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lmao fricking DEI r-slurs at it again




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This one is my favorite. They banned a lot of terms containing the word "black", but their politically correct version of "Karen" is "entitled White woman":


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yup this bit of colonialism too, they just ignore how most latinx folx hate "latinx"


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Who even gets offended by Latinx? I see Latinx used ironically by racists more than anyone else.

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Who even gets offended by Latinx?


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I've seen some pretty funny arguments on twitter where (usually well-educated) Latin people tell wokists not to use Latinx because of the colonizer implications (and because the Latin community doesn't like it) and the wokist pushback is staggeringly racist and condescending. It's usually some variant of 'I'm sorry you're not aware of the hostile implications of gendered language' and they never seem to realise they're nearly saying 'your entire culture is problematic.'

Whatever they reply it's always horrendously patronising. The one thing they never do is actually listen to the Latin person and change.

One of the main reasons I can't stand the woke is the immense racism; the moment any minority group rejects their patronising ways they instantly turn on them. That's why they hate Asians and tell them how harmful it is that they play into 'model minority' stereotypes - because by being an independently successful community and not providing a platform for grifting they show the wokists that everything they believe is a lie and defang them completely.

They're the most discriminatory bunch of fricks out there. They're also so so so fricking stupid.


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>demanding or entitled White woman

I don't think that term is exclusively reserved for whites.

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Leftist Moids aim their hatred of women at white women because it makes them look progressive and intersectional rather than the incels they are

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Someone should tell them that you don't capitalise white, only Black and Latin/o/a/x

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I have a drug devotion

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>newspeak isn't rea-

I love how they want to change "she" :marseylaughpoundfist: Foids eternally losing.

What the frick is wrong with these people :marseydisagree:


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But child prostitute is just as much person first language as child who has been trafficed. Did the person who wrote this confuse passive language with person first?

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I'm still trying to figure out how calling a dead person "person with terminal death" is somehow less harmful to the literally dead guy.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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Ahem, this trivializes their experience dying. The more respectful term is person suffering from death. Do better.

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Why are you so sensitive? The guy is dead, he doesn't care what we call him.

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U a real one, beebs. frfr no cap.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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"No cap" means "no lie" so are you trying to say I'm not real or that I'm lying? Make up your mind, loser.

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>slur against LGBTQIASS+ people


It's a word that used for :!marseytrain:s and shemales. Not strags, cute butches, and queers.


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Whoever thought this was a good idea should die by suicide

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They should die by heart cessation secondary to a suck starting a shotgun


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Does this mean calling the UK the British Isles is colonialist?


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Yes, the proper term is bongistan.

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These women in academics have to keep staying relevant somehow after all

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"Trigger warning" is now considered harmful language. Instead they suggest using "content note" for the following reason:

The phrase can cause stress about what's to follow. Additionally, one can never know what may or may not trigger a particular person.

Genuine 🤡🌎 shit.

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Trigger warning: trigger warning.

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I remember An article posted to Reddit about how trigger warnings were ineffective because it would put the person in a hot state before reading the “triggering” post.

I like that their solution is just changing the warning label lol


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trigger warnings were ineffective because it would put the person in a hot state before reading the “triggering” post.

The idea of a trigger warning is that, if you have PTSD due to being in a gunfight etc, you read the trigger warning that the video/essay/etc is going to contain references to gunfighting or the sights and sounds of a gunfight and you don't watch it.

You're not meant to read the warning, decide that it applies to you and then read the fricking post anyway. That's pretty dumb.

I dislike the way trigger warnings have been ridiculed so much, they do have a purpose. Some people - especially veterans - really do get triggered though by the things they see and hear, especially if they have genuine PTSD.

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Dramapilled DEI-chads

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I can get behind this. 'Trigger warning' is just irritating wording, 'content note' is a much better term and I think more similar to what was used before.

Some people really do get triggered though by the things they read, especially if they have genuine PTSD. I hate the way it's been ridiculed by overuse.

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I appreciate the thought to rename landlord, but instead of calling them landpeople or landladies I think landchad or Person of Land is more appropriate.

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I prefer Job Creator to show solidarity and build connections between all the persecuted People of Wealth. Trying to segment People of Land from the broader community undermines that precious unity which will allow our voices to finally be heard. The poors controlled media won't report on this but I hope that those woke to the poors menace can create a bottom up approach to reform and inclusivity to people of all economic statuses. Stay woke brother and remember that our identities and actions will be vindicated like the queer community and Landmisia will be remembered as a bigotry of the worst kind.

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Instead of

"preferred" pronouns

Consider using



The word "preferred" suggests that non-binary gender identity is a choice and a preference.


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Shit yes, this is great, how come nobody noticed this before? Of course it's a fricking preference if they're 'preferred' pronouns lol, what a loophole.

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This is the solution to immigration, make langauge so convoluted and loaded that anyone not deemed cracker enough gets purged for saying problematic language. Autismos stay losing.

