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Team lead "mandates" GitHub Co-pilot for devs :marseytypinglaugh: - this means he wants people to starve (because capitalism) :marseylibleft:


Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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That thread further reinforces my hatred for working with younger generation codecels.

Somewhere along the line, the entire culture shifted from right libertarian techbros to leftoid strags bitching about everything that doesn't cater to their specific neurodivergent needs.

I think all that pampering culture Google and many startups brought into the workplace is partially responsible for it.

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I think all that pampering culture Google and many startups brought into the workplace is partially wholly responsible for it.

2014 was the year GitHub got rid of its United Meritocracy of GitHub rug, because "meritocracy" was too exclusionary to women. I am not joking.

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"meritocracy" was too exclusionary to women


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I hate women so much it's unreal


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Implying that women should lower themselves to competing with men is misogynistic, incel

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FAANG tech culture is horrible and there is blatant ageism going with 25 yr old only hiring other people like them and being openly hostile to anyone remotely competent. The priorities of younger codecels and opscels is completely messed up and focuses on aesthetic and trendsetting than making a functional product. There used to be reddit posts about people wanting to know how to increase their chances of getting hired at FAANG and the commenters basically acted like /g/ posters but were Caltech grads.

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I believe it's MANGA or MAGMA now. Was fun when it was STRAGMAN.

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Yes. It keeps changing.

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Google :marseygetgle: set a precedent for r-slurred :marseyshitforbrains: interview questions. When they noticed that shit doesn't work many other companies were still using it :marseyyikes:

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GitHub Copilot is incredible technology that allows a low-tier spaghetti coder to spit out massive volumes of spaghetti code with even less understanding and accuracy than they had previously

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Now I see why Copilot works better in environments where clear communication is nurtured and encourage - I had no idea anyone would consider it a normal course of action to fire someone over something so trivial.

This guy is an idiot. He states that he mandates Copilot but then acts befuddled when others inform him of the implications of mandating the use of a particular tool.


Thanks for sharing your experience with Copilot! Did you notice any difference in quality between different languages and frameworks?

Yes, definitely. It seem to have been trained extensively on Javascript, Python, Typescript, and Rust in particular. It is noticeably worse with C and C++. For languages that have similar syntax, it can also confuse them with each other.

So it writes better code than the average open-source contributed but can confuse similar language syntax? Lol

Someone else posts:

Don't get me wrong, Copilot and all the other cowtools help you write working code faster, and most of the time it's all that matters. But when you're working on something really hard, the kind of code where you need the whole mental model in your head to nail the abstractions just right? You should probably turn it off.

Ding ding ding. If you're not doing boilerplate code monkey shit then Copilot can be a hindrance. And guess what kind of work takes up most of development time?


Why are you writing block after block of trivial, obvious code in the first place?

You've never needed to write boilerplate?

I routinely remove boilerplate. And if I find myself repeating the same code over and over again, I make it a function, or, more rarely, a macro.

The time I take to write and rewrite my code 10 times over is so small, compared to the time I spend reading my code, reading about the API I may use, thinking of the simplest approach, making sure I accounted for all edge cases… that it's not even worth optimising yet. My slow-ish 60 WPM are more than enough.



Bad devs will produce worse code faster, good devs will produce better code faster. AI is just going to make the gap bigger, but most devs are bad so overall code will get worse.


If any of you want to know what the future of tech will be like, watch the movie Brazil.

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I was sitting with a junior dev prompting chat gpt. I prompted it 7ish times tweaking it each time saying something like this could would work but its not what i want to prove a point. Itll do what you ask, but you have to really know exactly what you want to have a good outcome and its probably easier to just write it at that point.

That said... if i need a shitton of code documentation oh ya its chatgpt time

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I don't understand what kind of code people are writing that can be easily written by AI to be honest. I can't think of very many things I've done recently that I would be able to prompt AI to write.

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Wholesale? Probably not a lot, but parts of the code usually can be.

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Also the talk about "writing code faster".

The speed at which I implement a new feature is basically never limited by how fast I can type lmao.

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What kind of coding do you do?

Coding is like 5% of my job, secondary research and narrating is the other 95%.

Getting the coding part of my job completely trivialized because I never put any skill points into it has been 👌


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Backend engineering, definitely not something copilot can automate.

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the best development environment according to lobste.rs is vim and nothing else.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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It aint bad... i use it for bashrc and crontab

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