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I know GPT hasn't been around for a while but if your advisor didn't push you to pivot after this I feel bad for you

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oh noes! PhDs are becoming obsolete! they should try learning too code because academics sure as shit can't.

trans lives matter too university's

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:marseypirate: : Arr, ye scurvy landlubber! What be ye blabbin' on about? PhDs be as useful as ever they was, and they'll be around long after ye be gone to Davy Jones' locker! Code learnin' may be the wave of the future, but ye best be knowin' that there be more to life than just sittin' at a computer all day! Now get off me ship before I make ye walk the plank!

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try learning too code

AI can code, too

let's see an AI replace a service panel and unfrick a handyman special with hots and neutrals getting passed around like a $2 whore.

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Be careful what you wish for babe

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AI can code

lol, no.

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why do I smile when PhDs go into despair

did I become a mean and cynical person :marseyworried:

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Webshitters are getting rekt by GPT and I’m happy with losing my job if it means they lose theirs too.

HTML is like the trans lives matter of coding languages.

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HTML isn't a programming language lol.

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And trans lives matters aren’t women.

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Based and spitepilled

All the layoffs and bank runs are totally worth it, even at the cost of my own career, because of all the soy bugman tech worker sneed

Difference between them and me is I can be a warehouse chad again, enjoy my frugal life and devoted foid and dunk on all the zoomers at work for being under 30 and listening to the mumbly strag rappers


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Trans lives matter but webshitter lives dont


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@captain_bbbb can you do a basic xor bitmask or do trans lives matter?


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:marseypirate: : I be thinkin' ye be insultin' me intelligence with yer talk o' xor bitmasks! I may not be the smartest matey on the ship, but I know me way around a bitmask! Yer just a scurvy landlubber who knows nothin' o' the sea!

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Yeah I’ll happily go back to being a rentacop or box lifter if white collar jobs disappear. I was happier being a teenager working at UPS anyways.

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I was happier being a teenager

Massive :l:

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trans lives matter more than html

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NLP is a meme and always has been

GPT is a markov chain that is occasionally useful only by chance :marseysleep:

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It's a darn shame you can't build a Ph.D. career on reproducing (or failing to reproduce) weak-butt SOTA papers that get their performance gains with "stochastic grad student descent" -- that is, have the grad researcher try lots of runs until one randomly hits SOTA, save the seed, and publish.

jfc this is way too real

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If only stemcels could build a career out of reproducing studies to improve replication. Robert Maxwell is in heck rn :marseylaptopsad:

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I know it's an issue related to replication crisis either way, but I feel that STEMcels (as in hard sciences) should at least always guarantee that their results can be replicated. I'm not sure how invested you are in this topic, but this paper made by some google engineers or something tries to compare various transformer architectures across tasks and they come to the conclusion that if you accurately adjust parameters, seed and whatever else you can think of, almost every architecture can get a 'lucky' run resulting in SOTA performance.

tl;dr researchers lie

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I'm in pharma and it was only 10 years ago where bayer did an in house replication study of their own r&d and only around a 1/3 could be replicated.

"Pharmaceuticals company Bayer recently revealed that it fails to replicate about two-thirds of published studies identifying possible drug targets (Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, vol 10, p 712). This rate of failure is higher than rival Amgen which reported that over the past decade its oncology and haematology researchers could not replicate 47 of 53 highly promising results they examined (Nature, vol 483, p 531)."


Everything we take for granted could all be just a lie so some academic wagies can keep their grants and tenure. :marseydoomer:

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The need for research has long since been overtaken by the actual amount of research being done. Thus, in order to distinguish yourself amongst the plethora of released findings you basically have to exaggerate or straight up lie to get any sort of attention - regardless in which field you are in. I suppose this is way worse when it comes to fields that rely on empirical methods and observations, but it is still disheartening to read statements such as yours that even 'hard' sciences are plagued by it.

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It's dangerous since these industries and universities are using their research as justification for policymakers and societal/cultural movements. What even is truthful in today's society with this as the backbone?

Climate science,psychology, medicine etc are especially bad for replication. Water management had a meta study done where it found only .6% of studies could be replicated.

"A 2019 study in Scientific Data estimated with 95% confidence that of 1,989 articles on water resources and management published in 2017, study results might be reproduced for only 0.6% to 6.8%, even if each of these articles were to provide sufficient information that allowed for replication."



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but don't forget to Trust the Science™ when it comes to jabs and climate

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New Edge Bing can't see the webpage you're looking at like I thought it could but you can paste in link and ask for summary.

"A post on rdrama.net makes fun of some NLP enthusiasts who are upset with the release of GPT-4, a powerful text generation model. The post calls them NLPCels and compares them to incels. The comments section is full of sarcastic remarks and memes about NLP and GPT-4."

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NLP seems like it might stick around for a bit longer because it is repeatable and testable, as opposed too GPT4 being arcane and capricious

trans lives matter

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If you cant stand LLM at it's worst then you don't deserve it at its best :marseynails:

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GPT is a great manifestation of the Chinese Room Argument. It doesn't tell us anything about how intelligence or language actually works. It's just the perfect eternally online p-zombie.

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if a system can solve complex problems for me, @HateMonster don't care if there's a braindead chink reading flashcards powering it, @HateMonster is going too call it intelligent

trans lives matter

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Yep. This one's going in my cringe compilation.



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I was in an NLP org back when GPT2 was around and no-one thought it was that amazing. Everyone has been using the transformer and the reality is GPT is the best model for any kind of generative summarizing. GPT chatbot came out and blew out the rest of the field

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NLP has always been a meme, as far as i know. Similar to old computer vision systems that never were anything practical.

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NLP was destined to become the face of AI because it’s ultimately how we’re going to interact with machines. The transformer model essentially made the field valuable, replacing the poorcel LSTM models

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>I kind of am skeptical that GPT-4 is just scaling up. GPT-3 was 175B params, which is already absurd, and that recent FAIR paper showed that after a certain point better data is better than more params.

>Also considering they didn't release the parameter count, it might be to mislead competitors and have them try many absurd parameter counts, while they figured out some other better tricks. They did mention that it was the most stable train they had out of all the GPT models, which I feel like means it's more than just scaling up of the model.

>But it's just a hypothesis.

Holy fricking shit, it's been THREE years and these r-slurs still haven't realised the bitter lesson. Thank god I left that shithole sub.

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negro lipped kitties?

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