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Another Linux tard gets into a fight with BSD worshipers


Linux vs BSD is one of the funniest and most hilarious meme fights I see these days.

Overall i think though that Linux OP was a bit of /r/lostredditors here because he came unprepared

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It appears my superiority has caused some controversy.

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holy shit what a meme logo

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Almost beats Keith lmao

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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And Theo actually changed it...

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took me a second to realize why i was feeling the uncanny valley here https://web.archive.org/web/20011223110638/http://jerkcity.com/jerkcity1110.html


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That's intriguing. My memory tells me the 2nd one is the original, from what I remember of when I used to run FreeBSD.


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Hey hey hey! It's Faaaaaat Albert! :nikocadoavocadodance::marseybuffbipoc:

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These letters destroy the Linux user.

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cant customise mac or windows to my neurodivergent specifications so linux wins

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software should exist solely to punish the user

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Yeah but vs bsd Linux is the UX winner


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I know you're kidding but some people actually believe this.

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Its true tho? :marseyconfused:

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but it is true, trying to do anything on bsd sucks.

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Yeah I use Lin

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Neurodivergents competing for who has the least functional operating system :m#arseynouautism:

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>blocks your path


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Nothing personal, gnu.

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I used to go to BSD and Linux conferences and tell people I used Linux and BSD, respectively :#marseyexcited:

BSD tends to be nicely documented and has more consistent design but the hardware support is kinda shit these days :marseysad:

The one thing I've consistently found BSD people to really hate about Linux is Systemd. Tho, almost everyone hates Systemd and that str*ggot Lennart Poettering

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Imagine not using Slackware lmao @ ur life

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BSD tends to be nicely documented and has more consistent design

Which only matters to devs and then maybe only specific kinds of devs. For any other person it's "do I hate SystemD" and "how should Firefox be installed?" and some distro family will crystallize.

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Developers and system administrators. Most Linux installs aren't desktop, and by an extremely large margin.

BSD is also quite a lot slower than Linux in a lot of areas these days, like the network stack. In the past BSD had an advantage there for quite a long time.

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They seethe and systemd because it makes it harder for them to port loonix applications to bsd.

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Systemd had a lot of bugs and stupid issues on initial release and caused a lot of problems for a lot of people, so it's not just a matter of replacing System V Init that upset a lot of BSD and Linux users, but yeah, obviously BSD people are going to care a lot more about POSIX compatibility and Lennart Poettering was actively hostile about it. :marseyshrug:

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People still seething other systemd will never get kitty

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Red Hat user :!#marseysmug3:

Imagine not using Debian since IBM cucked everyone :marseylaugh:

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Red Hat Did Nothing Wrong

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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A census taker once tried to sell me on BSD

I said "have they ported wayland yet" and put my cigar out in his eyeball.

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Why yes I’d love to pass in seventeen arcane graphical options to my program so that the GUI runs without tearing or glitching on your shitty display server

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but enough about X

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No, X is perfect…

Except for forcing me to spend 3 hours configuring DPI settings so I can use my 4K monitors without going cross eyed.

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i like how in X there's no way to set a default refresh rate besides creating a new modeline, which then breaks certain programs that parse the output of xrandr (????) such as older versions of minecraft

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Shit guys if the very users of the platform can't make it sound good or useful why would I bother installing it?

The problem is... For 99.9% of users.. you're going to get a better experience elsewhere. BSD is a matter of passion.

someone strangle this straggot immediately. I hate linux evangelists but these people seem more insufferable

The fact you think that there is some “OS competition” with Linux (or anything else) is absurd.

this lying cute twink tooo :r#agestrangle:

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Shit guys if the very users of the platform can't make it sound good or useful why would I bother installing it?

Try explaining this to the Linux users :marseyitsover:

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In the comments there's a :marseytrain: defending BSD. :marseygroomerfreebsd:

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Theres a marsey for everything

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BSD fell quickly to the the early “sjws”

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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GNU Hurd chads are above those mundane things

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they are too busy context switching to care

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but below 64 bits of address space

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Why use bsd when you can just buy a mac

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why buy a mac when Qubes

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BeOS is for MeOS :loveeyes:

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Haiku master race.

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Now we're talking brother

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Cuz no one knows what that is. When it comes to computer, popular = better

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When it comes to computer, popular = better

Ahhhh, so Windows is the best operating system according to that logic?

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Yeah for most people

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you know (((they))) are watching you right

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who, carp?

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You have to be a low-poly low-IQ Linux user to not recognize the sheer :marseygigachad: of OpenBSD

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Or, in the words of alexnoyle,

You have an IQ as low as the bug count, I said REMOTE HOLES. Not CVEs! Remote holes!

Much like BSD, I too have 2 remotely accessable holes.

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OpenBSD: No Bonus Hole Since 1996

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I just want Steam and Wifi to work

:marseywindows: I feel you

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bipocs should die?

big sloppy donkey?

bilingual slant-eyed dingus?

bureau of special drama?

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The final solution to the *nix question...


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This appears to be his twitter


He bitches on there too.


As far as I can tell he's using BSD to run ... Minecraft servers. Lol.

He's also an IWW commie tankie and I guess ran as "green party auditor" whatever the frick that is.

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