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First they came for the books... :marseyitsover: Judge Decides Against Internet Archive


orange site


another tldr: Internet Archive thought scanning a copyrighted book was good enough to meet the transformative requirement for Fair Use and thus they could lend out digital copies at will :tayshrug:

edit: Throw back to 4 days ago Ars: “Book publishers with surging profits struggle to prove IA hurt sales”

b-b-but there were no damages :marseybrainlet:

… It is also irrelevant to assessing market harm ... :marseyjudge:

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Gonna do it anyway. Copyright isn’t real & you can’t enforce it.

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  • Copyright law.


  • Me typing "[BOOK TITLE] free online book" into Google and going beyond the first page of results.
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Just go to libgen?

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publishers hate this one simple trick!!

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When I was in college my mom used to buy me Amazon gift cards for the price of all my books that I would keep and spend on other stuff cuz I’d just pirate the books lol

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Commies take the W here. The internet is the closest to a post-scarcity economy* humanity has ever been and people are still being cucked by copyright :marseyeyeroll:

* let’s be real, most severs could be run on peanuts a day if people weren’t optimizing for profit.

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There's a good book about this if anyone is interested:

Data Cartels: The Companies That Control and Monopolize Our Information 1st Edition

by Sarah Lamdan

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Based neurodivergent commie

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Weird, I actually agree with you entirely for once even though I'm a lolbert


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Tbh copyright should expire after 20 years like patents

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Establishing/fleshing out an IP takes years. Easily 10+, in some cases even more. Considering that it's just a hobby for many people.

And then - just as you hit it big - a company like Disney swoops in and makes a movie out of your story?

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Ok and? It’s not like randos making Iron Man comics are going to sell anyway. People are going to buy it from the source. Copyright only exists to protect companies that are way past innovation and exist via monopolized IP inertia.

Besides the entire MCU isn’t even 15 years old. The set up doesn’t take that long.

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But there should always be fair use exceptions and this lawsuit against the IA sets a dangerous precedence when ruled against them. Whatever, they're appealing it, lets see how far it goes.

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nah what they did was blatantly illegal they had regards for lawyers

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Explain more how it was "illegal". I don't want to see them go down because of this ruling.

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they were literally scanning books and letting people download the scans.

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This apparently might have some legal legs


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that's not legal either, it's a company renting out of production shit that nobody cares to enforce

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Compromise: If a large corporation wants to use the IP after copyright has expired, they have to publicly shoot their CEO in the head. It must also be livestreamed at their expense.

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Frick ur IP cute twink, im living that FOSS pirate life


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:#marseyraging: you have gotta be kidding me

but it isn't over yet

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Would be a shame if people just spammed copy righted material on the internet archive anyway :marseyshrug:



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:#marseyxd: :#marseygigachad:

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They have every SNES ROM and all of the MGS comics on archive.org, it's Chad country over there

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Seriously, there's a ton of niche hobbies that just have gigabytes of copywrited shit that if it wasn't on archive.org would just be gone.

It's totally illegal, Idk how people act like it's not. But I would hate for it to go away because people are too lazy/scared to upload it themselves

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>Seriously, there's a ton of niche hobbies that just have gigabytes of copywrited shit that if it wasn't on archive.org would just be gone.

>It's totally illegal, Idk how people act like it's not. But I would hate for it to go away because people are too lazy/scared to upload it themselves

There are a lot of things I don't like about the IA, but it would still be sad to see them go. Hate to sound like a redditor, but any closure of the Internet Archive would be like the internet equivalent of the burning of the Library of Alexandria.

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:#marseybooba: wow look at the size of the steve ditko collection

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Get fricked poorcels

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i mean yeah if they are just scanning books and lending them out that violates the copywrite. is anyone surprised by this?

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Does this affect Open Library? Should I download some books on there I need?

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guess I know how I'm spending my Friday night

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Become Anna archive pilled or return to #Bookz on IRC

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Oh boy time for it to get tied up in appeals for a year :marseysaulgoodman:. EFF taking the L again, but if anyone thought it would go another way under the established precedent, they need some help:marseyautism:

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wow this cute twink did something funny for once 👌👌😄


orange site:

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Blame Chuck Wendig the cute twink

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A vidya rental company called consoleclassix did the same thing and appears to have won


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It's different - the Internet Archive arbitrarily decided to remove those restrictions during the lockdown, basically lending out their 1 copy of a book to infinite people. Not entirely sure how they thought they'd get away with it tbh

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Darn, they're fricking r-slurred, how can you borrow something which you're allowing to be replicated infinitely without any licence or physical counterpart.

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Piracy stays winning

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But this is technically an L for piracy :marseyconfused: ?

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Nope they were trying to respect copyright online

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copyright and intellectual property are a scam

https://files.catbox.moe/ginbgb.jpg 学习雷锋好榜样忠于革命忠于党爱憎分明不忘本立场坚定斗志强立场坚定斗志强学习雷锋好榜样毛主席的教导记心上全心全意为人民共产主义品德多高尚共产主义品德多高尚

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Commies will say they fight for workers rights until they have to pay for something, then wonder why worker's are paid so poorly in the sector they refuse to pay for.

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No sequitur necro comment and low quality bait, do better

https://files.catbox.moe/ginbgb.jpg 学习雷锋好榜样忠于革命忠于党爱憎分明不忘本立场坚定斗志强立场坚定斗志强学习雷锋好榜样毛主席的教导记心上全心全意为人民共产主义品德多高尚共产主义品德多高尚

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bbbb what are your thoughts on this piratephobic ruling

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oh no anyway :marseypirate:

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Fricking boomer c*nt.

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>IA argues that its digital lending makes it easier for patrons who live far from physical libraries to access books and that it supports research, scholarship, and cultural participation by making books widely accessible on the Internet. But these alleged benefits cannot outweigh the market harm to the Publishers

Won't somebody think of the publishers!:marseycry:

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Archive is one of the best places for non Usenet piracy. I can’t imagine any employer blocks archive either. You can google for tons of stuff and “archive” to find anything from obscure dos software to entire collections of every every PlayStation game ever made on archive

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