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Libertarians of HN vs the ones getting turbo fricked

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Demand for sleeping bags and cardboard boxes is going to increase, any idea how can I take advantage of that on Robinhood?

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long orange juice spreads

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don't mind if I do


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They'll be getting both from Amazon

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Want to invest in any sleeping bag companies that don't allow their produce to be shoplifted?

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If anyone knows it's probably Thiel

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From YC's gibs post:

Small business depositors at Silicon Valley Bank should be made whole. Regulators need to conduct a backstop of depositors. We are not asking for a bank bailout.

So, not a bank bailout; a VC investor bailout. JFC these guys are absurd clowns. Tar and feather them.

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At least when they bailed out the banks there was a high likelihood that the banks would eventually recover enough to pay back with interest. If you bail out small-time VCs and startups, half of them are going to disappear in 10 years anyway.

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These people are just mad the bank set their money on fire before they could.

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I'm going to bet that they'll get their "not a bailout", undeserved though it may be.

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I know you know this but for anyone else reading, the "not a bailout" is actually literally a bailout, except for the VC funds' portfolio companies directly rather than the bank.

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Yah. The story is that the companies giving money to the bank dindo nuthin' wrong by choosing the institution which had actively campaigned to be free of regulation, so they totes deserve to have taxpayers take the fall for their not-at-all-risky behaviour.

Folks on orange site are suggesting this could cost an average of $600 per household

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I'm sure that every underpaid worker will love the idea of bailing out Silicon Valley wannabe billionaires whose motto is "break things and apologize later."


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This petition represents the lived experience of thousands of founders

I cannot fathom the mindset of somebody who talks in this creepy cult lingo

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Blue hairs like the phrase "lived experience", he's probably trying to dog whis- I mean, virtue signal

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HN jannitrons changed the post title from "YC Is Asking for a Bailout" to "Urgent: Sign the petition now" :marseylaughwith:

Mop abuse creating even more drama :marseypopcorn: :marseyagree:

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>CEO of HN asks that every family in America send his friends $500.

It do be dat way doe


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If only the VC space had moved over to some blockchain-enabled smart contract thing, the smart contracts would have triggered and already wiped out all these insane beggars. Instead they're still alive and begging for handouts.

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Chainlink would have made them all homeless :marseypeacekeeper:

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Garry responded to my intelligent and hilarious comment, but I can't post any more for some reason. Please flame him for being a gibs-begging clown thanks. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35114633#35114961

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The "innocent depositors" are his and his buddies portfolio companies lmao.

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I see you're still going. Your comments are extremely :#marseybased:, good job!

Don't forget to start vouching for dead comments now you're over 30 karma.

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LOL my retirement account is protected better than thousands of startups due to my using a real bank, Fidelity, which provides a service that splits your account across like 20+ banks.


I fricking hate tech startup culture so much, I hope every single one of these dumb companies goes out of business.

FYI if you don't hate silicon valley yet, read this hilarious and amazing book at your nearest opportunity:


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Bookmarking for when I own a startup: thanks king!


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You could probably buy a startup for like $10 on Monday if you're into that.

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Ewww, no. I'm a respectable person, not one of these Silicon Valley degenerates. Any startup I bought from there would probably be infested with DEI and wokeness.

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As a Venture Capitalist ( GP at Reagan is Jesus Capital) I am ashamed of how Americans, especially colored Americans, don’t understand the good we do for y’all spidey little fingered losers over yonder.

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Jfc this is incredible.

Commies take a lot of Ls but the capitalist class/owning class/bourgeoisie/Jews are in a big club and you ain’t in it (also rent is due, don’t forget the tip).

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When did owners and ceos start calling themselves founders? Sounds like something from fantasy/sci-fi

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It's mostly because calling yourself the "CEO" or "owner" of a company with two employees is kinda cringey.

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I’m self employed and call myself a business owner

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