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Every Covid-19 infection carries with it a 15% chance of Long Covid, and the odds worsen with every subsequent infection - by the 5th time, you're basically looking at a coin toss. Diane is one example, but there are over 65M people worldwide with this affliction

Shouldn't it be more like 6 billion with it in that case

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found the incel

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Listen chud, asymptomatic long covid is a thing. Its a silent killer, like korean fan death.

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I've left a fan running in my bedroom every night for 20 years. I am due to die any second no

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found the incel

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It's mostly women who are desperate for validation and use covid as an outlet. They're likely fully convinced they have long covid but it's purely in their head, like the placebo effect.

Should just post feet online instead.

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well it could be a real disease, but perhaps it is just more mental like havana syndrome or something

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My dream is to have a white woman disease and collect some kind of disability.

Working honestly sucks. The foids have it figured out.

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Someone has to find you attractive for that lifehack to work

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all i want is a sugar momma, realized im just not cut out for it anymore recently.

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>by the 5th time

I haven't even gotten covid once and there are people out there collecting covid variants like they're collecting pokemon cards :marseylaughpoundfist:

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Around 30-75% of people are asymptomatic, so chances are you've been infected. You don't realize this because your long covid has impaired your mental faculties.

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No, I am very intelligent and would know if I had a completely asymptomatic disease :marseyindignant:

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it's so dangerous that you have to test every day to see if you have it otherwise you might not get any symptoms and could spread it to someone else without knowing.

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I'm 99.9% sure I caught it that first December, when they were still saying it was a right wing anti-Chinese conspiracy. And further 99% sure I never got it since.

Which means I never got paid time off to scam nerds online for my sniffles. :marseyfluffyannoyed:

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Hmm would there be a specific group of people you had in mind?

Like ones that lack self control and a healthy disregard for their wellbeing and the wellbeing of others?


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I have had it twice, and I don't even go out :marseysad:

I had it literally last week, so I couldn't visit my grandparents for Christmas and ate chili alone in my apartment :marseysulk:

Both times it was pretty much like a bad cold/mild flu, but still I'm not gonna go to my 85 year old grandpa's house knowing I have the grandpa-killer :marseygiveup:

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and ate chili alone in my apartment

Sounds pretty comfy, ngl :marseycom#fy:

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I've had it somewhere between 1 and 6 times. Only bothered testing once when I wanted to get out a shopping trip tho

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Me and my wife never got it either, every time I thought I had it I was just positive for influenza :marseyhmm:

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I've had it 3-4 times, it want bad and I recovered afterwards.

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Literally me. I think I've gotten it three times.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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I think you get a free extra one when you reach your 5th infection :marseyexcited:

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its from the jab it makes them weak to covs

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Is long covid :marseymask: real? :marseyhmmm: I thought :marseymindblown: it was a white :marseymarcus: woman :marseysuffragette: disease :marseynurgle:

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Did you watch the video? This woman is completely exhausted all the time. She barely has any energy to lay in bed posting on social media and collecting tens of thousands of dollars from patreon every month. It is a very serious disease.

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>I've been laying in bed not exerting myself for months and now I feel lethargic. I must have long covid!

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Men can work past it

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The last study I read, admittedly a while ago, said it's probably similar to the gulf war syndrome and post-9/11 syndrome, soldiers came back from Desert Storm with similar symptoms and they initially thought it was exposure to chemical weapons, but years of studies found zero evidence of physical damage to the body. They concluded it was probably just a different form of PTSD combined with social phenomena.

I'd imagine COVID can be traumatizing or at least disrupt your life hard for a period of time especially if you bought into the hysteria, which has physical ramifications. Especially if it creates a feedback-loop where you lay in bed all the time never exercising, which then affects your diet because you don't have a good appetite, you dont get much sunlight, etc etc.


The presence of symptoms at follow-up was not associated with the severity of the acute COVID-19 illness. Females were significantly more likely to report residual symptoms including anxiety (p = 0.001), fatigue (p = 0.004), and myalgia (p = 0.022).

