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>Job gets taken by immigrant

Haha, dumb yokels losing their jobs because they don't have real skills.

>Job gets taken by beta software

Noooo, corporate America is exploiting us and robbing us of our life's purpose

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If it's any consolation, the only reason we're all alive is because AI hasn't figured out the way to throw us into a meat grinder and turn us into fuel.

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>I am now able to create, rig and animate a character thats spit out from MJ in 2-3 days. Before, it took us several weeks in 3D ... For my boss its just a huge time/money saver. ... Results are better than my work. ... I am between grief and anger.

Pls reddit I want to do things worse, more expensive, and longer but by boss won't let me wtf help.

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>tfw boss complains that I handwrite mails and mail them :(

email will doom us

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email will doom us

:#marseykamikaze: YESSU

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I mean it's the same thing that happened when digital art came about in the 90s, and I definitely remember people responding to it in about this same way. Adapt, and use the cowtools you are given, or someone else will. Thats where we are now.

Downmarseyd :marseyxd:

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Could have been worse

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Imagine your dream job gets turned into a soulless office task :marseydepressed:

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That's what you get for having a dream job be on a computer instead of working the land

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The majority of farm work is sitting in a tractor behind a computer actually.

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God I wish that were me. Imagine the shit posting potential.

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>posts hundreds of Sneed and George Floyd memes

>Sent from my John Deere Combine Harvester

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I can't seed


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posting actual bull shit on the internet

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T. Actual r-slur.

There's way more to farming than tilling, sowing, and harvesting.

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yeah you gotta buy the feed and seeds

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It’s been hard since my local agricultural supply store was taken over by a fellow named Charles. I’m not sure what he’s selling now, but it’s only open at night.

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City slicker detected

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sucking politicians off for more subsidies?

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Yeah they also spend a lot of time crying about how their subsidies are too low

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>r-slurs romanticizing manual labor

One thing RDramatards have in common with Marx and Engels.

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If you've worked a hard days work and come home to 2mg of clonazolam and a 40 of steel you'd know how amazing physical labor is (it allows anyone to more or less afford their favorite vices)

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Learn to code


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This was 99% of corporate artists in the first place

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Copying art styles and techniques you learned from an Indian off YouTube isn't soul. No artist being replaced by this had any soul, and the ones that have soul are using ai to invent even newer more expansive art.

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Well you're r-slurred cause you missed the point completely.

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I didn't miss it. His job already was a soulless office task.

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but it was his dream job thats all that counts

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So he was delusional.

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Neighbors will unironically say this and never actually experience an artists life. If you haven't OD'd you don't have soul.

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Literally all jobs become soulless if done on a regular schedule with constant deadlines and other pressures.

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I am now able to create, rig and animate a character thats spit out from MJ in 2-3 days. Before, it took us several weeks in 3D. The difference is: I care, he does not. For my boss its just a huge time/money saver.

In other words, the employer is doing employer things, the employee is dramatically moralizing.

I am angry. My 3D colleague is completely fine with it. He promps all day, shows and gets praise. The thing is, we both were not at the same level, quality-wise. My work was always a tad better, in shape and texture, rendering… I always was very sure I wouldn’t loose my job, because I produce slightly better quality. This advantage is gone, and so is my hope for using my own creative energy to create.

Ah, so this isn't really about AI taking over his jerb. AI just level the playing field and he's mad about it.

In a society that judges a persons worth purely on their economic contribution it's going to be a disaster.

Skill issue, git gud.

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>the employer is doing employer things

Employer is probably ecstatic they won't miss any deadlines over someone obsessing about how a model's hair bounces

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>3D artist -> professional prompter


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Imagine not using ChatGPT to create your Midjourney prompts, are we living in the Stone Age?


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I want AI to make memes.

Truly humanity will reach its apex.

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We are making mobile games.

already sold his soul to satan

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Wow who would have thought companies that put out ads like these would be the first to jump to shitty ai models. I'm shocked I tell you, shocked

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Artists are weird about this.

A direct comparison with something in what I do is that SQL Server 2019 made it piss easy to connect to Oracle databases directly and do away with 70% of the cases in which I'd normally have to deploy annoying SSIS packages.

Did I piss and shit and whine about it or was I grateful that a bunch of time has been freed up from doing pointless busywork?

Complaining about stuff that makes the process quicker is a sign of laziness.

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Not only that it's not like they're doing super SOVLFVLL art in the first place. These are corporate artists who are hired to shit out very safe, paint-by-numbers style art for ads and branding. Plus they work on the computer, so they're already using software that saves a shitton of time when compared to the skill and resources required when using physical cowtools to create art.

In fact, these artists were more like human generators that worked off corporate prompts.

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Yes this is a good point. These artists are themselves just a tool to realise someone else's vision so they've got no right to complain.

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Only the truly deranged actually enjoy using 3D modelling software. The local hooker population should be on red alert now that this guy is losing his 'creative' outlet

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What they enjoy about it is essentially what codecels enjoy about coding on a microlevel. Running into endless technical issues that break the whole thing and coming up with fixes for them. It's the exact same sense of satisfaction.

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Enjoying coding on the micro level should get you sent to the gulags.

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I never knew there was anyone who enjoyed the endless long hours in a dark room doing this shit.

Oh wait


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That's really fricking sad. It'll come for music next I guess.

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or maybe video games are, in fact, not a real artform, and not to be seen as music and paintings are to be seen.

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You can't embezzle money with vidya you can with paintings, and music has been souless algorithm schlock for a long time. The machines have already won

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If your art is so soulless that an AI can easily replace you then you're not really an artist.

