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Alyssa Rosenzweig, a well-known Linux developer, publishes her manifesto. "I’m on the board overseeing Linux graphics. Half of us are trans. If all you care about is Linux, resist the attacks on trans people."




https://archived.moe/g/thread/93632944/linux-graphics-stack-is-trans (EDIT: removed/jannied, archive: https://archived.moe/g/thread/93632944/)

HN users are noticing :marseynoooticer: something:

« I’m on the board overseeing Linux graphics. Half of us are trans »

From a purely statistical POV, this is absurdly bizarre.

Not really.

Statistically there will be weird coincidences completely naturally. It's also quite arbitrary which we see as meaningful. If say, Linux networking has unusually many people called "John" that probably will be unnoticed because nobody pays that much attention to common, unremarkable names. If they all randomly turn out to have green eyes, then that's more visible. It's completely subjective which of those is more remarkable.

There are also likely social effects -- people stick together, and some side interests align with some fields. Eg, I think it's reasonable to guess there's going to be more furries than average in VR development. Part because VR allow you to look like whatever you want a lot of the time, part because people will invite their friends in.

It is not just a random coincidence. It's a phenomenon more broadly across programming, especially very low-level/hardware stuff.

There does seem to be a correlation between autism spectrum and gender confusion, with the former often present in individuals who are into highly technical pursuits.

The logic seems to be not conforming to masculine stereotypes ==> must be a woman.

It's not "gender confusion". They know very well who they are. You are confused about the topic.

Meanwhile on /g/:

HRT destroys programmer communities the same way as crack was destroying black communities in the 1980s

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The Linux kernel will be 100% Rust within a decade. Dead project

Trans lives matter

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God I hope so rust is so fetch!!


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It's not going to happen

The object/memory model in Linux (how you pass around data) is extremely difficult to interface with w/ Rust. Huge fundamental parts of it would literally have to be rewritten in Rust and data structures rebuilt from the ground up, without solid backwards compatibility, which is rarely ever how major progress is made in mature software. It's always incremental and bit-by-bit.

Still there's tons of opportunities around the edges of Linux, like drivers, self-contained code, and userspace software that will very likely be heavily Rust in the coming years.

In the meantime the core of Linux will remain C for the foreseeable future.

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But yeah I know, I still like programming in rust tho

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:marseyeggirl#: trans lives matter

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Thanks to choo choos

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:marseybreastcan#cer: <--- this marsey was exposed to the trans lives matter movement for 12 seconds

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Beautiful chuddery

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It's fun when people get creative with their posts after being chudded.

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From the homepage


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Switching over to apartheid linux rn

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Ah yes, Linux graphics, famously unable to do literally anything at all.


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Don’t care

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Oh look, another 21 year old who knows everything about everything. Lmao I have plants older than that.

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No! You have to vote blue no matter how insane we act REEEE! :angrycomfypepe:

  • Someone who is totally not a sperg


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The fact Americans genuinely think trans people are like Tutsis....

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You know no one would actually care or even ask questions if someone's transgender or not if they didn't keep rubbing it in people's faces. People don't like girl peepee in their faces or manc*nts.

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Make sure to switch showdead on for the HN link, lots of flagged :marseynoooticer: in the comments :marseysmug2:


I blame porn and environment (family, friends, city, country).

Lily Wachowski explains that trans porn made him trans.




Imagine if kid born 1980 or 1970 and his parents was told that this child age of 10 is decided to undergo chemical sterilization with puberty blockers and hormones, they would think that they speaking with Nazi and psychopats instead of doctors. Now it is other way around, sane people framed as Nazi and psychopaths while doctors experiment on children without parents consent. I'm glad there is still sane countries where this whole delusion is banned and not existing.



I don't give a shit if you think it's cruel. The sooner these pretenders are forced out of women's spaces for good, the better. Including the young man with the woe-is-me bullshit sob story who wrote that post. He can fuck right off with the rest of them.

Women have suffered too long putting up with this crap. Whether it's the dysphorics or the cross-dressing fetishists, these men just take and take and don't think of anyone but themselves, disregarding boundaries, stealing language, gaslighting en masse. My bile is wholly justified.


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This is why the military industrial complex is the only safe space

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Plenty of :marseytrain2:s there.

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Hm. How do they square that circle? You’d think they would hate working for a system of oppression that promotes heteronormativity yadda yadda

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>how do :marseytrain2:s cope with hippocracy?

Is this a rhetorical question?

