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I've heard many long time married old men say that when they look at their partner, they still see the beauty glimmering through that they saw at 19.

Depressing cope tbh. I'm old enough now to notice girls I knew at age 19 are quite a lot less attractive than they used to be. There's no beauty glimmering through lol they're just not cute any more

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That's not your wife. After many years and several kids, my wife isn't the 23-year-old woman I first met. She's definitely not cute anymore, but sometimes she does something like laugh in a particular way and I'm reminded of how things used to be and feel young again for a brief moment.

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Jesus, oldcels are depressing. I'm just gonna rope when things get saggy.

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Everyone thinks "I won't live past 27, I'm too awesome" and then you do. Remember this line at your 40th b-day!

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Jokes on you, boomer, my suicidal depression makes me too awesome to ever become a sad geriatric.

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See you at the party! :marseyboomer:

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Meh. Being old gets more and more fulfilling.

Instead of starting out in my career, I'm pretty well established. I make good money, I live in a dream house that I designed and built, I have money for all the toys I could possibly want.

Watching your kids grow up is amazing. From when they are babies and completely reliant on you, to when they become toddlers who are always eager for a hug, to when they become children who have their own thoughts and sense of identity. There is no better feeling than when your children share their successes with you or come to you for comfort.

Your body starts creaking and healing slower, I won't deny that. But having everything else more than makes to for it.

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Thanks grandad ❤️

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Being young :marseytedkaczynski: is such a trip. In my 20s i wondered why dudes even bother with strip clubs cos there :marseycheerup: are hot girls :marseyblops2chadcel: litterally everywhere

Time makes fools of us all

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lmao imagine being a copecel fricking your life partner

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Do any of you dramanauts have any dating advice? We should share our accumulated wisdom.

Mine is this: if a woman lies to you about her body count because she thinks it makes her look better to you, she will lie to you whenever it's convenient for her. Saying "You have no right to judge me on my body count so I lied about it" is only a short step from "You have no right to judge me on my infidelity so I lied about it."

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Always push towards sexuality. Be as forward and as open as you can without being a creep. Ask personal questions and check whether she answers them or awkwardly avoids the topic. This is how you avoid the friendzone and also determine whether she likes you without having to ask directly which is uncomfortable for everyone if the answer is no.

Women lie about everything when it comes to sexual expression. Completely disregard what they say and instead watch what they do to find what they like.

A funny thing about relationships is it's always a trade of support for s*x, yet the most offensive thing you can ever say to a woman is that she exchanges s*x for material support. So you must provide support and pretend you're doing it just because you like her so much and never say you expect anything in return. She knows how it works and will 'repay' you if she likes you.

Because women can't openly express sexuality, everything is done under the cover of plausible deniability. It's like the 'Netflix and chill' thing, they're not going to some place to have s*x, they're going to watch Netflix and oops s*x happened accidentally

Unless you're regularly fricking you must use the same plausible deniability when you talk about s*x. If you like her boobs in that shirt you must say something like 'I like your shirt, it really suits you' and she'll know what you're talking about.

Women's dating endgame is basically an instinctive 'look after me while I'm burdened by pregnancy' and if you help her look after the hypothetical baby she'll think you're great and that you're the first man to ever understand her etc

It's difficult to find good advice that's not either incel seethe or women lying about their sexuality. For example women won't ever admit that they're looking for a man who has money, but if you have money it's a huge bonus. But the bonus isn't because women want to drain your bank account like incels might claim, but because they like the social status of someone who is competent enough to live independently and make money. Basically every controversial trait that women have has some similar explanation.

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That was a mistake. You're about to find out the hard way why.

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Don't ask questions you don't want the answer to, that's my advice.

I can't imagine ever discussing past partners with a current one, unless it was some kind of fetish and he got off on it or something.

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So true, king

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Women only want one thing and it's to harvest your fluids, same as communists, and it's why so many foids lean left.

Keep your precious fluids safe from the foid menace or drip feed it to them if you must

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>why can't I have a miserable unfulfilling relationship with some scrote my family forced me to marry at 18 like my 1st gen immigrant peasant parents :marseycry:

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Looking at the comment section, the nerds have somehow managed to blame conservatives for their issues (again) :marseysmug2: .

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