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Imagine your dream job gets turned into a soulless office task :marseydepressed:

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This was 99% of corporate artists in the first place

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That's what you get for having a dream job be on a computer instead of working the land

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The majority of farm work is sitting in a tractor behind a computer actually.

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God I wish that were me. Imagine the shit posting potential.

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>posts hundreds of Sneed and George Floyd memes

>Sent from my John Deere Combine Harvester

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I can't seed


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posting actual bull shit on the internet

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T. Actual r-slur.

There's way more to farming than tilling, sowing, and harvesting.

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yeah you gotta buy the feed and seeds

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It’s been hard since my local agricultural supply store was taken over by a fellow named Charles. I’m not sure what he’s selling now, but it’s only open at night.

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City slicker detected

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sucking politicians off for more subsidies?

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Yeah they also spend a lot of time crying about how their subsidies are too low

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>r-slurs romanticizing manual labor

One thing RDramatards have in common with Marx and Engels.

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If you've worked a hard days work and come home to 2mg of clonazolam and a 40 of steel you'd know how amazing physical labor is (it allows anyone to more or less afford their favorite vices)

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Learn to code


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Copying art styles and techniques you learned from an Indian off YouTube isn't soul. No artist being replaced by this had any soul, and the ones that have soul are using ai to invent even newer more expansive art.

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Well you're r-slurred cause you missed the point completely.

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I didn't miss it. His job already was a soulless office task.

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but it was his dream job thats all that counts

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So he was delusional.

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Neighbors will unironically say this and never actually experience an artists life. If you haven't OD'd you don't have soul.

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Literally all jobs become soulless if done on a regular schedule with constant deadlines and other pressures.

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