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Guy searches for a text editor, gradually becomes psychotic as video progresses.

Guy searches for a good open source text editor, becomes progressively more deranged over the course of the video, and ends up spending $500, on a text editor.

Y'all need Nano. Have you accepted Nano as your read and writer?

>Snappy related.

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This is the funniest FOSS polemic. Literally just use jetbrains' free IDEs for java and python, then just use vscode for everything else.

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I just use cat
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ed is the standard editor

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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This neighbour needs 32gb of RAM to display text.

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Jetbrains can take my money tbqh.

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Only sort of related, but I fricking hate Eclipse and think people who use it are r-slurs.

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I think the last time I heard someone mention Eclipse in a serious capacity it was like 2012?

I guess dark matter devs could be using it but I'd assume any Java dev with any functional brain would have moved to JetBrains ages ago - hopefully Kotlin too.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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The last company I was at people were still using it. It was mind numbing.

I haven't really had to do anything with Java since college, thankfully and hadn't even heard about Kotlin.

It makes me happy to know it exists and sounds like I'll never have to use Java again, that's pretty cool.

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That is pretty dreadful. Dark matter developers who've been banging out Java for 20 years as a 9-5 never cease to amaze me.

Kotlin is pretty amazing according to some Java-brained friends.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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I learned a bit of Java in eclipse long ago, but we used a different version (standford edition). It was (and is) lot faster than the official one, but the day I found out about notepad++ and used it I said FRICK IDE's in general.

I went and downloaded the stanford edition a few months ago cuz I was learning some android dev but I guess they dropped support between droid and eclipse so I just went back to cli compiling and I think ima just stay here.

Nothing beats simple and effective :)

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Yeah I've used notepad++ a lot.

I actually like vscode quite a bit and mostly use that.

Sublime I'd like to use, but it crumples my undies that I have to pay for it, I don't wanna do that.

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what do u code mostly? I use nano unironically (but knowing I can pop open npp if I wanna)

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I'm starting to use python and js more. Also some Java.

I'd like to learn C# as well.

I've been working on Google's cloud develpment stuff this is the list of languages that can be used there: Java, PHP, Node. js, Python, C#, . Net, Ruby and Go

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I have a soft spot for Java but I haven't touched it much, absolutely love php, no, absolutely not, who?, who?, meh, maybe.

I'm trying to learn C so that I can learn some real fundamentals tell other people that I code in C

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>I'm trying to learn C

Nice, very neurodivergent.

>tell other people that I code in C

best part about it.

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it's not even that bad after getting used to a few tricky concepts it actually feels more comfortable to write. But, I've not written anything that spans more than a few files so I'm sure I'll find out why it drove a dude crazy enough to use C to make php lol literally wrote his way out of C

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echo >>

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wrong, chromebook

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neat, not a bad choice but a bit limiting

probably the most secure laptop you can get

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What makes you say that? The android platform is riddled with viruses and exploits, why would ChromeOS be any different?

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i use vim :marseywholesome:

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I can't blame him. It is very hard to get the perfect setup :marseysatisfied:

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edit: lmao didn't know the video has this meme in it @12:10

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I prefer the non-chud version :neowojakbrainlet:


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I use TickTick because it's a Todo list + Markdown notes + Calendar in one app and integrates all 3 of those things together. Also I need cloud syncing cuz I use it on mobile for shopping lists and cocktail recipes.

I've used literally every GTD/TODO app available for MacOS and it's my favourite cuz it works and is fast

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Post about text editors:

Zoomer: Have you heard about calendar app #54272?


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>Zoomer smugly comments on thread without watching video #3949

It's not a post about text editors he's looking for a notes app. You can write notes in a text editor but plenty of people want more than a Notepad and most of the video is talking about specialized apps or text editors with markdown note plugins + databases/version control

The ticktick app is primarily a TODO/notes app with a calendar built in

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i dont own a mac but if I did I'd use textastic for sure, cuz it's the only good text editor on ios (aside from Kodex, close 2nd).

I'm weird about using other people's clouds ionlikeit

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Based Nano enjoyer

When I want a gui I use Geany

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That looks neat. Does it let you arbitrarily open new text tabs without requiring you to save/name it? It's one of the best features of notepad++ and I expect me to drop windows when win10 ends :\

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I havent figured it out yet because my notes have a lot of equations :#marseyschrodinger: and diagrams :#marseydrawing1:

so i mostly use pen and paper :#marseychudnotes:

tried plaintext, lyx (latex). I have a phone but no drawing tablet. any reccomendations? maybe something like ?

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Why not overleaf?

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just saw the secone part of ur reply

install f-droid (repo of free open source apps)

then get an app called "Draw" there's a whole line of em too

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Yeah some things it's just best to use an actual notepad. For when I need it digital I have a basic canvas on my phone that I can zoom in/out and draw but nothing really beats paper

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I'm not reading the full thing can someone tell me whether he tried Obsidian :marseylongpost:

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I'm trying to break my habit of sending myself a telegram message and use Obsidian instead but it's a hard habit to break.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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