What's the oldest software you still use personally

I was using Adobe Photoshop 6.0 (September 2000, and until Windows 21H2 fully broke support for it, even in compatibility mode, and Forced me to pirate and learn a new version

like Just two years ago, I used Macromedia Flash 5 (Released in 2000, and to create an animation because I have no idea how to use literally any sort of modern animation software

For the past week, instead of connecting my phone via USB and dealing with the painfully slow thumbnail generation.... set up an FTP server on the phone and use my original copy of CuteFTP 4.2 -- also from 2000 coincidentally enough -- to speed up my workflow

In today's hectic Web 3.0 world of emojified URLs and Prime 2-day shipping, what good-old-boy software are you still using because it just does the thing you need it to do without any unnecessary overhead

guiz im talking like actually using the old old version of the software, not its a modern app inspired by ClarisWorks but supports hyperthreading and x64 *sips tea*

I'm also angrily learning that the shit that appears on your actual desktop are in (username)\OneDrive\Desktop and not (username)\Desktop


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Imagine using abandonware instead of the latest up to date 150mb app in electron. I bet your "software" doesn't even have a CoC.

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My softwares have vaginas, not peepees, because I'm not gay

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i use hannah montana linux as my daily driver


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Even the site design is great.

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Im not sure if work counts but I'm currently using software that's older me in prod.


Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Yep. I remember reading a manual entry for some shit; warning that it used the new mid-90's license file format instead of the old 80's one. :!marseylaugh: :boomer:

Horrible fricking software BTW. Made me practically rip my hair out :ohgodwhy: :derpcrying:

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Yeah apparently the software was considered legacy in 2011...but it's still here https://media.giphy.com/media/6uGhT1O4sxpi8/giphy.webp

Most of the old guard have beat it into submission but it's old enough there's no good way to automate it (and it's going away...eventually...at some point) so that's where i come in :marseytyping:

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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i was trying to set up OctoPrint on debian, and Im new to lunix so it was so fricking bizzare trying to figure out command-line text editors in current year

Like yeah, I get that nano and vi are legacy programs that haven't changed since the 70s when a computer may not have had a keyboard, but you can make it a little more user-friendly on the assumption someone running Debian 10 is doing so on something newer than an Altair 8800. Like change 'Write buffer?' to the modern "Save file?' and actually use "Alt" instead of having ^ represent the alt button.

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They were written in a time where people expected to have to read documentation to know how to use a tool. That strategy still works btw

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yeah lemme like just figure out how to exit nano so i can look up the man pages on it to figure out what ^x represents (which you need to know in order to exit nano)

omg! instead of them like just saying alt-x

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^X is Ctrl-X, and ^ represents the Ctrl key in general. Alt-X would be M-X (for "meta", which is what it was called on very old keyboards).

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ok lunix apologist. it's not the 70s anymore, Ctrl is represented by "Ctrl". The software in current_year distros can be updated to replace terminology last used when AIDS was called GRIDS

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I've been using your mom's kitty and that b-word is old as frick

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Winamp 5: it still really whips the llamas butt

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im literally screaming, lmao, i thought you were like just referencing my screenshot

i do have Winamp 5.541 running right now in the background

i also insist on using the classic Windows Photo Viewer rather than the modern Photos app


@Carp hidden Hobbes sighting

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You have the music taste of my dad

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i went to D:\Music\Misc, searched for *.mp3, and hit play, and 800 songs across various genres

Right now it's playing That's my Jam by Skindred.

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Never liked it. foobar however :marseyboomer:

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Zork is from 1977 and I still haven't beat it after giving up and coming back several times. So I'll say that.

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Industrial control systems

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I still own a Commodore 64 from the eighties. About five years ago my mother :marseywall: switched it on and told me it worked but that could mean anything.

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My nighttime comfytuber for falling asleep is Adrians Digital Basement, usually fixing an old C64 or PC/AT

he has a nice smooth voice and no stupid foreign accent

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Is he gay? I watch his channel all the time and I've been wondering since the first video whether he's nerd-queer or gay-queer.

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I think he mentioned having a wife once, and Hes from portland so who tf knows

omg! But I also know youre not the like only person to ask -- searching google for adrian black once suggested adrian black gay for me, and But that may be related to a vidya character by the same name

he also owned a subaru forester, and i want to call him gay like just for that, but boring foids love them too

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He's from Portland uh I guess I can see it. :marseythinkorino:

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Honestly rn i get a little jealous as i watch his videos. The dude is so comfortable talking, he can rattle off paragraphs of information with no issue.

