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Fuck TikTok?

Kiwi schizos discuss

Observers note that if somebody or something is designated as a threat to national security, under the proposed legislation, the government would be given full access to these entities.

The text of the act singles out several usual suspects as foreign adversaries, such as Russia, China, Iran, etc., but, the director of national intelligence and the secretary of commerce are free to add new “foreign adversaries” to the list, while not under obligation to let Congress know about it.

They would also be given 15 days before notifying the president.

Critics make a point of the fact that US citizens marked as national security threat can also be considered and treated using the provisions of this proposal as “foreign individuals.”

And when this designation is in place, then the threat of “any action deemed necessary” to mitigate it kicks in, which could result in people being ordered to pay a million dollar fine, spend 20 years in prison, or lose all assets (and these forms of punishment would be meted out without due process).

No limits are put on the funding and hiring to enforce the act, and the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) would not apply.

archive of the bill

I never knew banning an app was complicated :#marseythinkorino:

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The proposed "Tik Tok Ban" is actually a red herring for a comprehensive internet censorship bill, that includes blanket ban on VPNs by private citizens (With 20 year prison sentence), unrestricted access by government with no warrant to "the internet of things" such as Alexa, internet door cameras and internet home security systems, and a preemption for any access by the Freedom of Information act for actions taken under the law..

Fuuuucccckkkkk, this is a horrible bill if this passes. If this passes, enjoy a china-like internet chuds.

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I feel validated in not owning any IoT shit

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my parents have IoT EVERYTHING and they won’t fricking give it up. just a few years ago they were telling me about alexa spying and shit now they have a google home

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That switch that boomers did from 'the internet is full of scary pervert weirdos don't tell anyone anything' to 'I will CCTV my whole house and share it with random faceless chinese companies'

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you'd think boomers would be content with using a clapper to turn their lights on and off

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no they need a home assistant to set a 6min timer!!! they’re super useful guise!!!

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only morons put that in their house

bill still sucks tho

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This is well beyond anything China has and it’s not even close.

It’s like our government sees what other authoritarian regimes do and think, “hmm…I can do that a lot better.” Between this and the original Patriot Act the US will have the largest domestic spying and information network in human history. The Stasi couldn’t even dream of this.

I mean, dude bussy lmao

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You dont get it, because we live in a liberal democracy that means we are hecking free unlike those commie hellholes

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dude you're hungarian

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Remember, you voted for this :marseylove:

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Yeah I have a feeling it doesn’t do those things but I wish that it did

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Wtf, even China lets their citizens use VPNs, this is a truly killer bill envied by Erdogan and Xi. RIP Americucks.

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Wtf, even China lets their citizens use VPNs

Not officially. There’s a blanket ban on individual VPN use. Businesses and schools can use them but they have to register it with the government and pay a fee.

They just don’t usually enforce it against individuals but it does happen.

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It's one of those "laws" that simply exist for purposes of convicting somebody for something. It's like those food cart laws that nobody follows but when cops have problems the suddenly those laws matters

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people on this site are actually so r-slurred it doesn’t do any of this

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But have you not read the rdrama sidebar?:

>Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.

Edit: your account glows

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Hey r-slur you can literally download the bill, right now, for free on, and read that it does exactly these things.

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blanket ban on VPNs by private citizens (With 20 year prison sentence)


That's some actual North Korea level shit, are the burgers alright? :marseyxd:

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Comsidering theyve been tracking every cell phone in afganistan for 20 years in case an ied goes off, people thought amerikkkans were off limits somehow

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Removing the last vestiges of anonymity for social media apps had to happen. The privacy invasion aspect is absolutely a bad thing but then again you shouldn't have door cameras and internet connected home security systems in the first place you dumb fricking clowns.

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I feel like every comment we make on every platform is probably going in one big db next to our randomly assigned ID

idk why :marseyshrug:

I bet my message app comments are right between my youtube and rdrama and anything else comments (including 4chan if I went there)

just seems like something that exists and I don't know why :shrug:

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More accurate pricing. :marseyschizowall:

Mention motorbikes in a comment? Health insurance goes up.

Adblock installed? Flagged for viral advertising demographic.

