The fricking AI Pin: The fricking dorkiest tech development ever, b-word? (yes) :marseypin2: :nerd:

for some reason tech news sites are fricking hyping this. in fact, it is fricking already on TIME's list of top inventions... despite not even existing yet, as far as I can tell.

Verge is fricking gushing over it:

well, rdrama, b-word? will you be buying this new hotness, b-word?

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This is the dumbest thing I've ever seen, I cannot imagine one conceivable advantage of this over just the current (actually existing) ChatGPT voice conversation feature. He seems to be really hellbent on selling this idea of being less "glued to screens", as if operating a device via voice somehow means you're not using a device at all, but if anything that's more antisocial: what's ruder, someone using their phone during a conversation, or someone talking over you to ask questions to their pocket computer?

Also, that hand projection feature is going to look like shit anywhere other than a dimly lit conference room. My guess is that if this ever gets close to being sold as an actual product it will be double the size with half the features.

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You could take 4 concrete walls, put 4 projectors that focus on each wall, take a device like an apple pencil and configure it to figure out where in the wall it is touching and create an iron man (yeah yeah marvel soy etc but the first iron man was legit keyed) like AR setup. Forget sitting like a nerd in front of your computer for hours. That would be cool in my opinion

Instead we get a mobile phone in 2023 :marseyxd: but somehow even more cringe.

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cicret bracelet vibes :marseyeyeroll:

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:#marseyfedpostglow: thanks for the data boys

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It claims to be "privacy-first and safe" but the only way that can be true is if the model is running on the device itself, and even if that tiny thing somehow has the processing power of an A6000 the models it will be able to run will still be way, way worse than GPT3.5 (which thinks that if it takes an hour to dry one towel it takes ten hours to dry ten towels)

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ok but what if u stack 10 wet towels on top of each other :taythink:


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Depends on if the towels are hot

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Dont believe any tech company gig. OpenAI isnt open (nor an AI but thats more nitpicky)

On the other side, Palantir is actually evil so theres that.

Tfw no lotr marseys

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On the other side, Palantir is actually evil so theres that.

Peter Thiel is more Chaotic Neutral.

Actually, scratch that. Musk is more Chaotic Neutral, Thiel might just be evil.

What I will say though is that I've heard a lot of warnings about Palantir over the years, but during all that time their stock has been complete dog shit, so it can't be as successful or widespread as people think. Unless he's embezzling money or something, which I guess is possible.

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GPT3.5 (which thinks that if it takes an hour to dry one towel it takes ten hours to dry ten towels)

makes perfect sense to me :taynod:

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But it has a trust light when it's recording :soyjackwow:

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Trust the fricking trust light bro

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So all this does is project shit on my hand? Why tf would I want it lmfao this sucks butt

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It's the future, chud. Now gib funding :pointgun:

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It looks so much less useful than just having a smartphone


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found the incel

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I didn't get one of those surveillance speakers and I won't get this, either. If I have to go live in the woods like Uncle Ted, so be it.

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Lol the wearcomp guy was doing this when the internet was still nothing but academics and students with too much time on their hands.

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The future seemed so bright back then.

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I'm a heckin valid transhumanist but this shit's fricking r-slurred garbage for r-slurs.

There's nothing here you can't do with a phone already and what's worse is that this reduces the throughput between human and machine. I already hate typing by tapping my fingers on a screen like a base ape, sure let me just speak the thing I want at a slower speed than what I can type on a keyboard - and instead of nearly instantly relaying the information back to my brain through my eyes let me hear it through text to speech! (and this isn't taking into account the latency that an LLM provides, and this shit has to connect to the internet)

normalstrags "geeks" will wear this as a fashion accessory but will scoff when I get invasive brain surgery to increase my communication speeds with my computer by 0.84%

edit: I actually watched a second of it instead of just sperging and it's worse than I thought - the projection shit has been "tried" before and was always a fundamentally flawed idea :marseyfacepalm:

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This is such a scam, projecting UIs doesn't work unless you project straight on. Just look how shit laser keyboards are

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Computing fads are so fricking lame. I don't want to talk to my devices. I don't want a GUI on my glasses. I don't want VR. I don't want a Bonzi Buddy hologram following me around.

Anything between a computer terminal and fully autonomous robots is redundant.

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That Time 100 Best Inventions list is truly suicidefuel for techcels. The best inventions they have to offer look like they came off of a gimmicky Chinese gadget Amazon list. Wtf are these guys doing jfc.

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They want my digital footprint implanted into my fricking :marseytom: skin


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Isn't this just the Cicret Bracelet but a pin?

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Ok but why do you wear it?

Putting the :e: in :marseyexcited:

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Its a way to pump the venture capital gains and then it will go bankrupt after they sell thier stake

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How do you wank?

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β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–β–Œβ–€β–„β–€β–„β–€β–β–„SPOOKY SKELETON
β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–ˆβ–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–β–ŒSEND THIS TO 7 PPL OR SKELETONS WILL EAT YOU


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