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I'm getting so sick of this shit.


Hurrrrrr open Outlook Mobile and enter this number

99 times out of 100, I'm seeing this page in Outlook Mobile because it's happening as I clicked a link in an email or calendar event. Guess what, nothing happens.

The one time I clicked a link elsewhere and the prompt came up, it didn't work anyway because my phone didn't unlock on the first attempt.


I'm clicking this link probably a dozen times a week. It doesn't remember a darn thing. I just had to press it twice in the last five minutes -- once to sign back into Outlook (it was seeing my emails, but not calendar), then again to sign into PowerApps through Outlook so I could fill out a 2-line form.

Then every browser history seems to refuse to remember the URL to login to Workday, making that process tedious

Why can't i just set my password to 1324 and call it good.

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want to buy something on a website

i'm not an idiot so i use a password manager, open password manager and enter my 20+ character secure password

copy password and log into the site

site needs 2fa, unlock my phone, go into the 2fa app, enter code

checkout, use paypal

go back to password manager, copy paypal password

paypal needs 2fa to log in, unlock phone, open different 2fa app, enter code

click buy

credit card company wants me to confirm purchase

unlock phone, say yes

i love the convenience of online shopping!

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i'm not an idiot so i use a password manager, open password manager and enter my 20+ character secure password

Falling for the password manager meme. Just remember 10 passwords and reset it if none of those work or you get locked out beforehand. :marseyhacker:

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also microsoft's 2fa is hilarious, i have to unlock my phone, open the app, type in the number, enter my unlock code AGAIN for some reason, and if i had to walk somewhere to get my phone to do this i have to do it all again because the first request times out in like 30 seconds

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I keep my 2fa in my password manager so it autofills :marseyretardchad:

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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I got a new credit card, whenever I try to use it online I get a 2fa popup from my bank saying 'we sent the code to your number' but I never get the code. It's the right number too. Stupid.

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>He only has to deal with one 2FA

Try being a gov contractor. You have your contractor 2FA, your government 2FA, and then another password and then on top of all that my CAC PIN.

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Or working for a bank, I have a physical RSA SecurID

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I have 2 RSA SecurIDs for the same institution (not a bank), one for normal use and one for “secure enclave” systems which was introduced during COVID.

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We have 2FA primarily because r-slurs will compromise their own accounts otherwise and banks and shit got tired of dealing with the fallout.

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We have 2FA because its a way to get your fricking phone # and tie it your account and also get your email and datamine your shit continuously and DID YOU KNOW IT MAKES YOU MORE SECURE

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I can't believe zoomzooms are so stupidly contrarian that they turn against 2FA. Yes, it makes everything much more secure. Security was a complete joke a decade ago and there are still breaches because users are morons.

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Most people I know defend 2FA at any opportunity, if I say that just a secure enough username and password (and not giving it out like an r-slur, which is the reason why I have login access to a close family member's email account) are all you need they act as if I shouted BIPOC.

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same with the chipped cards, yea they are buggy as heck but they cut down credit card cloning to almost nothing

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Only my bank makes me register my mobile number, iirc. For everything else, I use a 2FA app.

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And yet the weak link is still the blonde intern

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Its usually because normies are too stupid to use local/app OTP.

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Microsoft lmao.

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To access one of the VPNs at work needed for one of the production environments I have to send a Whatsapp message to a tech support team in India who has 2FA on their phone and then input the code from them lol. It's so bad

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it sounds like your company got hacked at some point years ago and never realized it

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I think it is actually because of customer requirements. I think the customer is a contracted out IT firm and their customer had some security requirements that were really dumb with this setup. But that's just a guess.

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That's incredible.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Another case of other people being r-slurred leading directly to me being forced to do stupid fricking time wasting BULLSHIT I FRICKING HATE CODDLING TO R-SLURS

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You aren't coddling to R-slurs. Not a single fricking thing in cybersecurity is driven by what prevents shit or what is reasonable based on user behavior, it's all CIO magazine bullshit they hear at a conference with 0 purpose behind it

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I feel you. One of my clients uses Okta, and although it's easier I still have to find my stupid phone to get into their environment. Then you got some like Steam where you can't just copy/paste the code. You are forced to type it. blaaah.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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A recent 2FA system I had to sign up to made me download a phone app just to be able to access the "create an account" screen, then scan a QR code, receive a SMS message, and then finally create my account. What's worse is when I already have an account on a service, and then it rebrands to a round bordered mess that requires me to create a new account on one of their partners (which requires a phone number and credit card) just to avoid having my account stolen from me. 2FA has prevented me from having the most likely wonderful experience of writing lulzy twitter community notes, or creating fake audio of e-celebs saying unhinged things they would probably say IRL but not on camera. We need a SMS-and-mobileoid-free internet.

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Frick this new one at least the old one you didn't need to unlock your phone to just tap yes

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Hardware key :marseykey: chads don't have this problem. All I do is :marseyexciteddance:tap:marseyexciteddance:

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I always hoped 2FA would mean cool hardware tokens. It means rootkit apps and datamining instead :(

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Why can't you go outside and operate a shovel?

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Because I'm not an apprentice anymore.

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