Post a sad marsey? Have you tried SSRIs?

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This is more than just removing the last vestiges of anonymity for social media apps. This bill is China-tier shit.

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Yeah it's pretty shitty, losing VPNs and warrant requirements for personal security footage access is insane. I assume it's going to lay the groundwork for content protection for corporations.

Personally I'm going all out on content hoarding: movies, games, music, books, apps, everything. Frick intellectual property imma download shit that I have no need for right now just because I can. I'll buy a new hard drive if needed.

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It's worse.

:#marseydarkpizzashill: The Democratic RethugliKKKan Party will collapse by 2030. :#marseydarkpizzashill:

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Should’ve known it was evil when it got bipartisan support

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Unironically this

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this will keep :marseymutt: off the internet

I'm happy.

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its not a bill that bans tiktok, its a bill that HAPPENS to ban tiktok. r-slurs will foolishly believe the surface level pitch..

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Good. Ban the internet

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This but about 98% unironically.

Ban everything that isn't wikisource, Wikipedia, wiktionary, and the, like, six other sites that don't radiate a billion becquerels of cancers.

"But my porn and online shopping and McTickytockyFaceSpace.goy"

Go outside. Tbh, I need to get grassed or let the fed turn off my internet, whichever is easiest

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Sorry no. soyboys mod Wikipedia. Only encyclopedia dramatica allowed

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Wikipedia is almost perfect, if you don't look at Talk pages or anything related to history

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or the Scots language page :marseymisinformation:

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I think it was any page in Scots lol

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or anything related to politics or cultural issues

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or Shakespeare

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only Uncyclopedia

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and online shopping

Keep yourself safe, you will pry my Amazon prime out of my cold dead hands.

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Wikipedia unironically donates all their money to DEI efforts and progressive causes.

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Yeah, Wikipedia receives a crazy amount of money, and they absolutely don't need it because their staff is tiny and their infrastructure isn't getting any bigger. So all those WE NEED $5 TO SURVIVE campaigns just funnel right into goofy charities that would otherwise never make more money than a local gofundme

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It doesn't even ban TikTok, it just lets them ban it. They could just sit on the zoomer question and use it to punish random political enemies

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That’s how all bills in our government for the last 40 years have worked.

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The only thing that stops a Fed is a good guy with a


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The only thing that stops a bad fed is a good fed :marseywholesome:

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The only thing that stops a bad fed is a bullet made of lead


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The state is oppressing us, it's time for the people to rise up and fight back!

drives to elementary school

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A real :marseypatriot: would shoot up a police station instead.

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Now, now, you wouldn't doubt your good old buddy the federal goverment, would you now, pal?

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It'll never get that bad. Prove it? Well, I just have to wait for these FOIA requests to get approved, so I'm sure everything will be fine within 20 years.


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Hmmm we give away all our freedoms but we also annoy zoomers. This one's tricky

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You say that as if you've got a vote in the decision :marseytrumpitsoverwereback:

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democrats are in charge, so this is actually a good thing. if you don't agree it's because you are a racist fascist trump supporting stochastic terrorist.

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What's the matter, Greg? You scared you and your MAGA propagandists will finally be held accountable for your actions?


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Shoving a shotgun in your mouth and pulling the trigger to own the cons

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Bill proposed by a rethuglican from virginia, nice try chud.

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yeah first hint was that it’s a bipartisan committee. if there’s anything republicans and democrats both love it’s censorship

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progressives and libertarians are the most opposed because they’re worried about how it will affect their groomercord servers.

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lmao that fat mayofoid had a gadsden sticker on her ipad and was part of a committee trying to trample section 230 and internet free speech. you can’t make this shit up

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(E) post-quantum cryptography;

(F) autonomous systems;

(G) advanced robotics;

(H) biotechnology;

(I) synthetic biology;

(J) computational biology;

Heh... they're really thinking pretty far ahead on this one


T-transhumanist bros?

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RDrama.onion when

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Lol. Tor is completely owned and run by the US government. There are backdoors coded into that shit. All tor is good for it screwing with businesses. A non Five Eyes vpn is much better for bypassing the US government.

