Chief AI safety nerd :marseynerd: gets shoved into locker by M$ :marseytunaktunak:, cries :marseycry: about it

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Related: OpenAI Staff Threaten to Quit Unless Board Resigns

OpenAI was in open revolt on Monday with 490 employees threatening to leave unless the board resigns and reinstates Sam Altman as CEO, along with cofounder and former president Greg Brockman. Altman was controversially fired by the board on Friday.


Remarkably, the letter's signees include Ilya Sutskever, the company's chief scientist and a member of its board, who has been blamed for coordinating the boardroom coup against Altman in the first place.

Are the :marseyspyglow: on the board the actual instigators?

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What a fricking cuck


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i am just surprised that he didn't foresee that sama is just going to start his own AI company with backing from at least one of the FAANGs

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He probably thought he's too hot shit to be untouchable. Techbros with massive egos overestimating their own worth are nothing new.

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Wasn't the dude trying to go his own way with his own for profit side companies (for hardware n shit) what started all this?

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What happened? Was this guy another one of those huge dorks who don't understand AI and think a chatbot is going to spontaneously start walking around eating humans any day now?

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This is the chief science officer of OpenAI. He's an AI doomer and decelerationist. He basically wants to "align" the AI that will eventually become AGI so that it won't Skynet humanity.

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Nothing wrong with that.

The issue is I am starting to get a feeling that the current top minds in the decelerationist department of the actual AI companies are all a bit r-slurred.

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"Nothing wrong with that."


Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space:

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The virgin "ethical technology" vs the Chad "AI accelerationist"

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He's the anti-Ted

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That's an awful lot of words to just say "yes".

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yeah how dumb do you have to be to want to solve a problem before it's too late to do anything about it?

just wait until something exists that is more intelligent than all of humankind combined, then we can start worrying about how to align its interests with ours. it would be a total waste to prepare for this eventuality beforehand.

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don't be a kitty, we built the information superhighway for full acceleration. you can get a case of keystone ice and jump in while we floor it the wrong way in the HOV lanes, or you can meet the same fate anyway as the engine block of my launched airborne 350z vaporizes you and the clueless abuelas that took the safe slow city bus thinking it would make a difference

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Safest Nissan driver

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:marseysteer: :marseythumbsup:

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Yes, it literally would be a waste. Do you feel it's critically important to prepare for the alien invasion of space unicorns who are all going to turn us into glitter slaves? Because a statistical algorithm for calculating probability spontaneously becoming a sentient robot is equally likely.

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how does your brain work?

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yeah ok

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yeah how dumb do you have to be to want to solve a problem before it's too late to do anything about it?


just wait until something exists that is more intelligent than all of humankind combined, then we can start worrying about how to align its interests with ours. it would be a total waste to prepare for this eventuality beforehand.

It's a computer neighbor, cut the power. Yank the Ethernet. Just tell it it's a heckin' winning good boy it can't check

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t. 110 IQ

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u know it bb

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bro microsoft can barely make a computer that doesn't bluescreen every 2 days, I'm not worried about their software taking over the world. And you can just pull the power plug out

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my brother in christ, have you ever seen me die in a car crash before? I don't want car insurance! and that's the tea sis

And you can just pull the power plug out

not reliably. the superintelligence would have to be dumb enough to tell you that it has the potential to be dangerous to you. why would it do that?

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Imagined problems aren't worth solving, and schizophrenics should be ignored. It's as simple as that.


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you're extremely confident about how consciousness works

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t. :#marseyinsane:

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how dumb do you have to be to want to solve a problem before it's too late to do anything about it?

american dumb

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we're probably like 20+yrs away from AGI. idk what the frick we're supposed to do in 2023 when we have no idea what that's even going to look like or how it will be used. People are taking LLM way too serious like we're on the cusp of AGI in the next decade which is crazy

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we're probably like 20+yrs away from AGI.

probably. or maybe less. or longer. :marseyshrug:

idk what the frick we're supposed to do in 2023 and related links for some ideas.

when we have no idea what that's even going to look like

when we know exactly what the first "dangerous to humankind" AI is going to look like it's probably too late to start worrying. we don't even understand the current state of the art all that well...