Obviously I don't think people like this should live in poverty: that's why I support UBI for anybody who is displaced by AI. But it's hard to feel sympathy for these buttholes when I was talking about UBI fifteen years ago when wagie service workers were losing their jobs and many of these "artists" were like "who cares, they should learn to code."

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Yeah the AI is coming for all the jobs eventually. UBI has to come sooner or later. Pity Andrew Yang isn't credible as a President, but at least people are recognizing that UBI is now a mainstream idea. Either that or we all get our brains upgraded with AI to compete.

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Why not both? Just because you're getting that sweet UBI doesn't mean you can't cybermaxx

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hopefully it forces humans to git gud and really distinguish themselves.

Part of me believes that technology won't take over the way people say it will. Could be cope it feels like it'd be too much of an endeavour given the complexity of the world, peoples' responses, predictions always being wrong etc. It seems even less likely than world communism.

:#marseydarkpizzashill: The Democratic RethugliKKKan Party will collapse by 2030. :#marseydarkpizzashill:

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AI can do a lot of things, but I've never seen it do anything with true artistic merit. It can master the technical elements, but it doesn't seem to understand subtext

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The moment an AI replicates Florence Welch's singing and songwriting is when we know humanity has truly lost. Or won depending on how you see it.

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The arc of history is humanity being the necessary and eventually outdated precursor to AI

Legacy humans taking the L

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Music has already fallen into a "solved" equation created by computer-assisted algorithms for well over a decade. Most of the songs you see on the top 100 billboard for years now, and most of the music "made" by famous artists like Taylor Swift, were all written by one person who came up with the music solution.

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>Be artist who uses computer software to make art

>Get mad that some uses a different piece of computer software to make their art


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>We are making mobile games.


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Neighbor had plenty of warning this was coming, should be prepared

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Our Art team is 2 people, we make 3D models, just to render them and get 2D sprites for the engine, which are more easy to handle than 3D. We are making mobile games.

Lol what a loser, making borderline placeholder art for mobile games

My Job is different now since Midjourney v5 came out last week. I am not an artist anymore, nor a 3D artist. Rn all I do is prompting, photoshopping and implementing good looking pictures.

So art?

The reason I went to be a 3D artist in the first place is gone. I wanted to create form In 3D space, sculpt, create. With my own creativity. With my own hands.

Then why are in front of a computer at all? Go get some clay and wire

It came over night for me. I had no choice. And my boss also had no choice. I am now able to create, rig and animate a character thats spit out from MJ in 2-3 days. Before, it took us several weeks in 3D. The difference is: I care, he does not. For my boss its just a huge time/money saver.

Why would it be anything else to him?

I don’t want to make “art” that is the result of scraped internet content, from artists, that were not asked. However its hard to see, results are better than my work.

Then quit whiny

I am angry. My 3D colleague is completely fine with it. He promps all day, shows and gets praise. The thing is, we both were not at the same level, quality-wise. My work was always a tad better, in shape and texture, rendering… I always was very sure I wouldn’t loose my job, because I produce slightly better quality. This advantage is gone, and so is my hope for using my own creative energy to create.

How shall this artist go on, where shall he find his well of power if not his creative energy?!

Getting a job in the game industry is already hard.

Because it's a bullshit field that is widely over saturated. I mean how many angry bird clones do we really need?

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if you have been replaced by AI art your art was either shit, bland, or not valued

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Then learn to use prompts and use your "better skills" to touch up what the AI might leave out.

Adaptability is better than any strength or intelligence.

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So am I wrong or has nothing fundamentally changed about the field of AI in the last 10 years? Why are all these advancements coming now? Did the nerds just start trying?

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As it turns out Neural Networks are really nice when you just yeet a ton of data into them, '''sophisticated''' Machine Learning eternally BTFO

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People don't realize just how simple these AIs are. The reason they're going so far in so many fields at once is that they're all close to being the same simple tech.

It's the GPU hardware (mostly Nvidia) that's reached the massive parallel and high speed capabilities to process all the huge number of inputs and converge on a result that produces an impressive result.

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It's a snowball effect of people finally making something cool and useful and so more people work on it

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Can AI now actually make models, I thought it was just texturing? If so, I'm opening my own company, employees: 1.

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Yeah I wanna know this as well because I didn't think ai was good at 3d models yet just 2d

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We are making mobile games.


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AI are time traveling immigrants and I support open borders

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Your perspective needs adjustment.

You are an employee for a company that wants to make money. They hired you as a technical expert to help achieve their goals. You do that by the most cost efficient, time efficient way possible.

You get your joy at work from pleasing your employers, and getting paid.

If you want joy, you need to get that with side projects and self-lead learning.

Never put your expectations in your employed work, you will forever feels used, disrespected, and empty.

This has always always been the case. You're just learning it now.

Based af

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As someone who's been a codecel since back in the days of C with a little assembler mixed in here and there, I get this. I like low-level programming. I would enjoy my job more if I could do that instead, but it's just not as productive, and we're here to make money, not for kicks and giggles. And I like getting paid twice as much as I did back then, due to the higher productivity.

Not sure how LLMs are going to affect things. Might get better, might get worse. Might get thrown out on the street. Good thing I have about twenty years worth of living expenses saved up.

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On what planet is Midjourney pumping out 3D models that you can rig and animate in two days? Or is it just making the concepts? Story doesn't add up.

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Agreed, I've seen the 'pic to animation" ai stuff and it sucks. There's no way someone is making useable animated sprites with midjpourney

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Wake me up when there's a machine learning tool for uv projection, rigging and weight painting

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keep yourself safe


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