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If they frick this up, we all know whos fault it is

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On the flip side, if you want to kill DEI, you need to import millions of Confucians, Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics

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:marseyjanny2:s need to update the slur filter

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This unironically seems like white washing to an extent, removing all non-European culture and leaving just mayo-speak.

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>It's also complicated by cultural factors. The culturally deaf (often written "Deaf") have their own culture -- sign language is a complete and distinct language, there are norms and practices unique to the culture. Acquiring the ability to hear is also the ability to, in effect, leave that culture and acquire the mainstream culture. Many Deaf people do not, in fact, view themselves as disabled or impaired. Particularly those who grew up mostly around Deaf people and who have an entirely Deaf experience in life. Everyone around them seems fine, they have their own distinct culture, etc.

>As a consequence, getting an implant as an adult, or allowing your deaf newborn to be implanted, touches issues of social status and identity and politics within the Deaf community.

>It doesn't take long for a culturally Deaf person to do a little thought experiment. What if the hearing can one day "solve" deafness in say 98% of children at birth? The cultural Deaf community may well face extinction under those circumstances. There would be no more children learning sign language as their native language, the chain of cultural transmission from deaf parent to deaf child would be broken. It is quite literally the end of their distinct culture and way of life, which they do not view as impaired or lesser.

>You can even take this argument a step further. If mainstream society starts pushing and not simply offering cochlear implants to deaf children -- such as by creating a narrative that the Deaf are lesser or impaired in some way -- then that may well constitute a form of cultural genocide, taking the children of a particular culture judged as less or inferior, mutilating them, and forcing them to be raised in a different culture.

>I'm not particularly convinced by the more extreme form of the argument, but it has been made, and the argument as a whole in all its various forms, I don't think can be fully dismissed easily. There is a point there.


>It is serious. I think it's an argument that has enough internal sense and structure that it can't just be called a stupid argument and tossed out.

I'm here to explore the ideas around this, not trash nor proselytize any particular idea for the sake of it. You won't get very far by starting with comparing deafness to having been r*ped or having your leg blown off. R*pe survivors are not a distinct cultural group.

>Take deafness and ability entirely out of the equation for now.

>People who speak sign language as a native language are a distinct cultural group with a long and separate heritage from the hearing world. For example, American Sign Language is related to French Sign Language and the speakers of each can understand each other somewhat. While British Sign Language is totally different and American and British deaf people can't even easily speak to each other in sign, only in writing. There's a whole cultural world there, as vibrant and functional as hearing ones.

>They get along fairly well. People born deaf and raised in a deaf community generally have better outcomes socially and economically compared to deaf people raised in isolation in hearing culture. Yes, they cannot hear, but they don't feel they're missing anything and, functionally speaking, they'd survive on their own just fine without hearing.

>I was born quite hard of hearing, and I am going deaf as I get older. I was raised hearing. Bitterly ironically, I'm musically talented and it is one of my great pleasures. I am also linguistically talented, particularly with phonetics. (Taught myself in my teens to improve my speech and it became a fascination.) And yet I am losing the capacity to sense those things.

>Trust me. I get it. I get it very well. The deaf have no idea what they're missing.

>And yet Deaf culture is a precious thing that also deserves to exist.

>It is an impasse and a seeming paradox and I don't have an answer. Raise every child hearing and allowing sign and the culture to die out is undesirable just as people who could hear music and speech being unable to hear them is.


This is your brain on relativism.

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you're fricking bananas if you think I'm reading all that, take my downmarsey and shut up idiot

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This is my beef with the whole "consequences" thing Leftists keep spouting. Who the frick are you? No, seriously.....who the Frick are YOU to determine a) who should face consequences and b) what those consequences should be? Just like Youtube, Twat-face and the rest, you are Nobody. They are Nobody. No one voted you or the Twat-face Cancel Warriors into office--no one appointed you, Zuckface or the rest of the White Cis Male Patriarchy Brigade to a seat in a court as Judge, Jury or Executioner. You should never have even been given the notion that you have, any way whatsoever, the Power to determine those things. That's what the frick is wrong with society and cancel culture as it stands right now. Everybody wants to think they're fricking SPECIAL and have some Right to determine who should speak, about what they should speak, and how they should speak it.

I'm categorically against any antisemitism, Nazisms, racisms, misogyny and trans hate speech, and I think my record of posts on this site proves that. But I do NOT have the right to shut someone else up. That's not my fricking place. I an argue with them--I can disagree--I can post until the cows go home....but God did not come down from High and anoint me (or you), or anyone else, the power to cancel or shut people up just because I disagree with them.

Ya'll need to learn your fricking lane and stick to it. The Right to Free Speech is for speech you hate, not for speech you agree with. Go sit the frick down somewhere until you realize your place and learn how to stay in it.


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Is HN usually this based? I learned about a book from the thread, Virtue Hording, about PMC becoming morality guardians

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