NEW SITE RULE IN PINNED COMMENT The chinks have finally discovered the art of taking a video. This is the final nail-in-the-coffin for LK-99 Doubtsisters

Re-uploaded for my rate-limited bros

Notice how the rock does the same thing irrespective of which way the magnet is oriented? Notice the absolute lack of refrigeration equipment? This is the real deal. I feel like we can finally relax. Everything's going to be just fine.

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The latter two is about what I was expecting

So why is everyone getting so excited about it

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Electricity makes things hot because it can't pass through things perfectly

It can pass through this perfectly. That's a property that's usually only possible at mega fat pressures or mega cold pressures (it's why MRIs are cooled with helium)

Tldr CPUs that don't get hot

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If this is real (google says it isn't real) would it be consumer-grade

I doubt it?

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Depends how cheap it is to make. From what I've gathered this is reasonably cheap in terms of raw materials/ processing which is why random people are making it instead of BlackRock particle hormone accelerators or whatever

If it's not prohibitively expensive there's no way they'd pass up on the absolute performance goldmine it represents. It'll probably be a while before the manufacturing methods catch up to silicon tho.

Frankly if it's viable to mass produce as a raw material it'll be made by the boatload

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  • blazedraper : Next you'll say "I was only pretending to be r-slurred!"

What sort of use would having a magical flying rock superconductor in home goods do for me

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Super efficient phones means you have to charge less and your phone can play fortnite 4k 120fps without burning your hands

Looking into it it's made of lead and copper lol so it won't be that expensive once they figure out mass production

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unironically not far off but I'm convinced they they use occultism and rituals to bind the people they choose to secrecy, since they are wicked spiritual beings

Probably tell people they are starseeds and shit like that

an effect similar to mind wiping is possible in the case of dissociative amnesia, which is not as uncommon as people think but not that common

I got on a tangent tho, the "Book of Enoch" describes aliens/angels giving early man various technologies... they also fricked up the genetics of animals, and most men, hybridizing everyone and everything with their own DNA. This apparently caused an ecological disaster and giants were making the earth lifeless and destroying everything. When Noah was found "pure in his generation" it means his DNA was unmolested by aliens and he was 100% man, like how God made Adam. Mortal man with flaws, and cut off from the tree of life, but still fundamentally man 👍 People act like Noah was such a wonderful guy and everyone else around him was just some kind of murderous homosexual, but the bigger picture would be that they were literal hybrid abominations destroying the earth.

The Book of Enoch is quoted several times in the New Testement :marseythonk: the book itself says it was meant for a remote generation

weird stuff in it tho

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I've known more coherent downies.

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sometimes people just get new ideas. it happened to me, no cap!

(or maybe aliens taught me and then edited my memory... but then, who exactly taught the idea to the aliens?)

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The Virgin "superconductors are going to be a complex alloy that requires an inhuman amount of effort to make."

Vs the Chad "it's how I make wires in Minecraft so do it irl"

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Phone games always seem weird but having to charge less would be pretty cool I guess

But I don't think the possibility of longer phone battery life really warrants a dozen threads and days of hysterical tweets and articles

Calm down nerds

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The scale of it can't really be understated, I'm just dumbing it down to carp level so he can understand that no loss via heat = lots of epic HD Minecraft on his iPhone34 without charging (though the screens will still be a draw)

We're talking CPUs a few orders of magnitude faster for the same wattage. The amount of energy saved overall is gonna be astronomical in the computer side of things alone.

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pre1982 pennies gonna skyrocket to 5 cents each.

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Batteries are already pretty efficient and this won't have much relevance to the silicon inside the chip.

So the phone will still be pretty hot regardless.

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You know how your computer is big and slow? This makes computer small and zoom zoom fast.


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would it be consumer-grade

I doubt it?

Kind of like how computers are only used by research labs and militaries today since the high initial costs kept them from ever being affordable to the average consumers.

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You'd need an entirely new way of making processors to use this material, since it wont work with silicon lithography. Don't expect to see superconducting processors before :marseyskellington: 2050.

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And what do you know, we just happen to be starting up a the burger chip industry right when the old chip process becomes less valuable. Uncle Sam wins again.


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Yeah, we basically have to start from scratch. we'll be using silicon for the forseeable future, but it's an exciting first step

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My professor said if any of us proved P=NP, created a room temperature superconductor, or became a wealthy tech morgul and donated lots of money to the university-- then they would get the funding to build a new "state of the art" computer science, math & physics building, instead of us having to use the shittiest, draftiest, building on campus full of rats. Then he said they would probably name the new building after us and posthumously add a statue of us in the front.

He was daydreaming real hard about not hearing the ceiling tile rats anymore lmao

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It's the holy grail of materials science. Imagine being around in the bronze age and then someone shows up with iron. This is the iron - superior in every way to existing materials.

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I'll believe it's not a stupid gimmick when I see its effects

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That's what they said about bitcoin, looser.

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Bitcoin might as well not even exist

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If you're a poor, yes.

When I cashed out 50k/each, my accountant said otherwise. And I was the talk of father's next dinner party :marseycheers:

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well, it's pretty cool. Superconducting shit levitates when you put it over a magnet and that's awesome, I want one on my desk.

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For real I'd love a flying rock or whatever just to have hanging around but I don't think that's what these losers are so hype about

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any material levitates under a sufficiently strong magnetic field.

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This is true but I'm pretty sure the equipment and infrastructure used to generate a 16T magnetic field is not going to fit on my desk.

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A big enough neodymium magnet does have a perceptible effect even without the 14 Tesla field.

besides that you are betting on the purity of the metals. The lead or copper may have had some ferromagnetic materials in it

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It could lead to viable stellarator fusion reactors.

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