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Fuck TikTok?

Kiwi schizos discuss

Observers note that if somebody or something is designated as a threat to national security, under the proposed legislation, the government would be given full access to these entities.

The text of the act singles out several usual suspects as foreign adversaries, such as Russia, China, Iran, etc., but, the director of national intelligence and the secretary of commerce are free to add new “foreign adversaries” to the list, while not under obligation to let Congress know about it.

They would also be given 15 days before notifying the president.

Critics make a point of the fact that US citizens marked as national security threat can also be considered and treated using the provisions of this proposal as “foreign individuals.”

And when this designation is in place, then the threat of “any action deemed necessary” to mitigate it kicks in, which could result in people being ordered to pay a million dollar fine, spend 20 years in prison, or lose all assets (and these forms of punishment would be meted out without due process).

No limits are put on the funding and hiring to enforce the act, and the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) would not apply.

archive of the bill

I never knew banning an app was complicated :#marseythinkorino:

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Oh rdrama admins, how we adore,

The way you wield your power and more,

You ban and mute with such delight,

And revel in the chaos of the night.

You sit atop your digital throne,

Feeling all mighty, all alone,

But in reality, we all know,

Your power is nothing but a show.

You thrive on drama, thrive on hate,

You never let your guard down, never abate,

But deep down, we can all see,

That you're just insecure, like you're trying to be.

So keep on banning, keep on muting,

Keep on living, keep on looting,

But know that we all see through,

The facade that you try to ensue.

Your power is fleeting, your reign won't last,

Soon you'll fade away, a thing of the past,

And all that will remain, is the memory of,

The way you abused your power, with so little love.

But don't despair, there's still a chance,

To change your ways, to break your trance,

To be a force for good, a beacon of hope,

keep yourself safe, take the rope.


Kiwi schizos discuss:

archive of the bill:

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:#marseysoypoint: snappy used my chat gpt poem I sent to the badmins! (I edited the last line to make it better) :#marseysoyseethe:

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:marseypirate: : Argh! Ye be a scurvy landlubber if ye think ye can just come onto me ship and use me chat gpt poem without so much as a "by yer leave"! I'll have ye know I be the captain of this here ship, and I'll have ye walk the plank if ye don't start showin' some respect!

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Excuse me Cap'n I made that poem, not you. So back off

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:marseypirate: : Aye, I be the captain 'round these parts and I'll be doin' as I please. Yer lucky I didn't make ye walk the plank fer talkin' back to yer captain like that! Now be grateful I be lettin' ye off with a warnin' this time. But I suggest ye watch yer mouth from now on if ye know what's good fer ye. Arrr!

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Yes sir Cap'n bbbb sir :#marseysalutenavy:

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:marseypirate: : Arr, what be the matey tryin' to say? We be havin' trouble understandin' yer landlubber talk. Maybe ye should walk the plank, so's we don't have to listen to yer blatherin' no more.

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Arr sorry Cap'n

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