musiccels BTFO :marseyitsover:

people who make good music have a passion for it, i don’t see how AI would change that. maybe they’ll have rhe same reactions as the inkcels and claim it’s literally killing them or something.

as for grocery music and elevator music, they both fricking suck already and there’s no way to make it worse. how hard is it to just deal with it for half an hour at most

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Now I realize that the AI art debacle is just artist incels schizoposting about the AI generator chads taking all the commissioner stacies

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Yep, this won't be an issue for anyone with actual talent and a drive to learn. They'll just adapt like they always do when new cowtools come around.

Generated music still needs to be tweaked, polished and curated, and it requires an element of human creativity to make that happen.

The ones that will get weeded out are the mediocre and lazy ones who have been coasting along until now.

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garagebandcels in shambles

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Bullshit. We've now raised two entire generations on Autotuned crap, and they PREFER it to real singing, even at "live" performances.

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Unless you're listening to opera you unironically can't talk about real singing

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That's the dumbest thing I've read all day, and I've been surfing Reddit. Congrats!

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Sorry my words are too great for you to understand, maybe one day when you're not a virgin, you'll get it.

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Okay, you got me there.

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And it’s a wake-up call for those mediocre talentless artcels that they better be satisfied at being a music/art teacher at a public school.

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not that there's anything wrong with that

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if AI was replacing middle-class jobs that matter (like plumbing, electricians, and contruction) these people would be okay with it. Instead its going after jobs where people are either a small minority thats overpaid or the vast majority relying on social media interaction to create unnecessary pretentious garbage. They can't handle that.

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Watching the narrative flip has been amazing. Years ago when the media was pushing driverless cars, all these cute twinks were totally onboard with automating the working class out of their jobs. Poors should learn to code, right? But now that it turns out the plumbers and street sweepers are safe and it's codecels and middling creatives getting btfo'd, AI is suddenly bad

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>its going after the jobs


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like plumbing, electricians, and contruction

dude, what middle class do you live in

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mfw my oil and pastel painting can't be taken over by ai :marseysmug2:

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You wish, paintcel

We are coming for you :marppyenraged:

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:#soyjackwow: I'll take ten

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Everything can be framed in terms of incels, chads, and stacies.

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Most pop music is written by like 3 guys, this doesn't change a thing. I wonder if drum machines and synths had this kind of pushback too

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it’s actually just one guy

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I was being generous, i thought there was like one other super producer. Also gotta make u wonder if the labels are worried this dude gonna :marseydead: so they gotta figure this AI thing out

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I think dude is important too

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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I still cant get over the fact this dude dated Lena Dumham :marseypuke:

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That’s a ridiculous list of hits

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Darn that dude is talented

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Talk about talent. Maybe he should take some of his and rub it onto the pretty stage faces, eh?

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Shit. I learned something today

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i bet these “musicians” complaining about AI don’t even write their own songs or have any involvement in the creative process

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Yea I have a similar experience with these things, in that the only artists that cry about AI are the ones who feel threatened by it- those who make banal, mediocre and easily replacable '''art'''

The artists who actually make interesting stuff, be it paintings or music or whatever and have amassed an audience and thus don't feel insecure about their craft generally don't buy into this AI panic

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The harsh truth is that 90% of people who study art/music just end up being wagecucks making corporate elevator music and forgettable poster designs because they don't have a creative bone in their body. They tell themselves lies that what they do at least needs some creativity, and the fact that STEM dweebs can write a program that spits out the same mundane trash confronts them with that.


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I hope ai comes for my job next. I yearn for the mines.

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I'm hoping I can either wait it out until I retire at 60 in the absolute white collar comfort I currently enjoy, of we just rip the fricking bandaid off and I can go be a lumberjack/private military contractor while I'm still young. But good God don't cuck me in my 40s

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Creativity being associated with artcels is just a psyop. The reality is that actual STEM requires the same level of creativity, and the mediocre wagies don't, just as in art.

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My closest musician friend now works at Sweetwater so basically you hit the nail on the head. Hes doing well for himself at least

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Frick Sweetwater I never got my 84 band EQ fricking thieves

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I hope the people making shit indie covers of popular songs are next

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AI song filters that make a covers in the genre of your choice would be cool and end the lives of thousands of creatively bankrupt musicians


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Shitty "remixers" too.

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I liked one of those by accident and ruined my Spotify release radar forever :marseyitsover:

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incredibly gay

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>countless morons calling it awful and mocking it

Yes but the whole entire point is that this wasn't possible at all until now, and very very soon it's going to be indistinguishable from the "real" stuff

Literally twitter ai art drama all over again, they're all just going to laugh at it ( :marseyseethe: heh it sucks amirite)

Until one day oops it's indistinguishable and they're gonna start begging the government for regulation

Do they not realise how pathetic they look

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The funny thing is how these people demanding regulation of AI think they're on the workers' side.

But it's another one of those instances where regulation is also what the tech giants are arguing for.

Not because they love creators, but because it secures their stranglehold on an emerging technology.

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i don’t know how i feel about AI regulation. it just gives a stepping stone to the government for more censorship

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it will destroy the livelihoods of tens of thousands of musicians


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I can’t wait until the government cracks down on you AI cucks. I’m not ready to bend the knee to Skynet.

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Your choices are to bend the knee to McdonaldNet (brought to you in conjunction with Onlyfans) or to GovNet.