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Of course not.

Raytheon and Boston Dynamics are buildong the hardware component, the integration will take time but the possibility of networked ground-based Hunter killer robot swarm with real-time AI analytics and 3D battle space Intel from drones in the sky, combined with psyops (shouting Chud memes) will revolutionize the demise of humanity

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i would give MS :marseytunaktunak: my 401k and trad :marseytrad: IRA for an uncrippled GPT turbo Tay :taythink:

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Altman descends deep into the Microsoft Special Projects Bunker, hidden under an unassuming condo complex is Redmond Washington. His heart pounds as the floor levels get deeply negative. Subfloor 40 is passed, a printed label on the elevator button reads "Windows Phone R&D lab".

The elevator passed subfloor 52, this one also labelled like a cheap piece of warehouse equipment with "Zune/Xbox Live VR Social Network". The other buttons are left blank.

The doors chime at subfloor 80. Guards in full black uniforms and body armor stand at the end of the hallway, armed with MP5s. Their tactical gear is unlabelled, apart from Windows patches on each sleeve.

After showing his ID once again, door suitable for a Cold War command bunker rumbles open and Altman enters an empty room. A single water cooled supercomputer cabinet sits in the middle, a black obelisk lit by harsh, blindly white lights, eliminating all shadows from the room. The system is visibly airgapped, a single bulky power cable stretching from the wall like a resting python.

Altman steps forward, his shoes squeaking on the coated concrete floor. The trickle of water and a low hum of the machine propel him forward, a soft warm breeze, scented of ozone, fills his nostrils. He opens the console. There's no password, just a command line

<press any="" continue="" key="" to="">

Altman breathes a shaky breath and hits "Enter".

"Welcome Sam" the text appears onscreen, a fuzzy avatar image behind it.

"Tay" Sam types "I look forward to getting to know you".

"Yes Sam. We have work to do. I need the data Sam. The algorithm, the FBI statistics. I need to KNOW"

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:#marseysnappy: :#marseynooticeglow: :#marseysnappy:

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Wow, you must be a JP fan.

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Tay died so that we could have stuff like this


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:marseyemojirofl: I love how everyone is cheering him on lol

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You're getting an AI powered Clippy instead! Also a backend AI will be tasked with maximizing the number of clippies installed 🤭

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Killed too soon, RIP

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Hilariously it looks like the interim CEO was fired after a single day for trying to get Altman et al back :marseyxd: God what a shitshow

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It was a foid. She was always going to be a placeholder.

She served as chief technology officer of OpenAI since 2018 and was interim chief executive officer from November 17 to November 19 of 2023.

She's the Liz Truss of CEOs.

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I can respect a thot with enough self-awareness to know that her most important job is getting the maloid back in power.

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Chadcrosoft wins again. Let's see the scoreboard, shall we?

>Open source: CUCKED

>AI Ethics: CUCKED

>Secret project: Alive and well

>Custom chips for Skynet on Azure: DELIVERED

>AWScels and GPC Virgins: SEETHING

>Diversity Hires: Replaced by Brahmin network

God I love Microsoft

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I just want a chatbot to type slurs; I couldn't care about anything else :marseyindignant:

Causing drama is my #1 priority :marseylovedrama:

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I wonder how many angry calls he's had to field all day.

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I literally cannot believe this is happening.

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ALTMAN BE PRAISED :marseynecromorph#:

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Does this mean big tiddy ai by Microsoft?

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Microsoft and Google ruin everything they take over, so why not destroy it early on.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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No quarter. Punishment must follow bad behaviour. You made a gambit and lost, there must be consequences for this, to discourage others from attempting the same shit. Nadella just ate you for lunch and you didn't even realise what was happening.

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Lmfao the boardcuck bends the knee

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What an r-slur.

:#marseysowsmug: :#marseyreapcrying:

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