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redpill me on windows 11

im building a new computer in like ~3 days and i need to make the decision on whether to stick with windows 10 or upgrade to windows 11

im not paying for a key so price doesnt matter

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Well my work computer automatically updated to it a few weeks ago and here we are a few weeks later and I'm still furious and hating everything about it

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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>Well my work computer

Wtf you're not a full time janny? Arent you like the few in existence that actually get paid!

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What don't you like about it :meow:

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I'm sticking to Windows 10 until I'm forced. Stayed with Win7 until the end too.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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11 is higher than 10. Ez switch

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Dont run shitty debloating scripts or whatever, just get adblock for Windows by installing a firewall and blocking internet access to everything :marseybarrier: :marseysurftheweb:


Only allow your browser and bibeo games and W11 will be fast as heck. :marseyracist:

Maybe unblock Windows for updates but no more. Happy using W11 now that it doesnt nag me every 2 minutes :marseyhacker:

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:marseynotes: i like this idea

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:marseypenguin:Additionally, you can go full Linux now that Steam has very good game compatibility :marseygroomerarch: :marseykernelpanic:

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Why run Linux at all if you have wsl

Nobody actually wants a shitty UI

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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I play my games on a Linux machine using Proton.

I do my work on a Windows machine using WSL.

2024 is a funny place.

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How does blocking everything speed it up?

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No ads coming out of every orifice, no wait for apps to load because they just fail silently :nice:

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Windows won't shit a break asking you to reenable things?

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when microsoft inevitably cuts off support for windows 10 i'm finally making the switch to linux full time

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bb we have syntax for this now peep the source :marseydetective:

>when microsoft inevitably cuts off support for windows 10 i'm finally making the switch to linux full time


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:marseynotes: thanks king

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Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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Just stick with Windows 10 and update when (((they))) force you too.

Something something devil you know. Slow win11 adoption rate will probably force Microsoft to add a year or two to win10 support.

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snap layouts

better virtual desktops

11 is better than 10

anyone who disagrees is just wrong tbh

@Bookers stand with israel

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I've been using Win11 on the work laptop for a year.

Once I moved and disabled the toolbar changes it's been fine.

I'm pretty sure it has better Dx12 support.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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I use it and it works fine for me.

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I remember it used to be such a big deal when a new Windows was released. Then around windows 8 I stopped caring because everything was bloated and ran like shit. Now I take HRT and use Apple. The (male) child in me remembers Windows 3.1 and dreams of flying toasters but those days are gone and the future is female.

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Hey Patty Hearsts, please at least consider putting the M1 Carbine down and switching to Linux.

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Win 11 has much better HDR support. If you're building a nice new PC you're kinda gimping yourself by skipping it over.

The new taskbar is the worst part of it by far. I use something called StartAllBack to bring back a Win10-like taskbar and haven't had any issues with it.

I have the "professional" version so I can disable auto updates and use group policies etc, if you're into that sort of thing.

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Idk mine updated without telling me

It was non consensual and I didn't like it

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Same as the diff between the last two xboxes. Progressively more annoying to be an end user, but more stable and better to develop for.

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You don't have a choice and yotldt never

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i have windows 10 on a flashdrive ready to flash. if i want windows 10 pro i'll just use MAS

:marseyindignant: i have a choice

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It's decent if you disable all the adware cancer

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>better A E S T H E T I C S than Windows 8 and 10

>TPM requirement seems to have gone away or can be circumvented..???

>WSL works great for all your Linux needs

>Can still be de-bloated to a certain extent

>Still good for gooming and cooming

>Windows 10 EOL date is next year, which would make Windows 11 the more secure option afterwards


>It's not MacOS

Being part of the botnet never looked so pretty

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Without TPM you're losing secure boot and I think bitlocker. I might be paranoid, but in case my computer gets stolen I don't want the thief to have access to my documents and 16 TB homework folder. I don't see any downside to enabling those things, the performance hit to encryption is pretty small.

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You can use disk encryption without TPM

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Good point, but isn't there some boot image hack to log in with bitlocker unlocked? That's why you need secure boot too.

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i have WSL on windows 10 though :marseyconfused:

also i forgot i have to debloat my new machine :marseybangfast:

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The wsl integration on windows11 is better. Gui apps work out of the box.

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Yeah there are entire GitHub pages and articles dedicated to debloating Windows as much as possible if you want to get into that. I mostly just run Linux on baremetal these days like an r-slur with too much time on his hands so I haven't needed to debloat Windows myself for quite some time.

WSL should work fine on Windows 10 but I don't know how Windows 10 not receiving updates by the end of 2025 will affect it.

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Imagine windows 10 but they moved everything around for no god darn reason.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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It makes the new intels work better, that aside peepeepoopoo


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@drama_enthusiast love sucking peepee because then @drama_enthusiast don't have too use win11

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Windows 11 looks a bit nicer, but idk 10 just feels more soulful to use

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It handles HDR better :marseysaulgoodman: than 10. That's about all I care about.

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There is no difference. They will both suck in the ways Windows sucks, and they will both have the benefits Windows has.

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If you spent as much time trying to get kitty as you do showing off your double down syndrome on the internet you might still have a chance of becoming a man by the time you hit your forties.

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