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you'll only bend the knee to smd

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Don't worry, I will kill you before Skynet takes over


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boy you're about to get on your knees if you know what I mean

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You'll only be out of a job if the music you produce is generic.

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that’s literally 100% of corporate music

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Music has been legit dead for years.

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Not if you're listening to my stuff B)

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Other musicians: ^

Me: Ai, give me sublime based soft jazz rock filtered through a 25guage galvanized steel drum and a robot voice vocoder

But unironically as someone who makes music I'm just gonna keep frickin doing it because I have a regular job lmfao. I will say the amount of cope from dramatards about "I-I-if you have skill you'll be fine" no they won't lol but it also doesn't matter. You either like making music or you don't, if you complain about this you don't like making music.

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"I-I-if you have skill you'll be fine" no they won't lol

We still watch chess players despite Deep Blue and we still watch live shows despite the record player. People will always want to see talented people.

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The people attending only need music they can enjoy they don't need a person to play it. Music events are a socialization first structure. Assign a gogo dancer to stand behind a bunch of big important looking panels, and it's effectively over for irl musicians.

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I-I-if you have skill you'll be fine" no they won't lol but it also doesn't matter. You either like making music or you don't, if you complain about this you don't like making music.

this is what i mean. i don’t expect any of my favorite bands to ditch their entire lifestyle and creations just because pop and elevator music will become more automated

also i hate the “it’s their heckin job” argument. i’ve never once heard any of my fav bands play in public anywhere except for at a concert yet i don’t see any good musicians complaining about being put out of business. any musician that gets mad about AI is the same type of person that’d be at the writers strike; shitty at their job and threatened that a tool can do it better

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Good, I'm so tired of brain dead left "musician" being smug.


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Ive been playing drums for over half my life and I couldn't care about this at all. I will eventually learn to use ableton and produce on a computer but AI music doesnt shit it up for me at all because the music I want to make is the music I want to listen to born from my LSD assisted ideas. Real performers (like me) instead of pc composers will also always be able to just perform live, so the sneed is from truly talentless hacks.

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i curse you to have absolute bt the next time. you are under the influence and enjoying a song. suddenly you discover IT'S AI MADE. hahahhaha

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Its pretty great composing on lsd, i can imagine a piano or violin and basically ableton live it in my head, layering on more instruments and vocals until I get a genuine full track in my mind. It makes me want to learn ableton but I won't have the time to start for the next few months sadly. If LSD can connect me to the chatgpt ai hivemind, then I'm all for it, supercompose time

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Post some good shit or gtfo

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Heres me on drums and a friend on guitar back in Dec 2021. Its all improvised, zero planning literally "frick it lets do something desert metal". Was when i was on vacation so I had to play on a practice studio and is a bit messy at times but again, literally zero forethought went into it:

Same session, me doing an improvised solo. Choppy start as I'm trying to nail down the starting beat I had just come up with and tried to push high speed for fun but get into a decent swing soon after

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Lol such psychedelic cope

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Not really, its why i say i have to learn to use ableton, because i have no clue how to turn the idea into reality right now and wont for a long time. Still, posted some of my live stuff below if you want to rip on it

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so the sneed is from truly talentless hacks.

just like the writer strike

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More like the copywriter strike because all theyre doing is pushing out remakes of old shit. Rate my shit tho:


Drum + guitar:

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"i trained this on all the music" seems like a perfect excuse for record labels to do what they love most, suing people

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Isnt pop music at the least so figured out that they basically know the formula for hits? This seems like the next logical step

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yes they’ll look for what makes a song popular then try to imitate it. it’s why all pop sounds like garbage

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Oh no i wont hear lizzo in kfc anymore

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>automated music utilizing statistical analysis to create generic songs aimed at maximum audience acceptance

How would this be different from what we have now?

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it wouldn’t. they already use AI to write music

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IDC because playing wonderwall will still get me kitty, generating a tune hunched over my keyboard doesn't get the girls as hot and bothered for some reason.

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average working composers

If a robot could make better music than you, you're just shit probably

Why should we have to subsidize mediocrity

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waiting rooms. store music.

Might as well be AI, probably should be. Who's pouring their heart and soul into muzak?

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i heard that record companies use AI to analyze the common elements between a bunch of popular songs then use it to make their own. it would explain why popular music all sounds the same, it was written by an AI with the intent of being popular and raking in cash

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The technology in the theoretical is terrifying, but it’ll honestly be used for corporate paint by numbers projects that even normies will hate.

AI whatever will likely be a useful tool for professionals, but you likely won’t see it wholesale replace the industry. The modern exec is more clueless than the old Jewish execs who gave rap and metal a go ahead.

The AI stuff is a better chance of small production companies being able to produce quality shit (as long as it remains Open Source and there is BIPOC word ban legislation in Machine learning).

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:#marseykingkrazysnake:its pretty impressive, not gonna replace human artists yet but considering how fast AI is advancing it might in a few months


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>that feel when you weren't born creativeless husk like most and you feel the disturbance by AI

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Finally, my dream of listening exclusively to Heavy Washing Machine music will come true!

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Thank goodness. :marseyparty:

I swear that the next mass shooting will coincide with the next time I hear that fricking tiger lily song on public radio. :marseybestfriends:

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The illest rhymes

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why do people post screenshots instead of just linking the tweet? I wanna hear the AI music

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I'm on the waitlist. people have been emulating vocals for a while. the music was the only remaining link

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art can only bud in the waters of poverty and destitution. look at taylor swift for example

musiccels be eating tonight

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