(row.begin(), row.end(), -1);

		std::queue<coordinate> q;
		dist[start.first][start.second] = 0;
		while (!q.empty()) {
			auto p = q.front();
			char current = map[p.first][p.second];
			if (current == 'S') current = 'a';
			for (size_t i{ 0 }; i < 4; i++) {
				int y = p.first + diry[i];
				int x = p.second + dirx[i];
				if (y >= 0 && x >= 0 && y < RR && x < CC && dist[y][x] == -1 &&
						(map[y][x] != 'E' && map[y][x] - current <= 1) ||
						(map[y][x] == 'E' && current == max_char)
						)) {
					dist[y][x] = 1 + dist[p.first][p.second];
					if (map[y][x] == 'E') shortest_distance = std::min(dist[y][x], shortest_distance);
					q.push(std::make_pair(y, x));

	return shortest_distance;


int main() {
	std::ifstream file("input.txt");
	std::string buf;
	std::vector<std::vector<char>> map;
	std::vector<coordinate> partOne_starts;
	std::vector<coordinate> partTwo_starts;

	size_t c_y = 0;
	while (std::getline(file, buf)) {
		size_t c_x = 0;
		for (char c : buf) {
			if (c == 'S') partOne_starts.push_back(std::make_pair(c_y, c_x));
			if (c == 'S' || c == 'a') partTwo_starts.push_back(std::make_pair(c_y, c_x));
	std::cout << "Part One: " << run(map, partOne_starts) << '\n';
	std::cout << "Part Two: " << run(map, partTwo_starts) << '\n';
	return -1;

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>people that use library algorithm are :marseyyikes:

cope and seethe, slowcel :marseysmug2:

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>djikstra to start at the end point

Thanks, that's what I missed. I did the BIPOC solution of just slapping a for loop and it werks but I knew that was not good.

I also need to fix a bug with my makeshift priority queue because it works when I use it in reverse but not in the right way, regardless of the sorting.

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or actually you can just start at the end and BFS your way until you find the first a, that will automatically be the closest.

i think performance wise best would be A* search with manhattan distance as a heuristic

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Sorry ma'am, looks like his delusions have gotten worse. We'll have to admit him.

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This is some breadth first search ffs, felt jewish chad school all over again, also how the frick are you strags so fast?!

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lmao, they put a bunch of effort into generating the final swirl and gave up with the rest it's a mountain you fricking idiot


solution with heatmap colours, I was bored today

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Babby's first shortest path graph algorithm. I got incredibly lucky with part 2, I only had to modify one line lol.

foo = []
with open('day12_input.txt', 'r') as inp:
    foo = inp.read().split('\n')

maze = [[0 for x in range(len(foo[0]))] for y in range(len(foo))] 
dist = [[6969 for x in range(len(foo[0]))] for y in range(len(foo))] 

dest_pos = []
for f in range(len(foo)):
    for g in range(len(foo[0])):
        if foo[f][g] == 'S': # or foo[f][g] == 'a': (for Part 2)
            maze[f][g] = 1
            dist[f][g] = 0
        elif foo[f][g] == 'E':
            dest_pos = [g, f]
            maze[f][g] = 26
            maze[f][g] = ord(foo[f][g]) - 96

def get_valid_adj(x, y):
    adj = []
    if x > 0 and maze[y][x-1]-1 <= maze[y][x]:
        adj.append([x-1, y])
    if y > 0 and maze[y-1][x]-1 <= maze[y][x]:
        adj.append([x, y-1])
    if x < len(foo[0])-1 and maze[y][x+1]-1 <= maze[y][x]:
        adj.append([x+1, y])
    if y < len(foo)-1 and maze[y+1][x]-1 <= maze[y][x]:
        adj.append([x, y+1])
    return adj

current_steps = 0
while True:
    for f in range(len(foo)):
        for g in range(len(foo[0])):
            if dist[f][g] == current_steps:
                for a in get_valid_adj(g, f):
                    if a == dest_pos:
                    elif dist[a[1]][a[0]] == 6969:
                        dist[a[1]][a[0]] = current_steps+1
    current_steps += 1

