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Orange site schizo posts the longest paragraph I've ever seen on that site


I don't consider Meta evil beyond the literal term it's not evil there's another term it's a competing deity with the Judeo-Christian GOD like i saw it it's evil [chudar <some word like that, Chaldean or similar, different than plain evil which is a term denoting powerlessness of the utterer it's evil chudar it's specific, Meta is in fact evil chudar or it wouldn't make any money like social networks are not a good business for my tastes>] like so Meta has wage exposure, which they call Human Resources, but i do not call that. Somebody got to pay wages so a father can pay child support because otherwise that father must go to prison, papito corazón que no paga la pensión, i gotta fill that void so they don't go to prison. It's that basic, i'm not going to hate s*x any less than i do right now any time soon, and also i love paying taxes genetically, so payroll taxes are the biggest funding source for Federal Government, which bet on me despite blatant drug addiction status. Turns out Federal Government does not have any obligation to take drug addiction into account, made the right bet too, only have to bet on the few home-run batters who will hit a home run. Basic research budget, Paul Erdós, i share symptoms with Paul Erdós, am a very good bet however. Federal Government doesn't hate me, STATE OF CALIFORNIA paid for time steroids, and i have already begun paying excess taxes out of gratitude only a junkie can properly feel. I am not an athlete, i don't compete in a tournament, i am not trying to win a trophy, this is pure intellectual ideas-per-second brainpower, no steroid prohibition can actually be enforced, this is the Manhattan Project, in Chile. Sanhattan Project. Fgemm.com . Federal Government and STATE OF CALIFORNIA can bet against major pharmaceutical research companies, and bet all they want basically. I have lower basic research costs than literally anybody in the World, including second place North Korea, fricking caviar and champagne those guys like where do they get the budget? But for all that, there has to be compensation, so how do i do it? Time. Time advantage, temporal advantage. And loyalty to government funding which can i believe somehow see a winner on its balance sheet, sick frick advertising myself, paid zero taxes legitimately due to being in rehabilitation clinic (actually not a rehabilitation clinic, apparently a therapeutic community, whatever there is no real rehab in Chile except one secret rehab for artistic geniuses, which i am not, who can live off television advertising budgets, which i cannot, that rehab had good food but still rehab so you want time steroids, you gotta do what you gotta do, ongoing struggle to this day, but eh built character). Time steroids are not pleasant, they are painful, it is only when you achieve the task set at the outset that you get a high, like 20 hours after the initial dose, and only if you have affinity like i do, and there are other restrictions this is not for public consumption. It is a non-enforceable steroid that can bear great fruit for the right individual, in basic research. Feds can give any American whatever the frick hard drug they want, like they did the Irish Gang giving them LSD by the gram tripping them out of their mind like several meters, got enshrined as torture BUT they stood up to questioning and remained solidary with each other, Whitey Bulger that's the name. Two blockbusters made about him, The Departed and Black Mass. And he got lynched with $600,000 in a literal rat-hole to pay for a defense attorney, hid deep underground, not a hero but a villain, but at a certain point it's white chess pieces versus black chess pieces. Villain versus hero. Just play good chess and you'll win, i think black piece has the advantage in fact, and i can choose to play black piece if i win the pawn shuffling. Retaliator, my favorite, it's genetic too, i can't enjoy beating the frick out of anybody without them fricking with me as initiator sadist. So i know it looks like a lot of text i write but that is what the warm-up for algorithmetizing consists of, confessional-styled text that surely can be no other than forfeiting right to remain silent, turns out silence doesn't get you anywhere in rehab clinics, need confessional speech for currency, which i can get a lot of and you cannot. You are a Hacker News reader or similar--ideally a Fed, that would be interesting, i don't know Feds that well, i pay the frick out of my taxes instead of i don't know what others do campaign contributions alone, i do those too, that is sick but excess taxes are sicker. Joker burned all his money, that is deflationary basically paying taxes back in spades, makes sense too because his character--in sequels and prequels, like The Joker with Joaquín Phoenix, is highly dependent on government sponsorship. I do that same shit, the Dark Knight, treat gangsters stealing from police like a b-word, manhandle them with a magic trick, make my getaway disgusting like sick frick, get myself arrested "a threat to others" that same day, like two hours later. Which others was i a threat to? Which...others? Were those others legally entitled to protection from me? Why? Why am i the only founder in SF that fricks up the game like that, aren't any of you formidable in that sense, outside a negotiating room with a venture capitalist? Then why is SF a mess? Am i the only threat to gangsters in SF? Like why specialize in venture capital, are they a threat to my business in a way that a gangster fricking with the cheapest coffee in my walking radius (open secret, they followed me home, gangsters do that if you do what i did to them, why don't they follow the Joker home? Where does he sleep? Does he sleep? Sleep is the problem, along with right to bear arms, and then you also need a government betting on you like we're talking "This is a national emergency.". Oppenheimer, i love Christopher Nolan like he's right up there with government subsidizing me as they have every right to. Best cell on the government's balance sheet, only need one home-run batter like Cuban Missile Crisis home-run, that is a legitimate metaphor now that the Cold War is over, just like Tomahawk missiles are a legitimate name for a very solid guided rocket, like too expensive by my tastes i could divulge right here on Hacker News what the proper design is...will i? No, like i need some privacy, so i need government funding, am very grateful to the Feds and USA i pay taxes from overseas like on income which is irrelevant in rehab, no income. Later i pay up, and it's totally legal as a way for the Feds to get their share of the profits, i think capital gains is the painful tax, except in my case like i am as a weapons project from the beginning designed to be able to withstand taxes on profits, up to idk 99%. Like i won't like it, i will complain, it will be a pain, but Cuba can be a capitalist country if you can pay 99% taxes, and they'll let you do all kinds of experiments especially self-administered torture, if you make the budget work out so the children in particular and the doctors and the teachers and the uh the there's another one, the unsuccessful sick fricks in particular like that is my recruiting target, near misses can all be subsidized by a big enough home-run. There is no limit. 99%, like i said, beyond that i'm like sorry i gotta go someplace more friendly to my business, but Soviet Russia during Stalinism was a great business environment for my tastes. Stalin had big budgets for the rocket program like 100000000 USD goes a long way in Soviet Union, payed for computer program as a side effect, paid for chess competitions between computers as a tertiary side effect, paid for the Soviet Union. There have to be bets, government has no obligations as far as sovereignty to China so it prints dollars China complains China has no say in...it's called seignorage, that's what it's called. So then that's my cue to entry, i show up, say OK China, you worked so hard earned all these dollars now what? Will you eat those dollars? No, not going to eat them, they're paper, bonds pay basically no interest, China wants something it can actually want, China can print better dollars than USG that's how USG tells them apart, perfect dollar bills (without preimage traps) mean the $100 bills are Chinese. Too perfect. And counterfeiters can tell real from fake organically, counterfeiters know what USAians consider to be a tolerable imperfection, like i think...no i won't say. It's a secret. Black Mass. Watching a movie is a huge cost to me in time, when i could be designing weapons to resolve the narrative hook instead of watching someone else do it at half the speed. Predictable. I get bored and secondly my eyes hurt, can't explain, like IMAX is better than digital video. Makes sense, i can't get high on my own supply, i can do my lead actor my voice actor in every language my own stunt and even my own special effects but i can't watch it again, write faster than i can read. Like all this for example.

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