Day 19 AoC: The factory must grow

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k This one was though for bruteforce-chads like me, it made me thinkmaxx for a few hours and certainly C++ with its silent underflows and C arrays out of bounds accesses didn't help; but eventually I came with some not so bad heuristics to prune the solutions' space. I also started using multiple compilation units since I was getting tired of waiting several seconds for the single std::regex :marseysick: :marseydizzy: to compile. With -O3 I find the solution in 1 minute and 8 seconds



Btw I used multiprocessing ( @Schizo @Schizo discuss)


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totale 5,8M
drwxr-xr-x  2 schizocel schizocel 4,0K 19 dic 21.09 ./
drwxr-xr-x 18 schizocel schizocel 4,0K 19 dic 08.48 ../
-rwxr-xr-x  1 schizocel schizocel 2,5M 19 dic 19.53 aoc*
-rw-r--r--  1 schizocel schizocel   47 19 dic 19.49 attempts
-rw-r--r--  1 schizocel schizocel 1,4K 19 dic 19.15 blueprint.cpp
-rw-r--r--  1 schizocel schizocel  515 19 dic 18.20 blueprint.hpp
-rw-r--r--  1 schizocel schizocel 2,8M 19 dic 19.26 blueprint.o
-rw-r--r--  1 schizocel schizocel 4,8K 19 dic 19.40 input
-rw-r--r--  1 schizocel schizocel 1,5K 19 dic 19.53 main.cpp
-rw-r--r--  1 schizocel schizocel 289K 19 dic 19.53 main.o
-rw-r--r--  1 schizocel schizocel  375 19 dic 21.09 Makefile
-rw-r--r--  1 schizocel schizocel  320 19 dic 08.50 sample.input
-rw-r--r--  1 schizocel schizocel 3,5K 19 dic 19.50 sim.cpp
-rw-r--r--  1 schizocel schizocel  638 19 dic 19.42 sim.hpp
-rw-r--r--  1 schizocel schizocel 185K 19 dic 19.53 sim.o
-rw-r--r--  1 schizocel schizocel  161 19 dic 19.15 test.input

Also isn't nice how blueprint.o which is literally just a std::regex is the biggest of the compilation units?


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I'm out. Eric has not been in a good mood this year.

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Pent up anger from :!marseytrain:s complaining about random shit all the time.

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There have been a few questions where you have to almost explore the data before figuring out a solution. In principle I like it but I'm not fast and I'm just tired now.

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except ZeroDivisionError


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So this is a weird situation: this implementation gives the wrong answer to Part 1 but was miraculously correct for Part 2, and I know exactly where in the code that it's underconstrained. My condition for building nothing at all on a turn is dependent on whether you can neither build an ore robot nor a clay robot, but that doesn't always give the optimal result - unless I also add a check to see if I'm at the maximum number of ore robots before building more becomes redundant, which massively slows the program down to the point where it doesn't solve Part 2 within an hour of runtime. I assume there's a more efficient way of narrowing this check without throwing away the optimal path.

This "solves" part 2 in about 10 seconds on my machine.

from multiprocessing import Pool

foo = []
with open('day19_input.txt', 'r') as inp:
    foo ='\n')

costs = []
max_turns = 24
for f in foo:
    f = f.split()

def take_turn(robots, resources, costs, turn_count, max_ore_robots):
    if turn_count == max_turns:
        return resources[3] + robots[3]

    can_build = [False, False, False, False]
    for c in range(4):
        can_build[c] = (costs[c][0] <= resources[0] and costs[c][1] <= resources[1] and costs[c][2] <= resources[2])

    if(robots[0] == max_ore_robots) or max_turns-turn_count < 4:
        can_build[0] = False
    if resources[1]+(max_turns-turn_count)*robots[1] >= costs[2][1]*(max_turns-turn_count) or max_turns-turn_count < 3:
        can_build[1] = False
    if resources[2]+(max_turns-turn_count)*robots[2] >= costs[3][2]*(max_turns-turn_count):
        can_build[2] = False
    if turn_count+1 == max_turns and not can_build[3]:
        if can_build[3]:
            return resources[3] + 2*robots[3] + 1
        return resources[3] + 2*robots[3]
    for c in range(4):
        resources[c] += robots[c]

