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Imagine being so humbled by the gasoline.

EVs are getting mogged by an invention from 1885 :marseyxd:

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Issue is infastructure limitation and big flaw on ev. Becouse you dont have exhaust heat. You need to use battery to heat inside of car. This kills range of ev. If i rember correctly. Max heat cuts range in half.

If you have enough charging capacity to keep every ev in city charged in summer. You are fricked in winter.

Combustion engines dont have this issue.

Keep winning coal burning bros

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You also can't jump an EV. So when it dies sitting in the parking lot at work, just gotta get a tow truck I guess? With a normal car I've seen people get a ride home and return the next day and just install a new battery.

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To be fair. You cant really jump modern gas cars too. Car companies went full r-slurred with computers.

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Well I've never met a car I couldn't jump :marseyhmmhips:

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Is :quote:car:quote: a euphemism for women?

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No, some of the modern models :marseyliathomas: are too powerful for me

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what? I just jumped a car this morning. what did they do???

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They have full computer in them. Jumpping car causes power surge. Computers dont like that. You can break it by jumpping.

Even if you dont. With some cars. You get warning lights after that. You need to find way to reset those. For most those mean mechanic.

Its same with battery. If you replace battery by yourself. You end up lighing up warning lights.

Its just r-slurred. Not all modern cars are like that. Some are more fragile. Some are less.

Some say post 2020 cars arent as bad that regard as 2015-2020 cars.

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the way all these car companies are doing everything they can to make sure the average person can't fix/maintain their own car is ridiculous. all this new computer bullshit makes it a pain in the butt. i don't need to be able to watch youtube and listen to a podcast while the car tells me directions and gives me weather/traffic updates and sometimes needs to download a new firmware update. :uhuh:

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If they stop making models that can function without over the air updates I'll never get to own a new car


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I love these gotcha posts. So what do you do when you throw a rod and put a hole in the block? Just come back the next day and swap that b-word in the parking lot? lol

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Are you r-slurred? Batteries dying in the cold is a common occurrence. The people I've seen swap a battery like that did it because they'd gotten multiple jumps within a couple of weeks.

Yeah you would get your car towed when there's a major mechanical failure. A battery dying requiring that makes it both unreliable and unaffordable for people living in cold climates.

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No, I'm a mechanic, you dumb son of a b-word. Your HV EV battery has as much in common with a lead acid 12v battery as you do with a person with a normal IQ, you driveling fricking r-slur. That'll be 150dc an hour with a two hour minimum, pay up b-word.

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Oh that makes sense. I've literally never gotten any advice from a mechanic that wasn't complete horseshit. Enjoy dying early from rolling around in toxic chemicals all day cute twink.

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:marseymechanic: Please buy new tires. I can see my reflection in the old ones.

:boomermonster: frick you I didn't get rich by purchasing a new 300 dollar set of tires every ten years you LYING sack of SHIT

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:marseyxd: That's accurate.

I've caught mechanics lying multiple times though. They don't realize those tricks won't work on me :marseymerchant:

One turned white when I told him that I already bought a warranty for the alt I'd brought him to install and the battery was about a month old, so I was absolutely not going to buy either off him. Everything was great about two minutes later: before I could even call the tow. Gave him his $200 and told him not to put it all up his nose lol.

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my tires are 380 avpiece

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If i rember correctly. Max heat cuts range in half.

The article says as much:

AAA testing shows that heater use when outside temperatures dip to 20 degrees can reduce range by about 40%.


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Becouse you dont have exhaust heat. You need to use battery to heat inside of car. This kills range of ev. If i rember correctly. Max heat cuts range in half.

Heat from a gas car is still coming from the battery, which gets charged enough by the engine that it won't die on you.

Cold is just not healthy for batteries in general. Its very difficult to get the optimal charge you need because of freezing temps. Its why people get dead batteries more often in winter.

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>Heat from gas car from battery :marseyretard3:

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Are you trying to tell me you don't know how a heat pump works? Obviously its not just battery to heat you imbecile, I'm phoneposting, now frick off.

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Gas cars don't use heat pumps, just a fan blowing :marseygeisha: across a radiator on your coolant system :marseymars:

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I mixed up with EVs that now some do use a heat pump, but you're making my point the battery is powering more than just fans and its compensated by the engine.

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It's really :marseythinkorino2: just powering fans. Coolant pumps are usually driven by the engine :marseythomas:

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Just admit that you were wrong, and are r-slurred and move on. Goddarn

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But they do use a heat pump.

Just keep yourself safe. Goddarn

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The warmth from the engine goes from the radiator to the heater core, which basically acts as a heat exchanger. It allows coolant to flow through, and this flow of coolant is regulated by the heater control valve. As the engine's heat is carried by coolant into the heater core, the device starts to get warm. Depending on the levels at which you set your HVAC control panel, the blower motor will force air over the heater core and into your cabin at the appropriate speed.

Only thing that uses battery is blower. Right now. Here there is -22°c. Dont argue with me how car heating works and winter proofing your car.

Maybe you are confusing regular heater to parking heater thats drains battery slightly more. But even then it burns fuel to heat.

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Becouse you dont have exhaust heat

You're r-slurred and this isn't how a heater core works. I roll more coal daily than you ever have in your life. Shut your gay mouth b-word.

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Its currently 19 degrees where I live. Every time I leave my house my ev is fully charged, so its like leaving with a full tank every time I pull out of my driveway. I have never charged at a charging station. With all five seat heaters on and heat on full blast, my range drops from about 270 miles to about 240. If I am going to drive over 200 miles I just take my gas car.

What kills ev range the most is fast highway speeds. If you drive fast you probably shouldnt get an EV or you will be very disappointed.

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Does the heat that comes out of the vents come from resistive heat or from a heat pump?

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I think there is at least a heat pump, but it may be a mix of both resistive, heat pump, and battery heat when available.

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Heat pumps can be decent as long as they work, but if you need to use resistive heat you're gonna drain your battery fast.

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No idea if ev have have heat pumps. I asumed they had just resitsnce heating. Becouse it drains battery so quickly.

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An AC is a heat pump, and having one that operates in two directions should be just a few extra steps, but I'm posting here so I'm probably an r-slur that you shouldn't trust.

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I looked ir up. They have both. When heat pump isnt enough it will use good ol electricity to heat that b-word up.

Otherwise it makes do with heat pump

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We just need to line EVs with sealskin.

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Prometheus really did us a solid.



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Bro the dinosaurs invented gasoline.

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Plastic was invented by the dinosaurs as well



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I hope when I become oil some aliens will make a human toy out of me and give me to their children.

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