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  • rDramaHistorian : ITT: WinCucks and Linuxnerds fighting. MacChads stay winning

Microsoft is Slowly Rolling Out Ads in the Windows 11 Start Menu :marseywindows: :marseylaugh:


orange site reacts

https://i.rdrama.net/images/16813302028953881.webp :#marseypenguin:

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This will surely be the thing that makes people switch to linux! :marseyclueless:

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I will 100% be switching to Linux before I upgrade past 10. I've flirted with the idea for years but since I no longer play any video games outside of Star Citizen I no longer have any reason to stay.

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You can always try it out by dual booting. Whatever you do, DO NOT fall for the Ubuntu meme.

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I've messed with A LOT of distros over the years. All the way back to Dragon Linux in the 90's. Ubuntu was "ok". I'm not going Arch though because I don't hate myself.

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Which ones do you consider better than "ok" (or rather which ones are you considering, I'm interested in expert opinion)? I don't need reasons why, can look up myself.

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If I'm being completely honest it changes from year to year. Fedora Core was the last one I seriously test drove, then Mint which was based on Ubuntu. If I ever decide to switch over full time when 10 is no longer receiving updates I'll probably start searching like a N00b and start from scratch.

Don't get one that is using any bleeding edge technology. You're not an alpha tester. Get something with long time support or rolling updates as long as it's not like alpha beta channel shit. If you're brand new Ubuntu is "fine" and has a huge userbase that can help you with stuff, but I would bet it's not what you stick with when you're done.

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Don't worry about me, I'm mostly Linux, just no experience in distro hopping.

Fedora Core vs. U-Mint

Agree, leaning towards Core. I have experience in both F and U (sorry) and F feels too commercial. U lesser so. Now, if you could just review Debian unstable....

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I ran Debian unstable for a few years, but it really is unstable. Not all the time, but occasionally an important package gets updated that just fricks up the entire system for a month. I'm on Debian testing now and it's been smooth.

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>edits you boot loader to dunk on linuxcels

@WindowsShill : Nothing personell, kiddo

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:#marseydoomer: You know ms could kill their children and they refuse to use any other OS besides latest windows

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Normies just don’t mess with their computers lol. They use Windows for the same reason they drink Bud Light when it’s the cheap catering provided beer. It’s there and it doesn’t bother them too much.

In other words linuxcels stay losing

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They don't even know the difference. I have installed Linux onto all my friends laptops just because it is faster and easier. Just change the theme into something similar to windows and they think it is windows.

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>nokke, why don't any of my games work? where did Word go?

good job

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For one. Nobody sane person games on a low end laptop and 2nd they are using "word". "Why is it not saving in .doc format".

These are the people that can't even use a normal printer without help. But anyways they don't have a browser they have "The Internet" and only use bookmarks.

To describe what a laptop purpose is for them is just doing mail, some paperwork , and audio calls.

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Computer illiterate people use Google docs or word online because it's still on the web browser

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Proton makes the vast majority of steam games work fine.

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This would not be a problem if apps would work consistently on different Linux distros

:marseyn#erd2: well they do, you just have to :marseywords:

That is a lie.

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they do as long as you have encyclopedic knowledge about how linux works and the ability to debug arcane error messages

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Do applications work even consistently in windows?

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Yes. Cope linuxcel.

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Is that why there is so much compatibility issues with DirectX ?

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Idc edge works fine for me

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I had to use sed to patch the mount and blade warband binary to point to a new library once.

still worked tho

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Linux is successful enough. More normies = more pozzing. Linuxcels if anything don't gatekeep enough.

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Linuxcels if anything don't gatekeep enough.


I pivoted away from hippie-dippy "linux is for everyone!" liberal nonsense due to the phenomenon of unfathomably r-slurred children installing Kali Linux because they saw someone using it on a terrible TV show, and flooding help forums with questions like "what is a partition?"

