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Nerds :marseynerd2: argue about cloud hosting versus self hosting for hundreds of comments


You get the just "self host everything and do it all DIY in a collocation datacenter" :marseypenguin: nerds versus the "I pay for multiple 28 core vms for my status checker app. The cloud just works" :marseybrainlet:

Only reasonable take in a page of flame

In my opinion the story here is that AWS allowed them to quickly build and prove out a business idea. This in turn afforded them the luxury to make this kind of switch. Cloud did it's job

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/r/homelab and others are insufferable about this. Its a peepee measuring contest by cute twinks who treat servers like boomer muscle cars.

"bro, check out my enterprise hardware. the missus told me the rack stays in the garage. It costs $150/mo in electricity. updoots, amirite?"

"Cloud is SOMEONE ELSE'S SERVER. If you are paying a monthly fee, you're being taken advantage of. Just spend $4k on hardware to self host"

"I hekkin love the convenience and CICD tooling from cloud providers and SaSS providers. It makes my job so easy that I don't have to know anything about what I'm running!"

Why are redditors and slacknews posters the worst of computer tech?

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>Just spend $4k on hardware to self host

More like $500-$1k, 99% of codecels don't even need that to host whatever slop they're serving. Shit, they could probably make do with their old phone

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That's what I mean. There are guys on /r/homelab who dump a lot of money into enterprise rack mount hardware to feel like the big boys and flex on people.

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On the other side, a hobby project with no users costs like $3/mo to host on aws lambda (if there's no scaling) or $5/mo on a digital ocean vm

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Reddit is just consumerist.

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I subscribed to that for a while because I like fricking around with raspberry pis and stuff. It was not what I expected. They run the most basic boring software (muh plex server) on this massively overpowered hardware for no reason at all. They just like to buy shit and never do anything interesting at all with what they have. I hate them so much.

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Why? Because they are almost all amatuers with no actual enterprise experience.

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