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Implemented my own totally faggy version of a-star. Edit: Included both variants in my result

with open('input12.txt') as file:
    lines = [[ord(c)-ord('a') for c in list(line.strip())] for line in file] # -14 == S # -28 == E
class Node():
    def __init__(self,x ,y, steps, cost) -> None:
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.height = lines[y][x]
        self.steps = steps
        if self.height == -28:
            self.height = 25
        elif self.height == -14:
            self.height = 0
        self.cost = self.steps + self.height
def check_neighbours(node_next_x, node_next_y, node, x_axis=True, reverse=False):
    if (x_axis and 0 <= node_next_x < len(lines[node_next_y])) or (not x_axis and 0 <= node_next_y < len(lines)):
        if reverse:
            height_diff = node.height-lines[node_next_y][node_next_x]
            height_diff = lines[node_next_y][node_next_x]-node.height
        if "{}/{}/{}/{}".format(node_next_x,node_next_y,node.x,node.y) not in looked_set and height_diff<=1:
            new_node = Node(node_next_x, node_next_y, node.steps+1, node.cost)
part_a=True # False for part b
node_list = []
looked_set = set()
if part_a:
    start = Node(0,20,0,0)
    goal = -28
    pre_goal_height = 25
    start = Node(40,20,0,0)
    goal = 0
    pre_goal_height = 1
index = 0
while True:
    if len(node_list) == 0:
        print("Nothing found")
    node = node_list.pop()
    if index%1000 == 0:
        print("here", node.steps, len(node_list))
    if node.height == pre_goal_height:
        if goal in [lines[node.y+1][node.x],lines[node.y-1][node.x],lines[node.y][node.x+1],lines[node.y][node.x-1]]:
            print("Found! Steps:", node.steps+1)
    check_neighbours(node.x+1, node.y, node, True, not part_a)
    check_neighbours(node.x-1, node.y, node, True, not part_a)
    check_neighbours(node.x, node.y+1, node, False, not part_a)
    check_neighbours(node.x, node.y-1, node, False, not part_a)
    node_list.sort(key=lambda n: n.cost, reverse=True)
    index += 1
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Are you feeling okay bud?

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const grd: string[][] 
  = fs.readFileSync(process.argv[2], 'utf-8').split('\n').map(l => l.split(''));
const hgt: number[][]
  = grd.map(r => r.map(ch => (ch==='S' ? 'a' : ch==='E' ? 'z' : ch).charCodeAt(0)));
const dst: number[][] 
  = grd.map(r => r.map(() => 0));

type Cell = {r: number, c: number};
let next: Cell[] = [];
let cur: Cell[] = [];
let step = 0;

// find start setup
grd.forEach((row, r) => {
  const c = row.findIndex(ch => ch==='E')
  if (c !== -1) next = [{r:r, c:c}];
hgt[next[0].r][next[0].c] = 'z'.charCodeAt(0);
dst[next[0].r][next[0].c] = -1;

// bfs
while (next.length) {
  step++; cur = next; next = [];
  for (let cell of cur) {
    [ [cell.r-1,cell.c],
    ].forEach(([r,c]) => {
      // out of bounds
      if (r < 0 || grd.length-1 < r
        || c < 0 || grd[r].length-1 < c) return;
      // already visited || too big diff in height
      if (dst[r][c] 
        || hgt[cell.r][cell.c] - hgt[r][c] > 1 ) return;
      // push to next
      dst[r][c] = step;

grd.forEach((row, r) => {
  const c = row.findIndex(ch => ch==='S')
  if (c !== -1) console.log(dst[r][c]);
  dst.flatMap((row, r) => row.filter((d, c) => d && grd[r][c] === 'a')).sort((a,b) => a-b)[0]
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No one in this hellbent day and age is going to Heaven anyways. Do whatever you want before eternal darnation where God will punish everyone for all of eternity. No amount of repentance can forgive it because the Quran makes clear people who pray just to avoid Heck are seen as disingenuous and the prayer is null. Martyrs get Heaven at least. The only chance my soul has is a holy war breaking out which is a long cry from realistic. But they say Allah is the most merciful so maybe trying as hard as possible to be good is good enough. Else he would have killed us all already. Or maybe I am making excuses because I am scared for judgement day

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[[[ Packets ]]]] edit this is day 13, wtf where is day 13 thread

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