I now keep so many gates that I've formed a consortium called the Organization of Gate Exporting Countries where we hoard gates and engage in sideways gate-drilling in order to keep the price of gates high.

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ugh, just buy a mac.

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A fundamental growth-killer for linuxcels is that the same basic task will require a double click in Windows, but in Linux will require going into the command line and typing out multiple sentences or copy-pasting commands from some website you found.

The worst part is that some of them actually think this is a feature rather than a massive pain in the butt.

Also games and inability to actually substitute for Microsoft Office. SuperTuxCart doesn't cut it, and the same document will look very different if opened in LibreOffice versus Word.

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That's not the issue...

:marseyst#inky: MS is slow and over encumbered


:!#marseytroll2: Linux stuff is clunky, uses age old interfaces and only does half the things you want it to*

*Dont worry stuff will be added in the future

** Not really, linux devs are neurodivergent and like to stick to the old way of doing things. They're also lazy and do it for free.

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That's hardly the worst of it.

The worst part is the executable and linking system. Linux tech tips got hit with a particularly bad case but there's plenty of packages I can't install because they randomly attempt to remove important OS shit like FUSE or (an oddly specific target) xorg-dev.

All these shitty package systems are apparently a feature and much more convenient and efficient than simply downloading and running an exe file.

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"plenty" of packages? I don't believe you. (Unless it's Manjaro, then i believe it)

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office360 is a webapp and there's very little reason to use any standalone Office apps aside from maybe excel if you're a hardcore excelcel with lots of scripts.

Can you name an example of something that can only be accomplished with command line in a desktop environment like kde? Aside from disk mounting and compiling stuff from the arch repo, I haven't touched command line in a long time.

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Have you actually used office online? It sucks major donkey balls, even my tech illiterate colleagues with whom I had to work on a project using office online acknowledged that. Even to normies it's painfully obvious because there are crucial features missing in the online version

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Our entire office only uses web office. Before that, my whole school system used only online office. It does kind of suck but very few people were hardcore users writing complicated docs. I haven’t seen a stand-alone office install in a couple years. Orgs like it because it’s cheap and cuts down on IT work

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It gives you access to regular word too I think, so the ones who do need more arcane word features can just download it.

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a monthly subscription of office 360 is the future. Everyone is doing it. It's the best thing since sliced bread.


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The worst part is that some of them actually think this is a feature rather than a massive pain in the butt.

it is, but the best feature is that people like you don't adopt it - from that point out all development would just be catering to your whining about how things are just too hard for you

you people always have this "here's how you need to kiss my butt" attitude, and im not sure why you think anyone should want kiss it at all

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Or you could...


Have a usable interference.

You know screens have colors now right?

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so do terminals

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your definition of usable is "requires nothing of me" because you're lazy and worthless

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Usable means it doesn't require me to access the documentation to learn useless abbreviations for small parameter settings that could be communicated with a basic interface.

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>requires nothing of me

that's not lazy. that's called being efficient

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this is literally customer mentality though.

Linux isn't UI-friendly to normies and grandparents. Linuxcels do surprised Pikachu face when Windows has 1000x the spread of Linux. Adapt or die.

:#marseydarkpizzashill: The Democratic RethugliKKKan Party will collapse by 2030. :#marseydarkpizzashill:

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At the same time:

>why is no one adopting our superior operating system :marseysoycrytremble:

Meanwhile in the real world:

:marseygrilling2: (CEO): what the heck do you mean, "different browser"? I use the internet, its right there on the monitor! (Points at internetexplorer_new(7).exe

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and stay out!

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The word to libre gap has been closed as far as i can tell

The biggest Libre L is that Times New Roman is closed source, lots of places still only accept that as a font

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No it hasn't, Libre Office has way shittier UI and randomly crashes far more often than Microsoft Office.

It's not even the best free alternative too Microsoft Office anymore, that title belongs too OnlyOffice.

Trans Lives Matter

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I wrote a 10000 word essay on libre once in my open software fan phase then saved it in doc and it fricked up the formatting everywhere, I pirated office after that.