    states = []
    for c in range(4):
        if can_build[c]:
            new_resources = resources[:]
            new_robots = robots[:]
            new_robots[c] += 1
            for d in range(3):                                                                                
                new_resources[d] -= costs[c][d]
            states.append(take_turn(new_robots, new_resources, costs, turn_count+1, max_ore_robots))

    if not (can_build[0] or can_build[1]):
        new_robots = robots[:]
        new_resources = resources[:]
        states.append(take_turn(new_robots, new_resources, costs, turn_count+1, max_ore_robots))

def setup_sim(costs):
    return take_turn([1,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0], costs, 1, max(costs[1][0], costs[2][0], costs[3][0]))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    pool_args = []
    for c in costs:

    out = []
    with Pool() as pool:
        out = pool.starmap(setup_sim, pool_args)
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Jesse what the frick are you talking about??

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Part 1 takes 13 seconds, part 2 50 seconds. Pretty bad but cbf to find more optimizations methods. Also feels like some parts of the code are somewhat redundant(e.g. all the buy_xxx_robot functions, that could most likely be handled much more elegantly in just one function.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <format>
#include <stack>
#include <set>
#include <queue>
#include <array>
#include <chrono>
#include <scn/scn.h>

struct Blueprint {
	int id;
	int ore_robot;
	int clay_robot;
	int obsidian_robot_ore;
	int obsidian_robot_clay;
	int geode_robot_ore;
	int geode_robot_obsidian;

	int max_ore() {
		return std::max({ ore_robot, clay_robot, obsidian_robot_ore, geode_robot_ore });
	int max_clay() {
		return obsidian_robot_clay;
	int max_obsidian() {
		return geode_robot_obsidian;

struct State {
	int time;
	int ore;
	int clay;
	int obsidian;
	int geode;
	int ore_robot;
	int clay_robot;
	int obsidian_robot;
	int geode_robot;

	std::array<bool, 4> prev_skipped = { false, false, false, false };

	auto operator<=>(const State& s) const = default;

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Blueprint& bp) {
	os << std::format("ID: {}\nOre Robot: {}\nClay Robot:{}\nObsidian Robot:\n\t{}\n\t{}\nGeode Robot:\n\t{}\n\t{}",, bp.ore_robot, bp.clay_robot, bp.obsidian_robot_ore, bp.obsidian_robot_clay, bp.geode_robot_ore, bp.geode_robot_obsidian);
	return os;

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, State& s) {
	os << std::format("Minute {}\n{} Ore robot, total ore {}\n{} Clay Robot Total Clay {}\n{} Obsidian Robot, Total Obsidian {}\n{} Geode Robot, Total Geode {}",
		s.time, s.ore_robot, s.ore, s.clay_robot, s.clay, s.obsidian_robot, s.obsidian, s.geode_robot, s.geode);
	return os;

void add_resources(State& current) {
	current.ore += current.ore_robot;
	current.clay += current.clay_robot;
	current.obsidian += current.obsidian_robot;
	current.geode += current.geode_robot;

std::pair<bool, State> buy_ore_robot(State current, Blueprint& bp) {
	if (current.prev_skipped[0])
		return { false, current };
	bool bought = false;
	if (current.ore >= bp.ore_robot && !current.prev_skipped[0] && current.ore_robot < bp.max_ore()) {
		current.ore -= bp.ore_robot;
		bought = true;

	return { bought, current };

std::pair<bool, State> buy_clay_robot(State current, Blueprint& bp) {
	bool bought = false;
	if (current.ore >= bp.clay_robot && !current.prev_skipped[1] && current.clay_robot < bp.max_clay()) {
		current.ore -= bp.clay_robot;
		bought = true;

	return { bought, current };

