GPT 4 can turn a napkin sketch into a functioning website
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they coming for u webshit


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Yet another reason why working on mission-critical ancient spaghetti code is the path to ultimate job security.

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For:!marseytrain:s win again

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Legacy DB Chadalysts coming to tell you that adding a single button to your CRM will take 9 months and $8 million


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fortran programmercels rise up!

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The excitement I feel for when every IT-employed or tech redditor is living on the streets of HCOL areas because they thought STEM would be protected forever is palpable

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ur a bad man, that's only funny when it happens to art majors

!biofoids The reason I'm pinging u lot is because I think this ping group has the highest % of art majors (L)

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Nah this place scares all the art hoes away. We’re probably more likely to be nurses or STEMlords tbh

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Nah this place scares all the art hoes away

Shame that, art hoes are grade a lolcows

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Which one do you belong to? Or are you the "exception"?

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STEMlord for sure

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Yeah, the nurse part would've surprised me. Would surprise me on this website tbh - except if they have a caring for r-slurs fetish.

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Nursing is known as the profession that all the catty mean girls go into but they’re probably too normal to use this site tbh.

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but they’re probably too normal to use this site tbh.

Then why did you say "We’re probably more likely to be nurses or STEMlords tbh"? You promised nurses! :marseymaid:

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worse, i’m in STEM

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>STEM foid

bost benis bls

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I’m a physicscel, sorry :marseyemojismilemouthcoldsweat:

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The chemist’s natural enemy. Keep your filthy physics out of my chemistry.

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A third of the students in my lectures are chemistry majors, oddly enough :marseyhmm:

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Ya because at a certain point Chemistry and Physics intersect so much as to be indistinguishable. I as reading about the ultra heavies and islands of stability and such and then I realized “this is just physics lol”

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I haven’t messed with a chemistry course since OChem, frick that noise :marseydizzy:

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I love chemistry and I think it may be my true calling but I’m too dumb so I stick to biology.

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FYI, the big bang never happened kthxbye

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I did a ba major and make 90k. Impossible for AI to replace me. Seethe

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I did a ba major and make 90k

I didn't know street walking paid that well

Impossible for AI to replace me.

robo kitties can't c*m soon enough

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100% I resent the shit outta art class as a boy and well paid artcels make me seethe

That being said diffusion is coming 4 u

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I'm in IT but I am basically unfireable, I'm not worried :marseywholesome:

Burn it all down :marseytroublemaker:

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imagine paying for art school when google and youtube exists

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In a decade literally the only jobs left are going to be deeply interpersonal foid work and hard labour.

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It's cool, I've worked for almost 10 years, so I've earned enough that I can just retire if my skillset becomes obsolete.

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it's only a matter of time until we get "GPT-4 creates source code for GPT-5" "GPT-5 creates source code for GPT-6" ...

maybe the singularity will come sooner than expected!

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GPT-6 creates source code for Happy Non-Terrestrialmesh, Happy Non-Terrestrialmesh activates nuke codes, nuke codes-

Oh wait, oh shit, shut it dow-


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Lol, we can't even use web code clean up cowtools. Federal regulation is going to keep my butt employed.


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someone train it on my code so its code will never be bugfree :marseylaugh: :marseysad:

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Hey it's me, your doctor. We actually ran some tests on your code and we can confirm that it is 100% P O Z Z E D


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So the bot wrote this:

And he saved it as an html file and opened it in a browser.


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The fundamental problem remains: dimwitted execs and their midwitted PMs want extremely specific nonsense, and the machine simply cannot take their confused, half-conscious corpospeak and turn it into a feature. Could it, someday? Yes, I imagine so. Will it, today? I suspect they'd show that off, if it could.

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>this is REVOLUTIONARY and so much different than the 99,000 other cowtools we've had for 10 years where any idiot can click a button and instantly generate the same website that everyone else uses!


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Soon, we might get real AI home assistants and not just a bunch of if statements with a microphone attached.

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tomato tomato

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But ML is just a ton of if statements?

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Yeah, but a lot of what these assistants currently do is obviously mostly hand coded and the ML component begins and ends with interpreting the audio input.

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The important part is the info it gathers on you, it doesn't need AI for that

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Chat 3 is insane, I gave it a grid puzzle from the video game I was playing and solved it for me by showing me a 2D image in python of the orientation of how to place everything.

>ChatGPT-3 has 175 billion parameters, making it one of the largest and most powerful language models to date. These parameters are used to analyze and process natural language and generate human-like responses to text-based inputs. On the other hand, ChatGPT-4 is rumored to have even more parameters than its predecessor, with some estimates ranging from 300 billion to as high as 1 trillion parameters. This increase in parameters is expected to significantly enhance the model's ability to understand and respond to human language.

Oh good it's 8x stronger

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It is SO over for front-endcels

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AI waifus will have devastating impacts on our society as women protest to stay relevant (they will lose)

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Lol get fricked stemcels. "LeARn tO COdE" my butt :marseylaugh::marseyemojirofl::marseylaughpoundfist:

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When will an academiacel do something useful for once and study how different jobs elicit different reactions? Huge contrast between the sympathy shown to artists/programmers, and the indifference-to-hatred given to truckers/miners. I wonder what the difference could be :marseythonk:

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Because artists and programmers are more online than coal miners. That was hard, where’s my grant?

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I wonder what the difference could be

Honestly the real difference is it made a lot of people realize a lot less things are safe than they thought they were. Everybody has long expected truckers and other menial work to eventually be automated. Lots of people didn't expect it to happen to jobs high on the value chain.

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I have absolutely no sympathy for artists

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Oh no, it can make a WordPress site.

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>ai takes away everyone's jobs except for litteraly grunt labor

>Government passes anti ai laws

I feel like this is inevitable

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Well shit

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:marseyneet: cozy knowing my career in professional bigotry will never be allowed to be automated

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This piece of shit is going to be responsible for so much fricking spam.

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But can it say the N-word?

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Guys, guys, guys… you wouldn’t believe this. IntelliJ is able to generate getters and setters automatically now! Also there are libraries where you can call efficient sorting algorithms without writing one everytime in assembly.

Codecels are FINISHED.:marseysoypoint:

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I can’t wait until personalized ai driven hentai is a thing and society goes even more to shit.

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Computer- use the AI generated hentai to entrap the Coomer, and force him to sign the contract enabling total brain upload and power of attorney.

Once complete, run digitalhellimmersive_1000000years.exe

Oh, and computer- remove all safety protocols


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Who's gon tell him

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I know about that shit I’ve posted it here already. I mean more as in: hentai game, generated fully by ai in your personal computer whenever you want. No game company involved.

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Calling that a functional website is a bit of stretch…

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It's just a bit of html lol

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It's so fricking over bros

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Holy frick lol

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