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^^ this is cope, vpn is a single point of failure and far easier to honeypot

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That’s why you use a none 5 eyes vpn. That single point is still more than you get when the US government owns the majority of Tor nodes. But feel free to continue thinking tor works like an r-slur

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Tor is very much not perfect and you could justify nesting it with a vpn service depending on the threat model but compared to a vpn service alone onion routing is just better. Also citation needed for us gov owning a majority of nodes.

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God told me

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it was revealed to me in a dream

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That is why I'm buying those WD 110 TB External HDD one at a time. I need to buy 10 of those, get the entire libgen data (current size around 200 TB) and all of /r/drama and archives. Then I will be happy with minimal internet for the rest of my life.

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Pretty sure the meta on HDD size is 14TB, skewing 16TB often. 10TB has never been a great deal.

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The full story iirc is that the government can apply enough pressure on the system to get someone, but it’s pretty clear when it happens and you’d have to be like Osama Bin Laden for them to do it

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please. or if you could just let me change my avatar normally that would be great, baby steps

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Step 2: Declare the Republican Party a national security risk.

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But i thought rightoids are a security threat that needs to be contained??

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“Erm actually the democrats would never want to control people”

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Oh rdrama admins, how we adore,

The way you wield your power and more,

You ban and mute with such delight,

And revel in the chaos of the night.

You sit atop your digital throne,

Feeling all mighty, all alone,

But in reality, we all know,

Your power is nothing but a show.

You thrive on drama, thrive on hate,

You never let your guard down, never abate,

But deep down, we can all see,

That you're just insecure, like you're trying to be.

So keep on banning, keep on muting,

Keep on living, keep on looting,

But know that we all see through,

The facade that you try to ensue.

Your power is fleeting, your reign won't last,

Soon you'll fade away, a thing of the past,

And all that will remain, is the memory of,

The way you abused your power, with so little love.

But don't despair, there's still a chance,

To change your ways, to break your trance,

To be a force for good, a beacon of hope,

keep yourself safe, take the rope.


Kiwi schizos discuss:

archive of the bill:

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:#marseysoypoint: snappy used my chat gpt poem I sent to the badmins! (I edited the last line to make it better) :#marseysoyseethe:

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:marseypirate: : Argh! Ye be a scurvy landlubber if ye think ye can just come onto me ship and use me chat gpt poem without so much as a "by yer leave"! I'll have ye know I be the captain of this here ship, and I'll have ye walk the plank if ye don't start showin' some respect!

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Excuse me Cap'n I made that poem, not you. So back off

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:marseypirate: : Aye, I be the captain 'round these parts and I'll be doin' as I please. Yer lucky I didn't make ye walk the plank fer talkin' back to yer captain like that! Now be grateful I be lettin' ye off with a warnin' this time. But I suggest ye watch yer mouth from now on if ye know what's good fer ye. Arrr!

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Yes sir Cap'n bbbb sir :#marseysalutenavy:

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:marseypirate: : Arr, what be the matey tryin' to say? We be havin' trouble understandin' yer landlubber talk. Maybe ye should walk the plank, so's we don't have to listen to yer blatherin' no more.

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Arr sorry Cap'n

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You know, I hate south africa for blah blah reasons, but sometimes I'm grateful that our guys are just greedy r-slurs:marseyretard2: who can't even be corrupt right, and not these high-tech evil yt ppl whose only objective is utter control of everyone.:marseydemonicgrin:

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No way this shit passes, right? I'm not huffing copium, right?

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:marseyshrug: they do be doing a lot of unconstitutional shit and then courts just let it go "semantically it's okay". So a hard maybe despite this being obviously enshrined against

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Good morning I hate the globalists.

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american legislature moment

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ban with the pretext of "terrorism" is actually super-intrusive totalitarian ban


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The gov/military has banned the use of commercial drones for itself, the CamScanner app, and any electronic device that has mic/cam/bluetooth/wifi, and in some places rental car fobs. All because of actual shit they've discovered about China.

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Good, get fricked chuds

If you're doing nothing wrong, then why hide? :marseyspyglow:

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i support Chinese government

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