std::pair<bool, State> buy_obsidian_robot(State current, Blueprint& bp) {
	bool bought = false;
	if (current.ore >= bp.obsidian_robot_ore && current.clay >= bp.obsidian_robot_clay && !current.prev_skipped[2] && current.obsidian_robot < bp.max_obsidian()) {
		current.ore -= bp.obsidian_robot_ore;
		current.clay -= bp.obsidian_robot_clay;
		bought = true;

	return { bought, current };

std::pair<bool, State> buy_geode_robot(State current, Blueprint& bp) {
	bool bought = false;
	if (current.ore >= bp.geode_robot_ore && current.obsidian >= bp.geode_robot_obsidian) {
		current.ore -= bp.geode_robot_ore;
		current.obsidian -= bp.geode_robot_obsidian;
		bought = true;

	return { bought, current };

int64_t run(std::vector<Blueprint>& blueprints, bool partTwo = false)
	int64_t total = 0;
	int64_t partTwo_res = 1;
	int minutes = partTwo ? 31 : 23;
	int run = 0;
	for (auto bp : blueprints) {
		if (partTwo && run > 2) break;

		State max_geode{ 1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0 };

		State start_state = { 0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0 };
		std::stack<State> state_stack;
		std::set<State> state_set;

		while (!state_stack.empty()) {
			State current_state =;
			if (current_state.time > minutes) continue;

			if (state_set.contains(current_state)) continue;
			else state_set.insert(current_state);

			int n = (minutes - current_state.time) + 2;
			int total_possible = (n * (n - 1)) / 2;
			if ((current_state.geode + current_state.geode_robot * n + total_possible) < max_geode.geode) continue;

			auto geode = buy_geode_robot(current_state, bp);
			if (geode.first) state_stack.push(geode.second);
			else {
				auto obsidian = buy_obsidian_robot(current_state, bp);
				if (obsidian.first) state_stack.push(obsidian.second);

				auto clay = buy_clay_robot(current_state, bp);
				if (clay.first) state_stack.push(clay.second);

				auto ore = buy_ore_robot(current_state, bp);
				if (ore.first) state_stack.push(ore.second);
				current_state.prev_skipped[0] = ore.first;
				current_state.prev_skipped[1] = clay.first;
				current_state.prev_skipped[2] = obsidian.first;


			if (max_geode.geode < current_state.geode)
				max_geode = current_state;

			// if it could buy all, but didn't don't check the didn't buy anything path
			if(!(geode.first && current_state.prev_skipped[0] && current_state.prev_skipped[1] && current_state.prev_skipped[2]))

		std::cout << std::format("Blueprint {}: {} geodes opened\n",, max_geode.geode);
		total += max_geode.geode *;
		partTwo_res *= max_geode.geode;

	return partTwo ? partTwo_res : total;

int main()
	std::fstream file("input.txt");
	std::string buf;

	std::vector<Blueprint> blueprints;

	while (std::getline(file, buf)) {
		Blueprint bp;
		scn::scan(buf, "Blueprint {}: Each ore robot costs {} ore. Each clay robot costs {} ore. Each obsidian robot costs {} ore and {} clay. Each geode robot costs {} ore and {} obsidian.:",, bp.ore_robot, bp.clay_robot, bp.obsidian_robot_ore, bp.obsidian_robot_clay, bp.geode_robot_ore, bp.geode_robot_obsidian);

	auto a = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
	int64_t part_one = run(blueprints);

	auto b = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
	std::cout << "Part One: " << part_one << '\n';
	int64_t part_two = run(blueprints, true);
	auto c = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();

	auto ba = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(b - a);
	auto cb = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(c - b);
	std::cout << "Part Two: " << part_two << '\n';
	std::cout << std::format("Time p1: {} p2: {}", ba, cb) << '\n';


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Part 1 takes 13 seconds, part 2 50 seconds. Pretty bad but cbf to find more optimizations methods.

lmao just realized that one of my first attempts was too store the current state in a set and skip if that state already exists. But apparently that massively kills my time, without it p1 takes 1.5 second and p2 4.4 seconds. fml

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Your pulitzer's in the mail

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() {_____}
  {  `-'  } Merry Fistmas!
   {     }
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