I'm recording a video and holy heck, i just needed to say 3 sentences in front of the camera. As soon as I press Record and see myself in the camera, I freeze up and forget everything beyond the first word. It took nearly 30 attempts across two days to get twelve seconds of footage that I'm mildly comfortable with, but still fear i look/sound dumb in.

Really i just have to hope that everyone gets distracted by my beautiful blue eyes :marseyflirt:


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i'll have to find a Premier effect to really make my blue pop

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found :marseymissing2: the incel :marseyoperaphantom:

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I thought that CS3 was the last good version? (Before they changed everything to flash GUI and added that idiotic selection marquee offset :fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu:) (Sidenote: Photocels! Is that stupid selection offset still there? Is it still untogglable? :ragestrangle:)

Anyway, I used to use a lot more old butt software but now I'm a multi-os programmer :marseyredhat: :marseypuffer: so I don't really have that issue anymore.* The oldest shit I use is always retro games/operating systems and modding cowtools. :marseyakshually:

*Unless the GNU/BSD userland counts. I don't think that shit gets updated very much.

Ps. Does C99 count as "software"? It's more a standard but still...

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CS3 for sure was the best for a while, looong after it was succeeded

I think the one I prefer now is CS4 or CS7 I forget which

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*Unless the GNU/BSD userland counts. I don't think that shit gets updated very much.

GNU Hello got an update in 2022


Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Oldest software I use? Has to be the grep utility. It's over 50 years old.

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Holy shit CuteFTP wow I had that too, and Whats that like late 90s??? lol

I still have a version of Photoshop from 2005 pirated and where you have to change your HOST file so that it cant contact the Adobe server to verify that its cracked

I used Windows 2000 (best Windows OS IMO) until 2010 when I couldnt install software anymore, and lol

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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If software doesn't get at least a security update within a year, or the newest versions sucks I drop it. Only the latest and most unstable shit software for me.


If we are talking about at work I refuse to answer the question for my own safety.


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I still use Clonzilla a few times per year because I just push button and it werks. Apparently it was released in 2007 even though it has a UI that looks like it was made for 1980

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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Corel World Perfect

I'm using it to finish my novel, The Winds of Winterlands :marseygeorgerrmartin:

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I have a CD copy of that somewhere. It's older than I am.

Current hyperfixation: https://i.rdrama.net/images/17146091388618665.webp

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A few years ago i had to give up my floppy copy of Norton Ghost. Still to this day i have not found software that simple and easy to mirror drives.

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I need something like it too and went looking like 5 years ago for it, and I loved Norton Ghost, and I like just want to image my drive and store it ffs PERIODT

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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I'm using a custom made software for election campaign record management for a campaign I'm involved in. If they need a record, or set of records, I pull it up in a DOS emulator, print as PDF, send it their way.

They originally wanted to drop 20k on some r-slur's software to manage donations, CRM and voter outreach, and I said I could save that with pen and paper, DOS and a method of management. It's a shoestring campaign and our candidate was wanting to pay out of pocket the money for software and maybe more for consultants to teach us what SQL is.

Democracy is the art and science of running the circus from the monkey cage.

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Do DOSbox applications count?

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Total commander which was first available in 93. Best file manager!

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uTorrent 1.41

Winamp with the old Pioneer car stereo skin.

Photoshop 7

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Photoshop 7

One of my old bosses uses Photoshop 2 to this day because it's what he always used. It's basically Paint.net but simpler, but 90% of what he does with it is cut out pictures of western blots and agarose gels anyway so it works for him.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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rsclient.exe it's an autoclicker


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My customer database at work runs Solaris 5.

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An old butt version of Nero cd burner

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Was it Nero that had the female voice going Oh NOO if the burn failed

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Would've been vim but I found a vim-inspired editor so obscure that naming it would dox me

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Super mario brothers

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Once in a while I play Colossal Cave Adventure. The game has a setting to reduce the amount of descriptive text that appears when you enter a room—to save paper.

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probably mspaint lol

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well that hardly counts, youre using a newer version

also like if you were still using a copy extracted from the Windows 95 installer CAB files, then we can talk, and But using MS Paint 2023-edition isnt what Im talking about

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no it's the xp copy

unsure how close that is to 95 version tho

7 and on I think they ruined it, and 10 and on I think it became paint 3d

the xp version is perfection.

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10 has paint and paint 3d

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oldest standalone software (some xml parser somewhere in a browser or the nt kernel doesnt count) initial release is probably some coreutil or another, followed by git. the oldest actual software software is probably avidemux 2.5.0.

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