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I have never seen it crash, it is ugly though

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Don't work King, no one on drama.net is going to deny your lived experience

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Office 365 has a web UI, right? I remember using OpenOffice in college when I was a freetard. Wine didn't do a good job running Word.

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With less features unless you shill out for the Paid $ub$cription.

Trans Lives Matter

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My uni gives me the full office suite free

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office is literally free for anyone with a student ID

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I have left libre open for weeks on end as i write my straggy nonsense and i havent had it crash once

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I had to use Libre a few days back and I had to restart it every now and then because somehow it would suddenly refuse to write anything, out of the blue :marseythonk:

I'm used to Openoffice since youth but it's falling out of flavor everywhere

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Would it be a problem if one copies the .ttf from an old (legally bought) Windows? Is it tied to Win? Could anybody tell, even? I doubt it...

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Sure people care.


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You know how they got Al Capone? Tax evasion. What if you violated the license of a font/.ttf? Not important until you make money off of it.

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If u figure it out DM the font pls

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just buy an old CD/DVD of Microsoft Windows., the .ttf will be on there, then ask a judge if it's legal. i will not be dming fonts, frick off.

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Calm down stallman its just a font

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it is until you're an independent contractor and get audited.

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No, nobody could tell and it's doable, just a pain in the butt. I think there are even scripts and shit to semi-automate this -- though I recommend not paying for the Windows license...

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Yea try doing section numbering and headers.

Come back to me after.

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The shell is unironically 1000x better than any windows GUI

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Arent debian and ubuntu meant for casual users? Theyre not as smooth as windows but they still fulfill their task of being an actual GUI desktop interface

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The average guy is barely capable of running windows without constant help. Anything even less smooth is not acceptable for probably 90% of professional settings.

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Sure if you casually use GnuPaint and LinuxCart...

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>Graphical user interface Desktop interface

Most intelligent linux user. maybe if you sudo apt spent some time in the library you'd be literate you pathetic fricking virgin.

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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I dont use linux and dgaf about what abbreviations mean :marseyfuckyou:

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Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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heard zorisOS looks good

(im not r-slurred enough to install linux)

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Also games and inability to actually substitute for Microsoft Office. SuperTuxCart doesn't cut it, and the same document will look very different if opened in LibreOffice versus Word.

Just use wine/proton

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Normal people aren't neurodivergent enough to use Linux

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Imagine learning 200 words just to run a system function.

As opposed to having a readable GUI.

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i once had to use linux on such virtualmachine webapp. installing 7zip was a headache. had to write some bs catchphrase before each command

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Unironically true, could you imagine trying to get your mom to install Ubuntu?

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>To continue type in the phrase 'Yes, do as I say!'"

Uhh, sure, I guess...

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I sure would switch.

Can it run the apps I use frequently?


Can it run alternative apps that serve the same purpose?


At least tell me these freeware alternatives have the same functionality...


The core features work as intended?


They don't crash regularly?


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Valve is the real threat to windows tbh

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No but anyone seeing the ads deserves it. Windows is easier to pirate than ever.

I literally got the .iso for Windows 11 enterprise professional from Microsoft for free. Then I activated it permanently with a fricking powershell script lmfao.

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I honestly think microsoft is fine with pirated personal version windows. I bet they make the big bucks from corporate licensing, so the lost income is literally a rounding error of their bank statement, and keeping their "ecosystem" of people being used to their system structure more than makes up for it.

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Yeah definitely. Between corporate licensing, servers, CALs, and now all the companies paying for Office 365 and Azure... MS will never do anything about your cracked version. Heck, I ran an unactivated W10 for like 3 years and all that did was stop me from changing my wallpaper again.

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Le gnome file picker

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They'll just buy a macbook instead

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No, Windows ads are a good thing

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plz donate for !shills

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They can tattoo ads on my butt in my sleep before I start using Linux.

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