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lol frick pretty sure i bought kyber in 2017 but i'm not sure which wallet i used :marseylaughwith:


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This is about NSA potentially pushing a less secure CRYSTALS Kyber quantum encryption system over another strong alternative, not Kyber the crypto currency :marseylaugh:


But I think OP was making thay joke on purpose and I don't expect anyone here to read more than the headline

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lol i saw kyber and crypto and just made that connection, no way was i gonna read or understand that :marseylongpost: on the site :marseybrainlet:

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Lol, that's the more fun crypto anyway. Crypto crypto is as nerdy as it gets in the programming world. That CS topic is exclusively :marseyautismchonker: and Asian mathletes out neurodivergenting each other. And I didnt go to university so I only pretend I understand :marseycry:

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And I didnt go to university so I only pretend I understand

LOL i have a CS degree and i still dont understand that

i vaguely remember teaming up with a :marseytunaktunak: for my crypto module and he gave up on it and ditched me halfway :marseychingchongitsover: luckily it was an elective so i could afford to fail it but what the frick was i thinking taking it up in the first place :marseydizzy:

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Was that in Singapore? Did you have any white guys?

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Yeah it was in Singapore and I was one of the dumber asians lol :marseybrainlet:

Yup we had mayo exchange students but their grades were only pass/fail so it was pretty chill for them. I went partying with them a few times and holy shit did I find out that Pinkerton Syndrome was a real thing seeing how easily they were able to get laid

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:bobateagirl: in America always complaining about :marseymayo: fetishizing them but you get over to the motherland and it's instantly clear which group favors which.

Here :marseypoor: the money plays a big factor :marseyjewoftheorient: and the jealousy they get from other local :marseywomanmoment2: having tall/rich/exotic husbando is probably the other major factor. Most of the passport bros I've met here are afraid to bring their mail orders back to America where these factors no longer separate them. :marseyshrug:

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That's the point when you decide you are going to identify as Chinese on the internet :#chinesesoldierjak:

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wait it's also a real shitcoin? the :marseydisney: influence on american culture is crazy :marseyitsnuts2:

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yeah it's a shitcoin

just checked my transactions and had i held the kyber tokens till today they would have lost ~33% in value :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd:

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