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[NOT DRAMA] You can buy blank RAM sticks to make it look like you're maxing out your RAM slots



I thought this was some kind of joke. £29.48 for two 0GB RGB sticks when you can get the 2x8GB version for £50. What kind of r-slur has £30 to spend on fake RAM but not £50 to spend on actual RAM?

The reviews confirm that these are only bought by literal :marseygigaretard: and it doesn't even get good reviews...

Honestly when I first seen this I thought it was a sleeve to install over an existing stick of RAM so I was a little disappointed to find out it's an empty stick of RAM with RGB on it but that's my own fault for misunderstanding the product, for what it is it looks lovely, the software ICUE is easy enough to use the reason it's not managed more stars is due to the price of them for what it is

This dude thinks he bought actual RAM lmao

My machine is not faster but I had no issues installing.

I don't know how it works but my fps in game has consistently been 10 frame over usual. Someone told me it's because of the way the real RAM is taking power. I dunno I don't really care. Looks cracked AF.

They actually decrease this guy's performance:

Right let's start with saying these look great, But there's one issue I've managed to now solve. I could not get my 16gb set of ram to work at the correct speed of 3200mhz. I tried everything I could think of to get them to work and they never would. Turns out it was this kit, as soon as I took it out and applied the xmp profile it worked straight away, put the kit back in and it wouldn't boot. To sum it up if you want to run your ram at the correct speed then don't get this kit, but if you're all about looks over performance than by all means get it.

Easy to install, didn't even have to go into my bios or anything they just worked straight away.

Isn't it amazing that fake RAM works without any BIOS tweaks?

As the title says, one stick takes ages to light, I've tried in various slots but to no avail. Once lite it performs fine. It's only for a light show, but I think it should be better quality for the price.

Just satisfying seeing all ram slots filled. Worth it. Plug and play. Synced with the iCue software right away

lmao RGBcels reaping and sowing.

One of the most annoying thing about this RGB ram is the RGB stays on when you PC is in sleep mode! I couldn't find anyway to turn it off! So it forces you to shut down your PC because they are so bright especially if you have a PC in a bedroom!

Glass case PC-cels are the worst. I hate the /r/battlestations trend where the PC tower sits on the desk throwing an RGB lightshow all over the monitors.


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It depends on what color you have it set to


https://i.postimg.cc/dVgyQgj2/image.png https://i.postimg.cc/d3Whbf0T/image.png

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Actually bought my little brother an "upgrade" kit for his computer a year or two that was mostly just a bunch of USB dongles with the sole purpose that have flashing RBG LEDS to fill up his unused slots and give it more FPS lol

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17032545898309789.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17032545900031798.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17032546675178406.webp

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This is a new level of r-sluration

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i dont understand the rgb obsession that Pc MaStErRaCe cute twinks have. it looks like shit, costs too much, and does nothing but be annoying at night. like sure, maybe it looks neat if you splurge and go for a themed computer build, but consoomers dont do that, they just bang in whatever light up shit they can find and call it a day as it changes hue.

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My anger is that they don't make NON-RGB equipment anymore. It drives me fricking crazy :ragestrangle: :fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu:

Having to download some shitty bloatware so my mouse isn't blinking in the corner of my eye. Frick off. :marseydeterminedgun: :marseymagdump:

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Ive been thinking ab gutting my old mx1000 and putting whatever the latest 1M dpi dark laser logitech guts inside

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just buy yourself a nice case with all the money you save not buying RGB products. I really love my fractal north case (no window). The color even matches my Noctua fans.

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@snaIIygaster (Jewish) fractual design also makes sound proof cases. I have one, it's silent big black box without needing a shitty straggy water-cooler or RGB r-sluration :marseysnappypat:

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:pepolick: that's a nice lookin case

Shame I really really dont want to buy it and then re-wire my whole fricken computer for it. My computer is a literal ship of Theseus at this point. The case is 12 years old and the last piece to be changed out.

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I just don't understand how they can have a rainbow vomit right beside their monitor and not feel annoyed.

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My favourite are the ones where a Funkopop is inside the case holding up the GPU


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they took it out of the box

Oh no now it's worthless

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The greatest case ever made was the Fractal Design R5. It's just a black or white box and you don't have to think of what your computer's guts look like ever.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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The virgin "buying a case" vs the Chad "taping and hot gluing stuff to the inside of a shoebox and just laying the rest of that shit on your desk next to the ashtray and empty monster cans"

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>he's not suspended from the celling pilled

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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Based Airflowmaxxer

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Fractal Torrent is a beast. No RGB, comes with 180mm fans and a chassis built for airflow :marseythumbsup:

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Prefer lian li which predates this. PC-6070B and that v1000 one that looked like an early apple g5

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Yeah honestly both glass side panels and RGB look like shit - the inside of a PC case is objectively ugly and messy.

If they bought a case and modified or custom painted the side panel, it might be worth showing off. But these people have 0 skill or taste so they just buy electronic rainbow vomit.

