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this SJW nonsense has been going 15 years, and they're still as manipulative and r-slurred as ever, and there still are plenty suckers around who are even dumber and fall for it.

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I mean, they keep getting their way.

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Nah. Not really. Their time is fading. We need to be careful tho - when it was still called "political correctness" people also got bored and turned away. Until they grew back.

Whatever did go wrong this time (and isnt Bill Gates money cause thats still out there), should tnot repeat itself.

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i mean, not really

The :marseytrain2: LITERALLY just got their way as a CoC is implemented because of xer crying.

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lol a sacred cow got offended as usual :marseyeyeroll: annoying

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I became aware of the issues with Hyprland's community after details of numerous hateful incidents on their Groomercord came to my attention by way of the grapevine

It doesn't even sound like he was there and just heard shit lol

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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his blogposts often get posted on hacker news and he always sounds like a very annoying whiny soyboy

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Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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lmao i totally forgot Hare even existed which probably says a lot

other than i'm a dumb dumb

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I would assume only he cares about it.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Guy managed to out-rslur Andy Kelly and got CoC-ed from Zig and this is the result. :marseysmoothbrain:

I can't believe it either. Well, I CAN. It's Drew :marseylaugh:

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Bro is this woke and banned from lobste.rs lol

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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interesting.. no clue who these people are but why is the guy writing the rules, who will be enforcing the rules, consulting with people who are arguing with him about his authority?

And either he's in a position to disregard the old rules and make up his own (means he doesn't need to consult shit) or he's just bored and wants to practice writing contracts or some shit lol

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I just added some context. Apparently Drew is some SJW blogger and his followers are trying to get the project taken down from Linux package distributions.

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This guy sure likes saying "eye candy"

In one particular incident, the moderators of the Groomercord server engaged in a harassment campaign against a transgender user, including using their moderator privileges to edit the pronouns in their username from “they/she” to “who/cares”.


(Vaxerski is the original author of Hyprland). Everything is a joke and anyone who wants to be “serious” about anything is mercilessly bullied and made fun of. Quoting this discussion:

I think [a Code of Conduct] is pretty discriminatory towards people that prefer a close, hostile, homogeneous, exclusive, and unhealthy community.

First of all, why would I pledge to uphold any values? Seems like just inconveniencing myself. \[…] If I'd want to moderate, I'd spend 90% of the time reading kids arguing about bullshit instead of coding.

If you don't know how to behave without a wall of text explaining how to behave online then you shouldn't be online.

lul this is pretty funny. Code of conduct is pretty stupid though, that kind of shit exists to e.g. prevent lawsuits for wrongful termination, where there's something to cite.. a code of conduct isn't going to do shit if you keep the same mods & also is completely worthless other than "u broke rule 2 go read the rules". U wanna stop people from talking about eugenics all day either outwit them and bully them off or bring down the banhammer and refuse to elaborate

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Code of Conduct are just more managerial-class bullshit that people with useless degree create to justify their useless office job that is not just a net drain on the budget, but straight up doesnt have any positive balance to account for.

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$80k saved per year right there!

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This wouldn't be such a big deal if you didn't have to download all your linux applications from the linux store but no anything else is bloat and Windows :marseyawardretard:

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I linked three other posts about Drew above. He's a diva.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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I think [a Code of Conduct] is pretty discriminatory towards people that prefer a close, hostile, homogeneous, exclusive, and unhealthy community.

I wonder what sites match this. :marseymeangirls::marseysurftheweb::marseykiwi::marseythonk:

I remember when a lot of tech guys had fun. :marseyboomer:Now you're always walking on eggshells like you're working with BPD women waiting for a chance ruin you. It's always a small group of them causing problems, too. Theyd've been bullied out before the SJW people got connections. :lizfongjones:

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like you're working with BPD women

Yeah, "like".

BPD bonus holes (but i repeat myself) in HR are the reason for it.

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Keep 👏 programming 👏 spaces 👏 political

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Keep it political, but dont allow political opinions different from my own!

!sd marsey as crying and punching

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Marsey as crying and punching

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They throw a shit fit when faced with the notion that they can't talk about :marseytrain2:ing all the time.


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"Apolitical is a code word for pro-status-quo, therefore we're going to allow politics, but only against the status quo, obviously".

I wish I had a brain this smooth, must be nice.

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using their moderator privileges to edit the pronouns in their username from “they/she” to “who/cares”

oh noes a hate crime!

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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Projects with Codes of Conduct should be deleted and banned from Github.

I saw a great template for one that reminded me of the WTFPL license, but I can't find it.


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only a rightoid could be offended by this

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treating someone as worse because of their lack of understanding of an issue

R-slurs need to be told they're r-slurred for not understanding simple concepts.

distasteful imagery

I find your face distasteful, please leave.

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Codes of Conduct seem to be the way for programmer-cosplaying neurodivergent MtFs to enact power over random GitHub repositories when they lack the skills to do any actual software developing themselves, so they develop their CoCs instead and use some version of 'phobic' accusation to force you to take their CoC down your throat.

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This is racist against people without skills

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Drew devault is a much better source of drama and opinions than code.

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That's true of anyone who cares this much about a CoC.

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Bait idea: sending an email to Debian asking if they vet their packages source code for transphobia from the developers :marseyhmm:

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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I thought trainism was about penusdeletus, why are they so obsessed with adding c*cks to software?

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Most of them don't end up doing the deletus. Kind of defeats the point when you're living your fetish.

Doesn't stop some of the ones living their fetish from getting the chop, but that's when the cope starts for the :marseycopeseethedilate:.

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