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ChatGPT is gonna take our jobs :marseyitsover:

ChatGPT just saved me hours of debugging. Is it over, codebros?

Before: ![](/images/16759441922559006.webp)

Le chatGPT advice: ![](/images/1675944191789395.webp)

The line with the error: ![](/images/16759441921719463.webp)

after: ![](/images/16759441920823216.webp)

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Darn that's really impressive. Stack overflow but with specific context and no annoying jannies whining about how you formated your post or didn't search the right combination of byzantine keywords

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And the first 8 answers are not random guesses from regulars?


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"Why are you trying to do this anyway?"


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Works on my machine

https://i.postimg.cc/dVgyQgj2/image.png https://i.postimg.cc/d3Whbf0T/image.png

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"Here is the first google search result off of the first keyword! Stackoverflow karma is the lifeblood of my existence so please updoot!"

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>heh, AI is the future, should have got a real job instead of being an artist




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that just means increased productivity. same is true for "artists."

the excess cope and seethe in the art community about AI art comes from the fact that "artists" think they're special, not for being especially good at it, but simply by virtue of identifying as an artist, it's a central part of their self-image.

lots of stemcels/codecels think they're special too, but they base it on the belief that they're better at some aspect of it than the other codecels/stemcels. AI can only help make them get even better, so they're fine with it.

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I am better, im not a redditor

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I think I know how the next Boeing air disaster is going to happen

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There has been an increase in foid pilots, you are right

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Better learn to code!

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At first I was like "Hmmm maybe I can use this to help me debug faster" but my boss would actually decapitate me and put my head on a pike as a warning to others if I ran my code through an insecure third party program lmfao.

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lol @ telling your boss anything whatsoever

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tbh he's a pretty cool guy who treats me with respect and makes my job easy by not being a dipshit so I don't feel any particular desire to thwart his attempts at avoiding IP theft

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Until it's time for your Microsoft contract renewal and they toss in a sweet deal on Azure consumption of ChatGPT to help sweeten the deal. Oh, don't worry, I can't see the unit price rising at your next renewal date unless you do a massive upfront commit, that would be whacky

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Anyone could have figured that out

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Yeah, but not as quickly as chatgpt

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See this is why people jobcels win. You cant replace the false smile of a human trying to manipulate you.

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We can generate anime girls with false smiles now.


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Society will always need salesman

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Anyone who is afraid of losing their job to a bot deserves to be unemployed.

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Maybe plant the idea of it replacing politicians and watch it get banned very quickly.

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whatre we gonna do, bros?

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nothing lol, i asked this, it started and crashed midway, two times lol

![](/images/16760108798691442.webp) ![](/images/16760108981260085.webp)

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Get Chatgpt to "notice" certain things. Ask awkward questions.

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i will be so fricking happy when all the codecels who inhabit every social media site end up homeless, sucking peepee in exchange for reddit content

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I wish it was better at statistics, R and laTex. It automated a lot of my base code but anytime it got complicated I’d have to get somebody in a doctoral program to finish the paper and that costs money.

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WHaaaaaaaaaat. This is the first instance I’ve seen where it behaves like something other (better) than a really really really smart parrot.

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The "explanation" makes no sense. It's not actually in wrong order, whatever that's supposed to mean.

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We are so fricked if this thing gets a body. In 10 years the stock market will be gone. How could anyone ever lose if an AI can figure out the best dip in 10 seconds?

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The removal of the stock market would be an unironic good for humanity though

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No it wouldn't. Good ideas and execution deserves investment. Investors deserves to be rewarded and the invested-in companies deserve to flourish.

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That sounds great, what would you call that system? Because what you're describing is not how the stock market works

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Disruptive companies like Tesla would have gone bust without outsider investment.

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lmao ok you got me that was a good one

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Not sure whether you're being sarky or not. It's why they went public in the first place because they needed more funding. Private funds weren't enough.

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Thank god they spent all those billions on Uber, Wework, thanos, all of those stupid scooter companies, doordash, Lyft, AirBnb, MoviePass etc.

Good ideas and execution deserve investment, but there’s a lot of money being completely wasted on companies that pretend like they can “rework the fabric of how we do x” that allow them just enough capital to burn through to completely disrupt the intended industry before completely pooping the bed when they need to switch to an actual successful business

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Have you been paying attention to the markets at all for the last decade?

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Yep and profited very nicely from them.

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Quant funds will literally lay their own direct fiber-optic cable to the stock exchange to shave 1ms or less off the speed of their trades. I don't think ChatGPT will be very disruptive here.

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Isn't AI trading a thing since years already?

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even if AI comes along that can find reliably and instantly find the perfect price given new information, nothing will change for long term investors.

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Renaissance Technologies is probably there already.

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I for one welcome chatGPT to replace the ultra nerds so dum dums like me can get promoted by being able to hold a conversation while looking people in the eye

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I may be a 🎅 white 🏳nationalist 👏 but If 😏 I see 😘 a fine 👯 asian 🍜 butt 👌 my bloodline 💦💦 bout to 💆become 🍘 a 🍙 riceline 🍱

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ai is the satanic baby of the prophecies

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It takes answers from stack overflow, meaning if you use chat gpt for coding answers you are even dumber than the idiots on SO who can’t read documentation

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That's a dead store, no? A static analyzer should have caught that.

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