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Why are you with someone who doesn't respect you?

Jesus Christ. All this dude said was his gf thinks his job is easy and here come the Reddit armchair relationship experts telling him to break up.

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:marseyunamused: "my SO hurt my feelings today when--"


do they even say that anymore? :marseyxd: It used to get said unironically a lot especially back when redditors were assumed to be male, but I feel like now telling people to hit the gym is toxic now

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You're right, they should tell him to kill her :marseymagdump:

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guys checkout this site chatgpt made for me, codecels :marseywebshit: are officially out of business :marseybroker: http://localhost

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Holy! :marseypoggers:

nice pixel art! very cute sad folder it made! ai art truly has soul after all

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Dude I think your computer might have drifted into the twilight zone and no longer exists in our reality. You probably will too. :marseywave2:

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>Make 5x the TC of the average hard working american

>Spend 2 hours or less a day working while you WFH


All Codecels are Bastards


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I spend two hours working and six hours crying

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Congrats on your transition then Xueen! :#marseywholesometrans:

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all my fellow webdevs are on lexapro and I'm the only one that cares :marseytabletired:

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is that a drug?

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Most masculine dramatard

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there are huge differences in both productivity and effort. sometimes one guy on a team does 80% of the work, and the others are just clever about exaggerating their contributions.

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You sound like the latter


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I'm not a webdev lol

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That's exactly what a codecel would say


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She also thinks I earn a lot only because of the demand of my type job compared to hers.

Am I supposed to believe this is wrong?

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wow that is how jobs work i thought you got paid based on arbitrary factors unrelated to supply and demand

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>Most people don't even know what sysadmins do, but trust me, if they all took a lunch break at the same time they wouldn't make it to the deli before you ran out of bullets protecting your canned goods from roving bands of mutants."

I know everyone likes to think their job is more important than it is, but lmao.

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He's not wrong though, I broke the internet for fun at a family gathering and I swear the zoomers would have started attacking each other within 10 minutes if I hadn't fixed it.

Tiktok going down for a day would appear in domestic violence and assault statistics.

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Internet went out on my street and I saw the strangest people I have ever seen wandering outside.

When the internet goes out the Ghouls come out to play.

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sometimes web development makes me think the internet was a mistake :marseytabletired:

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I sit in my home office with the door locked :marseykey: playing Mechwarrior 5 and tell people I'm working.

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My buddy was a PM. He just played League of Legends with the door locked and his roommates would just hear him occasionally scream "YOU FRICK. HOW DO YOU FRICK THIS UP. THIS SHIT IS SO EASY, WHY CAN'T YOU FRICKING DO BASIC BULLSHIT" so they thought he his job was wildly stressful and he was wrangling like 20 r-slurs.

I think the most productive thing he actually did as a PM was give his devs like an extra 2 months to make something simple and menial.

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It works well until your subordinates realize that "jungling" isn't something your company does.

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Companies hire too many PMs, then the PMs do stupid shit to protect their jobs.

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So how do I become a PM without knowing how to compile C shit?

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Learn Make so you can compile C shit :marseymoreyouknow: :marseycrying:

...or don't. Idc. :marseyshrug:

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I can compile gentoo when I follow instructions. Am I ready?

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Probably. Can you fiddle with other people's Makefiles when they don't work though? :diddykongscared:

That's the true skill.

That and cobbling together your own that doesn't suck butt :marseyrain:

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The only non-dev PMs I know were all nepo-hires or weird laterals from HR when they fired their in-house HR drones and replaced them with contractor HR drones.

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I convinced my parents easily. On call rotation and complain about trying to figure out customer issues. Great if you can drop numbers too. "There's an x million $ contract hanging on us fixing this issue with a legacy system no one knows anything about anymore."

Really tho most of the time it's easy. Or at least was before they replaced my manager with someone who does not care about 8 hour work days and opened an office in eastern Europe adding people there to my team.

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Whine about safari more. That what the webdevs on our team do when they're trying to explain why this 3 point story has taken two weeks.

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Can't estimate.

Can't code.

Web Developers.

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everyone involved should die; product managers in tech somehow do even less than webdevs

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we dev shit is tarded, its not programming

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I used to date someone like this.

I pointed out that her problems, and my lack of problems, was largely due to the choices we had made.

It didn't go down well. Mostly because it was absolutely true.

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The whole point of being a web developer is that it's easy and pays bank, why would you want anyone to think it's hard other than your boss


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I hope she's at least hot.

Well she's a cosplayer

So, no.

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lie to her :marseyexcited:

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He works at the big 4 and only earns double what his gf makes for menial work?

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I've done manual labor and also I've been a software developer. Manual labor is cool because you can often just get into a rhythm of doing it without having to be thinking about it, so your mind is free. Plus you are getting paid to work out. The problem is that manual labor pays shit and can damage your body. Doing software development may be really boring a lot of the time unless you're like super into software. And it sucks in a lot of your mental capacity, and you're dealing with computers for a big chunk of the day so it can also frick with your social skills. But it pays well.

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Total webdev death

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You think that a bunch of redditors who are unemployed, college students, or goofing off at work would be able to answer that question? Might as well ask /r/SexOffenderSupport how to not be a s*x offender.

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How did I not know this is a sub? :marseytroublemaker:

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Because you're not a s*x offender like @AllFunAndGames is

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Hey !bharatiya I'm gonna need one of you to take that guy's job ASAP.

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>angular developer

sorry m8 not touching that shit even with my 10 foot peepee

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Ball cleveage shorts should be a thing.

I feel like society is ready.

I can imagine all sorts of cool outfits that show off my ball cleveage, for the office, for the pool, weddings and any sort of occasion.

Wearing ball cleavage shorts will allow us men to use our assets to flirt with women who are in power in hopes of gaining some unfair advantage over those who are less endowed.

There would be "wonder shorts" which push the balls up front and accentuate the cleavage. Like diamonds on a pedestal.

There would be a little hole in the shorts to let the ball cleavage poke through


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His gf prob works as a barista :marseyshrug:

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So this foid is happy to take his money _and_ complain that he needs to do more than her around the house because "he doesn't work"? I wish I was homosexual :marseyhomoitsover:

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