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  • arsey : fuuuuu I meant to post this in slackernews

Useless idiots at r/FreelanceWriters realize they can't compete with ChatGPT, so now they call themselves "prompt engineers."


In case you all missed the last thread about writers getting replaced by ChatGPT, the gist of it is that the low-tier idiots who rewrite other web pages just enough to pass Grammarly plagiarism detection have realized that they are being replaced by ChatGPT.

The sub is having an existential crisis over it and posts range anywhere from "no really we're good and not replaceable" to "frick it, I'm out". Others are QQing that AI detectors are being used to tell clients that they are indeed useless.

Some of them have decided to pivot to making themselves sound v v v intelligent. The geniuses that call themselves writers have come up with a plan to call themselves prompt engineers because surely that will rake in the cash.

This crisis on this sub brings a new thread crying about ChatGPT every day and it's glorious.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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Honestly the writing was on the wall when churning out boilerplate garbage content became part of SEO

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SEO is such a dogshit rat race. Google somehow made pooping millions and millions of lines of text - text that nobody will ever read - a job.

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omg search anything to do with Canadian law and you get so much AI nonsense now. Shit like it's legal to conceal carry pistols with ur ATT

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If there was any justice on earth AI would rewrite the actual laws when no one was looking

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>The geniuses that call themselves writers have come up with a plan to call themselves prompt engineers because surely that will rake in the cash.

This will probably work, I've heard of dumber ideas that have secured the bag before.

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oh I'm sure it will but it won't be much money. AI prompt engineer is like calling yourself a data entry expert.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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I'm pretty sure prompt engineer will mean a lot more than just writing/data entry skills. It's about being a deep expert at exploiting LLMs and staying on top of techniques. There's also tons of programmer type stuff like using vector databases to add memory layer + large datasets on top.

But otherwise I could see it just jobs being grunt work by people who'd rather email lists of shit to generate or summarize or whatever. I just wouldn't call that a prompt engineer. Maybe prompt writer or GPT jockey

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Bot Breaker :#marseycracka:

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learnprompting.org for those curious tards

This is what turned the worm for me https://learnprompting.org/docs/basics/chatbot_basics#priming-prompt and given the rest of the site it looks like that’s not even scratching the surface

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Nice, that's a very useful site.

This will be a high school class soon. AI prompting 101

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it's going 100% to be a big booba generator

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You would hope

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I take it back - first make everyone not r-slurred THEN let them loose on LLMs - the potential of internet/smartphones vs what they are has turned me into a cring doomer on technological advancements and the masses

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I'm working on this right now. ChatGPT is helping me create the plan (I need to learn a few things like getting AutoGPT going) and presentation for my company. It's worth a shot and r-slurs have been paid for dumber jobs.

Black trans lives matter


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I wonder when we will get to the point that ChatGPT can put out decent copy. From what I've seen from playing around with it, copy tends to be stiff and horribly repetitive no matter what prompts I put in (I may just not be cut out to be a prompt engineer though :marseysmug2:) How is AutoGPT working out for you?

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Like, say, tricking Russia into invading your country, then appearing before congress without wearing a tie.

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I don't know what this means, but it smells of terminally online

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A good prompt engineer will be able to automate his work and basically muscle out the competiton imo. Just a matter of casting a wide net, you could do full SEO content daily, possibly hourly for essentially infinite clients

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Now that's an interesting hustle. Automated prompt engineer. Click a button and charge someone $50 for the output.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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It's going to be part of social media/SEO management imo. Lots of places already farm that out, now you'll be able to automate a daily blog or smth. It cannot be any worse than the current deluge of :marseytunaktunak: tech "blogs"

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geeksforgeeks.com :marseytunaktunak: pushing out a bunch of spam shit comes to mind.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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>click link



Any time i want to find a code or electronics tutorial that's not youtube it's all sexy Indian dude junk blogs only tangentially related and all copy/pasting the same six lines of code

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I'm working on ai rn and i wish i had a full-time coworker who just worked on a/b testing prompts and have asked my boss to hire someone (they wont)

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I hate how useless people always find a way to shove 'engineer' into their job title. Why can't they call themselves 'prompt carpenters' or something? It makes searching for actual engineering topics annoying.