[..] Could psychological/neuropsychiatric elements be predominant in Long-COVID, akin to post-traumatic distress? Similar post-traumatic syndromes, such as Gulf War Illness and post-9/11 syndrome, describe the occurrence of both physical and psychological symptoms in a similar pattern to what is being observed in Long-COVID [13, 14]. We suggest the impact of a new, poorly understood, and lethal virus and the associated societal disruption it has caused must not be understated. One must appreciate the importance of the biopsychosocial effects of COVID-19 and how they may precipitate the development of long-lasting symptoms affecting both physical and mental health.

With the paucity of evidence available, we question whether Long-COVID exists as a new disease with distinct pathophysiology. We suggest it is a new manifestation of a well-recognised phenomenon that can be observed after other traumatic events, as opposed to the persistent effect of COVID-19. The current evidence suggests that classic post-viral respiratory symptoms, such as cough, are less frequent in Long-COVID patients [15]. Indeed, our study reinforces this, as we report a modest (35%) prevalence of cough. For these reasons, we believe that resource allocation should prioritise rehabilitation and psychological support with less emphasis on advanced diagnostics and specialist respiratory services.

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pretty soon, almost every person alive will cant even.

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>Every Covid-19 infection carries with it a 15% chance of Long Covid, and the odds worsen with every subsequent infection - by the 5th time, you're basically looking at a coin toss.

You would think people would trust the science instead of pulling numbers from nowhere

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Considering at least one study of Long Covid showed a number of sufferers had never had Covid, this is likely another case of believing only the convenient science.

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my favorite was the bri'ish study that said people who thought they had long covid were just "suffering bouts of ill health" instead

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Now do study with purebloods only

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Show me the long covid stat breakdown by gender and political identity, just out of curiosity.

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The unspoken hard truth here is this: Long Covid is a nightmare, it's an open-ended sentence for lifetime disability. We as a society have generally "moved on" - which again, translates to a ruthless abandonment of those who happen to tangle with the actual reality of this ever-present illness and lose the to the russian-roulette-odds of the draw where the acute phase ends, but the long-term consequences bloom.

:#marseyinsane: *word salad noises*

We need to invest time and effort into changing the public perception, push for air quality standards to be enforced via OSHA and equivalent, and otherwise promote clean air standards in shared indoor spaces. People don't like wearing "masks" (fair, the surgical or cloth ones don't do much here, you need a proper N95 respirator or equivalent), but unless we have proper infrastructure in place, this is the only fallback.

If long covid is as vague permanent as is claimed, then cleaner air won't do anything. Got infected once? 15% of long covid. Got a few small droplets of the virus in you? 15% chance. Stay inside forever? My brain is foggy; therefore, I have long covid.


The comparison to the (somewhat apocryphal) actions of Dr John Snow and the plague-spreading water pump in London's old SOHO has been made again and again -- the learnings from that time are what led the officials to build entire sewer and water purification systems, a basis which permit modern cities to exist. The same thing needs to happen today for the air which we breathe.


Oh look, another orangetard comments below! :marseyexcited:

The CDC director and other country health ministers have started to publicly recognize long covid recently. The government is trying to get ahead of the accessibility challenges of potentially life-saving/reversing drugs too:

The big problem is 100% public perception. We have as a country failed miserably to further message the pandemic's second-order consequences. We need courageous public leaders to message this public health crisis in terms that will get through to people: i.e. economics, productivity, and the anguish of other human beings.

:marseynpc2: Why yes, I support Big Pharma and fully believe its marketers. We must have an endless roll-out of government-subsidized medication for a problem so vague that anyone can believe they have it.

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We need to invest time and effort into changing the public perception, push for air quality standards to be enforced via OSHA and equivalent, and otherwise promote clean air standards in shared indoor spaces.

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I think I had the coof in like January of 2020, I say I think since it had all the feelings of what it was supposed to have and I eventually couldn't get out of bed and could barely breathe. I think I probably spread it all over the public bus and school. We thought it was the flu. But afterward I didn't feel super good for a few weeks and I think that's long COVID, where your body feels tired for a week

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Wait people actually caught covid? Urbanites stay losing!

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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I lived in the Big City and never caught it.

I just never went outside or interacted with anyone :marseybigbrain:

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Weird that only women seem to have long covid.

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