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Reddit continues to Digg itself a grave with their new announced API pricing. Redditors sneed


Fellow rDrama redditors, come sneed in the comments about how you'll totes quit after this or when they kill old reddit or if you came from 4chan, sharty, kiwifarms, or anywhere that isn't reddit or twitter, laugh and celeberate in the comments about how Reddit is killing itself

If I have to use the official Reddit app on my phone, I will simply not use Reddit on my phone.


Why is the pricing so high? It would cost me a comical $20 million dollars a year to keep my app running as-is, an app that like many third-party apps, have many moderators that depend on it.

I'm not sure if you understand how important third party apps are to the Reddit ecosystem. Not only do they provide an opportunity for folks who don't like the official app to be able to still use Reddit on-the-go, but many of the moderators who serve as the backbone of the entire site rely on third-party apps to do their job.

As a number, Apollo currently has over 7000 moderators of subreddits with over 20K subscribers who use Apollo, from /r/Pics, to /r/AskReddit, to /r/Apple, to /r/IAmA, etc. It would be easy to imagine that combined with other third-party apps across iOS and Android that well over 10,000 of the top subreddits use third-party apps to moderate and keep their community operating.

This is equivalent to going to a construction site and taking away all the workers' favorite tools, only to replace them with different, corporate-mandated ones. Except the construction workers are also building your houses for free.

Why infuriate so many people and communities?


Our intent is not to shut down third-party apps. Our pricing is specifically based on usage levels that we measure to be as equitable as possible. We’re happy to work with third-party apps to help them improve efficiency, which can significantly impact overall cost. [-156, admin]


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Unironically Apollo is the shit and it dying sucks

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what is it?

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The greatest iOS Reddit app ever made

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Alien Blue was supposed to be really good before the admins allegedly bought it out if you've tried that.

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I'm not sure who Reddit think they're fooling with this. They're trying to kill third party apps and pretending otherwise is just shameless.

They went as far as to make it so that, even if an app developer chud pays up, their app won't be able to view nsfw posts.

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They think they're fooling r-slurred redditors ie 85% of their users.

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They literally spend most of their development budget trying to push browsers users to their “app” through shady button presses and restrictions to content if you are on browser for years now. Of course they aren’t going to let some idiot steal all of their app revenue. The whole point of pushing to the app is you can’t block advertising lol.

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