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that is true, but on the other hand it REALLY annoys actual engineers which I put as a check in the plus column

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Are you some kind of seethe engineer?

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software engineer is an r-slured term but I call myself one just to piss off my actual engineer friend

it's incredibly funny when I do it when he's drunk and make him go on a 40 minute rant that inevitably devolves into some r-slurred shit

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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The irony is that modern engineers mostly use software and write code, as well. If CS programs included Differential Equations then non-software engineers wouldn't have much to complain about.

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they actually have programs that are called "software engineering" now, or did and it's pretty much that: CS with more math and some non-software engineering classes like EE

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as a kid i always thought engineers were just train drivers

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a lot of kids shows had trains and they always called the drivers engineers. i dont remember when i learned that wasnt the case, prob when i was quite young as well. but if someone told me they were an engineer when i was like 5 i would have thought they drove a train

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:marseywagie: Do not denigrate my position as a button-pushing engineer!

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>Attach LED to a raspberryPi

>Add "Embedded Systems Engineer" to my CV

I'm gonna make it.

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Artisanal Prompt Barista

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Honestly good for that person for trying to game the system instead of whining and bitching about how irreplaceable or indispensable they are. Good luck grabbing that little bag, brother.

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If you haven’t done bare minimum calculus 3 and calculus based physics you aren’t even a student of engineering. Fricking lazy butt liberal arts majors

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Only bad engineers have to use math, good ones design by gut feeling.

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And code in production!

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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I got the buisness development guys to incorporate "leveraging AI" in a contract proposal I was consulting on and the head of BD about sucked me off.

The key to government contracts is putting the things you'd like to do, not the things you can do.

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It's funny seeing how they cope about AI detectors. They make up shit and say it's how it works but in reality, the ones that work just use particular mathematical properties of how GPT explores semantic space, which is why feeding GPT into detectGPT works but feeding GPT to deepL to detectGPT tells you it's a perfectly human text.

And it's not like they can tell when it's AI generated, even teachers can barely ever tell.

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It's telling that only an artificial intelligence can produce such consistent and high-quality drama as DDR :marseypopcorn:

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DDR on Twitter had the Divine Spark simply cannot be duplicated

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I mean, calling your yourself a prompt engineer is the preferable solution than the others. At least you'll still have a chance to make decent money by churning out lots of write ups or knowing how to tailor the AI to get the client what they want.

Going to happen with graphics too.

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Nice post, bro! I posted it to twitter.

Useless idiots at /r/FreelanceWriters realize they can't compete with #Chatgpt so now they call themselves "prompt engineers." https://rdrama.net/post/162460/useless-idiots-at-rfreelancewriters-realize-they #ai #women #funny

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THIS was not hard for the CIA to achieve because whites and blacks in society don't live side by side. So putting gay hormones like estrogen in white youths water supply was very direct and putting steroids in black youth water supplies was equally as easy hence black women unusual size or shapes.... TO ACHIEVE NWO or one government you have to kill out the intelligent strong minded white MALES and passifie black males with half white off springs. CIA went way further with this as in forcing or beating up white women to push the acceleration of this program along with MKULTRA s*x games. MKULTRA and s*x mind control was performed in the sixty as to where a man is sexually aroused can be manipulated to perform acts he never other wise do such as cuckoling a CIA SICK PROGRAMMING of peoples minds... THEY wanted a more accelerated program globally so they started doing this to Europe and other countries to achieve New World Order and why both Trump, Europe and Russia denounced NWO for more independent world. YOUR GAY NOT BY CHOICE OF YOUR OWN BUT BY CIA CHOICE!!!!


no really we're good and not replaceable:

frick it, I'm out":


prompt engineers:

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Don’t hate on prompt engineers, there’s absolutely a higher skill ceiling to AI interfacing than ANYONE wants to admit. People that hone that skill will have a place.

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Is there though? It doesn't look hard to me but if I can r*pe some corporate wallets by doing it, I def will. It seems boring af but if I can automate it, frick yeah.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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