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If you live in a place with actual weather unlike California, then Teslas and EVs in general is not the car for you.

Japs have the right idea with hydrogen cars.

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I was surprised at how much temperature affects battery life. In winter my car only has like 60% of its usual range in the summer

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How do people spend $40,000 on a new Tesla or Leaf or whatever and not know this going in

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I didn't know it before I bought mine, was much less than $40k though. The companies themselves arent telling you that shit, and it can be hard to find genuine info on downsides like this cause electric cars have a lot of "true believer" kind of people that will downplay that kind of thing

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companies themselves arent telling you that shit

You are shocked sales and marketing "people" are lying degenerate yokels lmao do your due diligence you fricking slack jawed ape

can be hard to find genuine info on downsides like this

Consumer reports was telling you this shit in 2016, you are actually functionally r-slurred

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you are actually functionally r-slurred

yeah, what about it?

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Please vasectomize yourself

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People buying Teslas are stupid and didn't have to think about that with gas cars

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My dad would buy insulating foam for his Prius in the winter and strap it to the grill to keep the heat in.

It was a total eyesore but he has terminally cheap moid engineer brain and swore he was getting an extra 2-3 mpg

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isnt the battery in the trunk of a prius?

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https://www.cleanmpg.com/community/index.php ? threads/17560/

It's not about the battery I guess there's lots of articles about this

Site keeps stripping the url just remove the spaces

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Did it actually help?

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I'd like to think it did

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A real engineer would just buy a real car

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Nonsense that's modern soyboy engineer talk.

Real engineers live in the woods and tinker on old pickups

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Some of the ones I've seen come with non-optional heaters in cold states to keep the batteries warm for this reason.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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I think its pretty standard to have active temp control for the battery packs now. If I leave my car plugged in when its cold I can hear it making a distinct humming noise even when fully charged

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I was in South America and saw the guy put some small hose in the front of his car I had no idea what the frick it was but we had to get out in case the car exploded.

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Compressed natural gas. Its cheaper in some south American countries (brazil) but the tanks are pressurized and can explode.

Some city buses have started using it to go green and have the tanks up top and designed that if they blow up, it'll blow up/sideways instead of killing everyone inside


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How is it “go green” lol honest question I'm r-slurred

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Burning it is cleaner than conventional gasoline with fewer emissions and carbon dioxide. Its mainly methane so it can be renewable (eg make it from cow shit or gas from landfills rotting).

Flip side is that the tanks need to be heavier to withstand the pressure and much larger than gasoline, more dangerous if it explodes, and a lot of natural gas right now is extracted by fracking. Also if the methane leaks its worse for the environment than burnt gasoline

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Burns cleaner iirc.

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NG extraction/transportation is way more green than traditional oil. And a larger percent of the heavy carbon molecules are completely combusted with NG vs oil.

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Did they actually :marseyakshually: start doing those over there? Got any links I'd like to read about it

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Toyota Mirai and some other models are hydrogen

If you buy the Mirai, Toyota says they will pay for 6 years of your hydrogen fuel.

I'm kinda tempted since I do see them around occasionally and theres 2 hydrogen stations near me, and like 12 within driving distance of me and because I'm that contrarian.

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I don't think :marseyquestion: I've ever even seen a hydrogen station. Cant that shit go off like a nuke or some shit?

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I think they're mostly clustered in California.

You wouldn't have an explosion, but maybe a small fire for a short period of time.

I'd hate to link Quora, but theres an actual good answer to your question with photos.


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Darn if you ever try to leave California you'd be fricked

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You can get a Toyota one if you live in Cali (they'll lease it to you but you can't outright buy one)

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