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Bring back cold cathodes and phase change coolers

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costs too much

sometimes the rgb sticks are cheaper than regular ones :marseyshrug:

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It's just for fun and a tad handy :marseymacgyver: if you want to see your components at a glance. Like making sure no leaks if you're water :marseyarchie: cooling. For my current build :marseyyarn: I tried to do as much black :marseyvargselfdefense: with subtle white :marseypatriot: accents as I could and no rgb. I would :marseywould: love some warm white :marseypepsi: (like 3000k-ish) lighting along the top so the components are lit like in a display :marseyidio3: case but everything plug and play is blistering cold white :marseywalterwhite: or rgb.

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RBGcels will die an early death of skin cancer.

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Someone should sell them “deep purple” UV-C lights for their next build

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Just satisfying seeing all ram slots filled.

Stolen valour


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Scrotes don't have money for deodorant, yet they buy fake RAM sticks :marseyfeminist:

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Maybe they also buy fake deodorant :marseythinkorino2:

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If you can't convince your crush with your natural, manly odor you're literally a failed human :marseybuff:

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Unironically true. No cologne or deorderant will save you if your shit diet makes you smell like spoiled milk.

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Is this how nerds flirt with each other? :marseyhmm:

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The more time you spend building your PC, the less likely it is that a woman will ever look at it.

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Hey babe is that a fake RGB peepee in your pants or are you unhappy to see me?

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:#!ddr: :#marseyshy2: :#ddr:

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My PC is all black. Just a closed, black :marseykweenxmas: case. Nothing :marseynothingburger: fancy :marseycheers2: could very well be standing :marseyoverallenthusiasm: in any office. Cause I'm not a child :marseybikechainincident: and I don't want foids :marseyblops2chadcel: thinking :marseyhmmm: I am.

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>not classic computer beige

Fashion slave

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My PC is all black. Just a closed, black case. Nothing fancy could very well be standing in any office. Cause I'm not a child and I don't want foids thinking I am.

:#marseynpc2talking: :#!marseyglancing:

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Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Just satisfying seeing all ram slots filled. Worth it. Plug and play. Synced with the iCue software right away

:#marseytoastytalking: :#marseysoyjak:


:#marseytoasty: :#!marseysoycrytalking:

What is your major malfunction, OP?


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One of the most annoying thing about this RGB ram is the RGB stays on when you PC is in sleep mode! I couldn't find anyway to turn it off! So it forces you to shut down your PC because they are so bright especially if you have a PC in a bedroom!

:!p#latyneet: :#marseysoldemayo:

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These are for aestheticucks since most mobos and proccies don't support 4 sticks of DDR5 properly at all. So they have to put only 2 working and 2 dummies like this. My build is all negro no light

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These are keyed for DDR4 tho.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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same issue with ddr4 4sticks of ram is a nono for amd and meh It will run at jedec and not xmp

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You think? DDR5 is a bit of a shitshow running at full XMP for sure but I can't say I recall the same for DDR4.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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I got 6000mhz DDR5, enabled it in the BIOS and now my computer takes 30s to turn on.

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Yeah that's from the DDR5 “memory training” the thing is it should only happen like once.

Chances are you're still running an early BIOS version that has bugs…if you're not - :marseyshrug:. I've been pretty dumbfounded all the issues my friend has had on Zen 4

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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I'll see if there's a BIOS upgrade, thanks. It basically turns on and then off again and then back on.

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Yup that's the memory training process alright.

The way AMD ships its firmware is tied directly to the BIOS to (more so than Intel) so it's good to periodically check on updates.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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It's not booting faster but I updated the BIOS :marseyshrug: I don't mind

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for what it is it looks lovely

In a "marge simpson makeup shotgun" kinda way.

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This should be on /h/poorcels or something. Real man would just buy the second set for his ram sticks.

Get on my level


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What do you use it for? This is peak /h/poorcels because you can buy two sticks of non-RGB RAM for £30. Dumb financial decisions.

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What do you use it for?

Flexing my RAMpeepee

because you can buy two sticks of non-RGB RAM for £30.

I'm assuming the whole point people buy another set of rbg sticks is so they dont have void spots for whatever aesthetic reason.

Although my ram sticks didnt cost that much either for RGB. I dont even remember how much and I bought them back in like 2020

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Consume putter goyslop

TRANS lives matter not

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Just got a new PC and it woke me up last night after upgrading. It's liquid cooled so essentially silent, but for a couple minutes it was literally putting out as much light as a 60 watt bulb.

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Isn't the idea that 0gb ram won't slower or effect the memory speed ?

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In theory these shouldn't do anything, they just have pins to power the LEDs.

RAM is very finicky though, they operate at high speed and need nanosecond perfect timing. I suspect the fake sticks still affect the signal chain ever so slightly.

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Just satisfying seeing all ram slots filled.

Stop being poor and you can do that.

Worth it.

That's why you're poor.

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Just spend £50 instead of £30 and your can do it!

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I wouldn't have my glass pane facing me but I like them because they remind me to clean my pc.

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I'm pretty dumb all around and absolutely r-slurred when it comes to computers but somehow even I know RAM is not something you can just easily add.

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If it's a desktop PC, RAM is incredibly easy to add. It used to be easy on laptops too but now it's usually soldered into the motherboard.

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Most computers come with four slots for RAM. For performance reasons it's better to install it in pairs (so if you want 16GB RAM then you'd install 2x8GB sticks). That leaves you with two empty slots, but most people can live with that and move on with their lives.

This product exists for those who can't get over it.

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