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I still think it's absolutely r-slurred their mascot is not Zombie Wolf, what a waste :marseydisagree:

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ZW is much more aesthetically complex, Marsey is extremely easy to work with

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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Still it was much more fitting for the theme of their website and you'd have had an excuse to shill wolf merchandise in addition the Marsey merchandise

Edit: also Zombie Wolf is not "much more" aesthetically complex, you make is sound as if he was hyper detailed or something

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He's asymmetrical, he's got a bitten off ear, a bone for a leg, tufts of fur, and shading!

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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All of which is absolutely simplified to very basic shapes, also he's got the same type of shading as Marsey! And what's more, people both here and in WPD have made Marseys that are more detailed than most Zombie Wolfs so it's not like people can't work with the amount of details he's got

In fact, I think Platy is more detailed than Wolf and people still manage to make emojis of him

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if i went back in time i would definitely use zwolf as WPD's mascot instead of marsey, unfortunately i didnt come across this idea until it was fricking way too late to change mascot

i feel rly bad and guilty about this but it rly is too fricking late

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I actually don't understand why it's too late. It would be dramatic to change it now.

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drama-generation isnt the fricking goal in wpd, the fricking exact opposite actually

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Quite literally just make a post saying that you won't pay dc for marseys made on WPD and will pay double for zombiewolves.

Make it about equity or something lol eventually start slowly phasing marsey out over there.

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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What are your priorities exactly if you dont plan on fricking with them at all.

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I literally cannot even begin to comprehend this goal, sorry

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You could do it slow enough, or do it for a membership goal celebration or something

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10 years from now when WPD has 100 million users and a live gladiator stream you'll regret changing it now. Just do it slowly, it'll never be a worse switch than Twitter->X

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Never too late brother, reconquista is always possible.

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Darn, downmarseyrs are smart enough to downmarsey when the CSS disallows it?

This is the mark of the end times.

Don't forget to turn off signatures in settings!

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is ZW like Warren Zevon, but backwards?

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I hope WPDcels die :marseyexcited:

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I'd like to watch that :marseyclueless:

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Aren't like 1/3 of them living in shitholes anyways?

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It's incredible, some of them barely speak English but they're putting in the effort to share the compilation they spent 20 hours making.

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Using this as a excuse to not wear marsey themed shit in public is a massive kitty move. Either people think your a gore loving psycho or a massive gay neurodivergent, its a win win really


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Hey cool shirt are you from the gore website or the transphobia website?

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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Doesnt matter babe, I wont be wearing it for much longer.

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We're not the trans phobic website :marseyraging:

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Women can roll the dice on getting a an neurodivergent r-slur who masturbates to dying people or a chad look who likes they could commit a mass shooting :marseyblops2cel: :marseyelliotrodger: due to their high testosterone/estrogen but doesn't because its more fun to stop them like Carp has done twice in a row.

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a chad look who likes they could commit

Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?

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I edited that sentence like 6 times on my phone so its like 4 sentences mashed together. I thought about deleting it because of how incomprehensible it is. :marseybrainlet:

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You're diluting our brand equity!

Think of the brand value, man! Think of the brand!

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logged in to upmarsey this :snooupvote:

any website with marsey and the general rdrama site design including but not limited to rdrama will/would forever be associated with wpd. there's no way to expand the rdrama sphere of influence to new communities/reach audiences that aren't comfortable being associated with wpd (i.e. almost everyone)

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I'm just happy more people are seeing Marsey :marseysnoohug:

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Don't look Marsey Jr.

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Quick, somebody hurry up and draw a kajillion cute cartoons of Hammy, the brain-covered hammer so he can replace all WPD's Marseys.

@capilgrimflorist this should take priority over the pokémans.

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At least we got :#platythumbsup:

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:#marseyprojection: :#platyrich:


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Some of us wear marsey merch and would prefer people think of us as r-slurs instead of psychopaths.

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@ means at so you should've wrote c@ instead of c@t you idiot

:#marseydab: :#marseyindignant:

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Wait people axtually care about this

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I care. Marsey is cute and WPD is not cute.

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Where's WPD? That link takes me somewhere I don't know :marseysad:

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I know I've suggested in the past that WPD shouldn't get Marsey (or Snappy) but I don't actually care. In fact it could open up potential false flag opportunities to engage in some shenanigans and have WPD take the blame since they're the larger and probably more well known site.

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as if anyone needed another reason to think that cat is lame af no cap on god fam bruh :scoot:

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In this house we don't comment on aevann PRs. Just approve and reap the benefits of the Egyptians limitless wisdom.

:#capychad3: :chadthankskingcapy:

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Nothing makes the dramacels seethe like the aspiring doctors over at wpd.


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Extensive knowledge of anatomy

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