[Small video] - Elon explains how they've lost 50% of advertisers, putting enormous pressure on Twitter to stay afloat, due to Elon's stance on sub-zero temp peaches

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why don't advertisers want to have ads on our site


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I personally would never buy from a company that isn't actively embroiled in a scandal or controversy. Companies with a squeaky clean record just exude beta energy.

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Who didn't see that coming

I'll be honest, I get swept up in the hype and thought maybe twitter would evolve etc

But it all comes down to money. We have seen the past few weeks Rightoids turning on Musk (just look at the whole Daily wire screening fiasco and who he hired as ceo)

Advertisers are king and I guess subscriptions and twitter blue isn't enough to make up for it

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Nah the rightoids like him again, at least the ones at Patriots.tryingtowin. They reliked him when he pinned the train documentary.

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Ah. Can't keep up lol

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Reddit will cheer unaccountable global megacorps having a stranglehold on online speech though. Because it will never ever be used against them. :marseyclueless:

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They are on the right side of history

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Woah bigot.

Right side of herstory*

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Woah racist.

Left* side of herstory


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I'm a BIPOC, I cannot be racist.

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For now anyway!

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Nah, they will always be on the right side of history, how could they not be when they swallow every new talking point with zero hesitation.

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The objective right side of history

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Just the same as how people cheer government overreach when it does things they support.

Then they're horrified that there's nothing stopping a government they don't like from using these new powers.

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I mean is it really overreach here? If I don't want my brand associated with random extremists on twitter that seems to be within my rights.

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How is having your advertisement next to a homeless man wandering the streets brand association?

Just fricking stop being a b-word.

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Idk how to explain how false this comparison is.

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Thats because its a solid comparison.

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It isn't lol. People generally know that problems in society exist. There's always going to be homeless and criminals.

People generally know a company can't help that.

A company can however rufuse to fund a website that tolerares open extremism.

Imagine a company has a billboard. Imagine a guy decides to put up his own billboard right next to it that says "BIPOC."

Do you think company A would leave their billboard up? Probably not. They'd appeal to the city or owners to deal with billboard B - but if that failed they'd absolutely take their business elsewhere.

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Your comparison is a false equivelance because nobody is talking about allowing extremists to rent advertising space.

My comparison is much closer to reality. Now go stand near a billboard on the highway with a hand written sign saying BIPOC and see how much anyone gives a shit.

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But we are - this is the exact same.

Most extremists online are simply advertising their views, many of them to recruit people to the cause.

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Give it a shot. Seems pretty apt and worked pretty well for the prior to current year era.

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IDK, corporations didn't seem to mind when people were tweeting about how bad white people were for a decade.

Really makes one almost engage in pattern recognition, you know?

Democracy is the art and science of running the circus from the monkey cage.

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Rightoids are 10x worse than even the worst wokies.

Rightoids got their own social media website and within 2 years tried to lynch congress.

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I'm not sure how to respond with a joke without it becoming a fedpost, so we'll skip that.

But no, I think despite J6, which is a nonissue for any rational human being, rightoids won't mutilate children so adults can play dressup.

So ideologically I'm comfortable with where I'm at. I don't really know how anyone can egg on expansion of the corporate surveillance state to "own the cons" and feel good about themselves. But if I were pizza, I'd feel good about myself.

Democracy is the art and science of running the circus from the monkey cage.

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Most of congress deserves to be lynched

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tried to lynch congress.

:marseyconfused: when did that happen

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No one remembers the congressional baseball shooting! You know, the one where reps actually got injured. Unlike 9/11 pt 2.


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>within 2 years tried to lynch congress.

Uh, based?

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Elon says advertisements will not be put next to controversial content.

Honestly though I think if Pepsi and Nike et al were to be randomly placed next to a white nationalist, it wouldn't make the slightest bit of difference to the brand. Far FAR less than the train related promo by Bud light.

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It does though. They don't want to deal with a media incident because elon doesnt want to moderate his platform.

It's not worth it.

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Protecting the pizzashill brand is extremely important.

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I mean is it really overreach here?

No? I didn't say it was.

I said people are too shortsided with what they support and gave another example. I'm not sure what 'advertiser overreach' would even mean...

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Unless those megacorps try to take away their heckin' pornerinos.

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It actually won't, they will support the megacorps all the way to their :marseymaidchingchong: appointment.

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Thankfully he also fired half the workforce, so it all works out!


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More like 75%

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Just over 80%. I quote:

Musk claims that there were "just under 8,000" staff members when he bought the company. Now, Twitter is left with around 1,500 employees.

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Does Elon not know that the majority of this dumb censorship is because of advertisers?

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He does but I think he clings on to some faint hope of people becoming 2018 Peterson stans and all trying to create a 'free marketplace' of ideas together. Pie in the sky r-sluration of course because the glowies have made it clear that they will control moderation to shape narratives.

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Kill advertisers. Behead advertisers. Roundhouse kick a advertisers into the concrete. Slam dunk an advertisers baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy advertisers. Defecate in an advertisers food. Launch advertisers into the sun. Stir fry advertisers in a wok. Toss advertisers into active volcanoes. Urinate into an advertisers gas tank. Judo throw advertisers into a wood chipper. Twist advertisers heads off. Report advertisers to the IRS. Karate chop advertisers in half. Curb stomp pregnant advertisers. Trap advertisers in quicksand. Crush advertisers in the trash compactor. Liquefy advertisers in a vat of acid. Eat advertisers. Dissect advertisers. Exterminate advertisers in the AdBlock. Stomp advertisers skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate advertisers in the oven. Lobotomize advertisers. Mandatory abortions for advertisers. Grind advertisers fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown advertisers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize advertisers with a ray gun. Kick old advertisers down the stairs. Feed advertisers to alligators. Slice advertisers with a katana.

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Unironically if you see an ad throughtout your day you cannot say you are free. Install adnauseum if you havent already.

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Elon hasn't grasped what [current year] politics and advertisers mean by "free speech"


Trans lives matter

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I just find it a really interesting experiment to see how much advertising is in the pockets and mind space of globomojo.

Hopefully he can entice them back.

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how much advertising is in the pockets and mind space of globomojo.

Neighbor, the advertisers ARE the globohomo.

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It always goes back too fricking Californians

!chuds !nooticers I’m sick of that fricking state pushing its agenda every else

Trans lives matter but only in California

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i used to live in california and you couldn't get me back there at gunpoint

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These Californians have names and addresses!!!


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What the heck?! I love corporate sanitized speech!


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:!marseyelonmusk: :marseybux::marseybux:

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Doesn’t this mean the other 50 percent of advertisers get a 100 percent boost in eyeballs on their stuff? Seems like their putting themselves at a competitive disadvantage just to own the cons

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freeze peach (unless a foreign government doesn't want it then shut it down)

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Follows furries. KEEP YOURSELF SAFE

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Coca Cola definitely wants to advertise under the Fourteen Words and a post by a p-do rightoid who lives in their mothers basement.

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This is nonsense, he fired 90% of the staff. How could he not be making money with half the revenue?

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Bandwidth costs and other costs.

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Nice post, bro! I posted it to twitter.

[Small video] - #elon explains how they've lost 50% of advertisers, putting enormous pressure on #twitter to stay afloat, due to Elon's stance on sub-zero temp peaches https://rdrama.net/h/slackernews/post/176471/small-video-elon-mansplains-how-theyve #ElonMusk #temperatures #frozen

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