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not even trying to do trans voice, both presenters are trans and sound like regular dudes, just with long hair

how many years until new MtF dont even bother to pass?

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Half of them already don't bother to pass. Dudes with goatees are piling on makeup and expecting everyone to treat them as women.

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They always know their angles really well.


Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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only angle that would save him is one from God

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you say that but the eyes go like this ( \ _ | ) relative to the nose. there could be an angle where it isn't as prominent, but here we are...

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Now let's try without the wig. Hairlines don't start that close to your eyes.

Also not surprised to see he's cross-eyed

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The angle also hides the schnoz and shoulders.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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It’s a really, really good thing that this person is apparently very smart.

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The whole :marseytrain2:s are great at coding is the biggest fricking meme ever.

There's loads of :marseytrain2: coders because autism but barely any of them are any good because they're too mentally ill and their autism can't save them

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>Richard Stallman

>Peepee Stallman

>Peepee Stall Man



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Very brave, it's no wonder why Drew DeVault believes she should lead us.

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She’s also pretty young

She's 35, just twinky, dude on the right is 48

While the labor pool is disproportionately filled with white men, we can find many talented hackers who cannot be described as such.

uuhh hate to break it to you Drew but this dude isn't changing that pattern, both founders of Panfrost were born white males

If we choose to be inspired by them, and led by them, we will discover new perspectives on our software, and on our movement and its broader place in the world.

I never understood this argument, what 'perspective' can they offer GPU driver development? That republicans need to be put into FEMA camps?

'Diversity of thought' via putting various identities in a room very rarely ever has any real value. Unless they are designing a consumer product that wants to target niches, but very few people are actually doing that sort of job. And even if they did there's no reason a good designer can't learn/see things from other's perspectives. They do it all the time, they are nerds designing for non-technical commoners.

Moreover, there are a lot of darned good hackers who don’t look like me, and I would be happy to follow their lead regardless of any other considerations.


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I think she's 21.

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That’s possible can’t remember where I saw the age, maybe the 40 under 40 page

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The free software ecosystem (and the world at large) is not under threat from some woke agenda – a conspiracy theory which has been fabricated out of whole cloth.

:marseywait: we’ve got how many years until detrans ppl come out of the woodwork?

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Why are 4chan threads about :!marseytrain:s so jannied nowadays? Have the mod team been infiltrated?

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>Feminism advocating for women as a s*x caste fighting for their rights in a male-dominated world is the only type of feminism that makes any sense. Everything else is, to varying extents, pandering to male wants and desires.


>The organized TERF movement and the far-right trans eliminationist movement are one and the same.

>For example, the Women's Liberation Front (WoLF), which brands itself as a left-wing group, has been working with the people pushing bills


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The organized TERF movement and the far-right trans eliminationist movement are one and the same.

You mean people with left leaning economics and generally socially liberal opinions, cant ever have nuanced opinions about specific subjects?

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Why does anyone use Linux for the graphics? I mean i know it has a gui if you really want it...

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“Normies don’t care about us even when we bring up how we’re prosecuted just like blacks and Jews. Surely they will care about us if we somehow connect ourselves to this niche OS.“

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Why do :marseytrain2:s have to touch everything? Why can’t I just enjoy my neurodivergent OS in peace?

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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People don't even care about :marseytrain2:s in tech, they just don't want nonpartisan institutions to be hollowed out for short term political advantages.

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I was hopeful for fedi having interesting tech discussions, especially Linux focused, but it’s overrun with :marseytrain2: this, nazi that.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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I wonder if a distro or some other project made by forced anons will ever take off. Like, to contribute you have a random name assigned to you, there's an IRC where you must use that random name, if you talk about who you are irl you get banned, but you're invited to reregister as a new anon, maybe get GPT to rewrite most of what they post about to minimise stenography attacks. You could be interacting with :marseyglow:, :marseytrain:, :marseytaliban:, or :chudsey:, and you'd have no idea. It wouldn't matter. All that matters is your work for the project. I've wanted to make this for the last few years but I have a job. Maybe when I retire and need something to do with my money and time.

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Half the reason to contribute is that it can be used as inroads and networking to the industry, anonymizing it removes that leaving just the actual code as product. Only true believers will be willing to contribute as spending time toiling without being able to put it on your track record isn't going to be accepted. You'll also likely have people 'expose' themselves when they leave the project to try to parlay it into a position in the industry by retroactively claiming everything they contributed onto their commit record.

There'd have to be a powerful incentive, either anonymizing commits which people can vote favorable for points which can be parlayed into something, having an explicit political goal, or have a strong community which will grant meaningful respect and belonging in exchange for good commits(like here).

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>if you care about Linux


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I installed GNU/Linux on an AIO in the garage because Windows didn't like sitting idle for weeks at a time.

It's just as slow, and a bigger pain in the fricking butt to install any applications for an amateur. Try to download a pdf reader but oops I don't have a darn program installer of all things available. Had to sudo apt get a package that allows me to install programs. Jesus.

Also why is there no Linux --> GNU/Linux filter?

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filtered by the command line, lmao.

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I had to use Ubuntu during a college internship cause the guy I worked under I'm pretty sure had Aspergers

it tried so hard to be like windows but it seemed like anything more than moving your mouse required the fricking terminal again

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Meanwhile, I know a Windowschad who runs cracked versions of ECU tuning software and a 2005 copy of Solidworks on a T400 Thinkpad with 2gb RAM and Windows XP and it works flawlessly

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what are you talking about every distro has a package gui called like "software manager" or something

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Ubuntu has snaps by default which suck and it seems like our guy doesn't like the idea of using something like Flatpak either.

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theres been an apt gui for like 20 years

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Oh really? Have you personally met every single distro and can vouch for them?

I'm apparently running xubuntu, gnome interface.


Frick if I'm gonna figure out screenshots and image editing.

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Also why is there no Linux --> GNU/Linux filter?

Because we now prefer to call it GNU + Linux.

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Its literally gnus not unix lol

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I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called Linux, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called Linux distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux!

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Have you owned the libs yet?

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Smh demoted from division to addition

Nice lootbox

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I remember when it used to be faster than Windows.

Now, moving the cursor causes memory leaks or some shit and its just worse than using anything else.

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Fedora 38 is now less performant than Windows 11 jfl.

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Fedora has been in shambles for a while. I used it as a daily driver for a couple years hoping to acclimate. Every major version update broke. Only way to do it properly was save home folder to a thumb drive, wipe, and fresh install the OS every update.

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At this point I don't even know why people shill Fedora 38 over Ubuntu 23.04.

Actually at this point I'm fairly certain if you get filtered by Arch you shouldn't use Linux.

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this is a gnome issue, any other spin is fine.

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Ah I see. Still that sucks why tf is that even happening?

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foot muncnhers have been given mobile brain damage ala windows 8.

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Most of the gnome UI code is written in Javascript

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Purely so the user is suffering. This sustains the Moloch.

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So many devs in these spaces are just JavaScript so orgs eventually just shape their development decisions around the capabilities of their developers. This is why you end up with shit like Electron.

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Related to other kinds of 'leaks' by the graphics programmers I wonder?

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I heard that's just part of the standard user experience

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That's what killed it for me the last time I tried using it. They're no closer to actually having a package manager you can use to install everything than they were in the 1990s.

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The truth is that the package and library system is broken by design. Windows dumped the "install all libraries into a global location" system after 3.1. Unixes tout it as a feature.

Why just download an application and run it when you can frick about with an online store and diarrhea files all over the system directories.

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but oops I don't have a darn program installer of all things available.

How about not using an installer in the first place? Just provide the exe portable and raw for Marsey's sake (with libraries embedded). I'd be happy to move away from Windows if Linux and its surrounding culture was actually even remotely decent.

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Can that be made to work with functions like using a program by default to open files of one type?

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If the OS was designed well I don't see why not. Just use an OS app to designate a particular program to a particular file type.

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apt-get is the program installer you fricking morang. :marseyraging:

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Frick if i know.

I tried opening a pdf and it said :marseyshrug:

I clicked the "find software to open this" button and it said gnome-software: file not found

I shouldn't need to use a terminal to install a pdf reader

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I shouldn't need to use a terminal to install a pdf reader

This is why you all deserve to use apple products and pay apple prices. :marseyappicon:

But also, because that package comes installed by default for all normie distros, you probably fricked it up somehow by being r-slurred. :marseyindignant:

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the r-slur probably installed some autismo linux instead of just normie ubuntu or something

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There's your first mistake.

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I care about Linux, but not graphics drivers or desktop environments.

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:marseyitsover: for linuxcels

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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The printout is on the wall--- wait, I can't print

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I have no drivers and I cannot print.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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:marseyfloyd: :marseybsod: I CAN'T PRINT :marseybsod: :marseyfloyd:

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You will never have a real driver.

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you are wrong

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I can't print

The linux board can :marseyrapscallion:

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I have used linux since 2005 and i still dont care. :marseyshrug:

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