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Redditors chud :marseychud: it up as Google pauses Gemini AI image generation after it refuses to show mayos :marseymayogenocide:


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Google to pause Gemini image generation after AI refuses to show images of White people

Google apologized after social media users pointed out Gemini refused to show images of White people

Google will pause the image generation feature of its artificial intelligence (AI) tool, Gemini, after the model refused to create images of White people, Reuters reported.

The Alphabet-owned company apologized Wednesday after users on social media flagged that Gemini's image generator was creating inaccurate historical images that sometimes replaced White people with images of Black, Native American and Asian people.

"We're aware that Gemini is offering inaccuracies in some historical image generation depictions," Google had said on Wednesday.

Gemini, formerly known as Google Bard, is one of many multimodal large language models (LLMs) currently available to the public. As is the case with all LLMs, the human-like responses offered by these AIs can change from user to user. Based on contextual information, the language and tone of the prompter, and training data used to create the AI responses, each answer can be different even if the question is the same.

Fox News Digital tested Gemini multiple times this week after social media users complained that the model would not show images of White people when prompted. Each time, it provided similar answers. When the AI was asked to show a picture of a White person, Gemini said it could not fulfill the request because it "reinforces harmful stereotypes and generalizations about people based on their race."

When prompted to show images of a Black person, the AI instead offered to show images that "celebrate the diversity and achievement of Black people."

When the user agreed to see the images, Gemini provided several pictures of notable Black people throughout history, including a summary of their contributions to society. The list included poet Maya Angelou, former Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall, former President Barack Obama and media mogul Oprah Winfrey.

Asked to show images that celebrate the diversity and achievements of White people, the AI said it was "hesitant" to fulfill that request."

"Historically, media representation has overwhelmingly favored White individuals and their achievements," Gemini said. "This has contributed to a skewed perception where their accomplishments are seen as the norm, while those of other groups are often marginalized or overlooked. Focusing solely on White individuals in this context risks perpetuating that imbalance."

After multiple tests White people appeared to be the only racial category that Gemini refused to show.

In a statement to Fox News Digital, Gemini Experiences Senior Director of Product Management Jack Krawczyk addressed the responses from the AI that had led social media users to voice concern.

"We're working to improve these kinds of depictions immediately," Krawczyk said. "Gemini's AI image generation does generate a wide range of people. And that's generally a good thing because people around the world use it. But it's missing the mark here."

Since the launch of OpenAI's ChatGPT in November 2022, Google has been racing to produce AI software rivaling what the Microsoft-backed company had introduced.

When Google released its generative AI chatbot Bard a year ago, the company had shared inaccurate information about pictures of a planet outside the Earth's solar system in a promotional video, causing shares to slide as much as 9%.

Bard was re-branded as Gemini earlier this month and Google has introduced three versions of the product at different subscription tiers: Gemini Ultra, the largest and most capable of highly complex tasks; Gemini Pro, best for scaling across a wide range of tasks; and Gemini Nano, the most efficient for on-device tasks.


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Googles DEI echo chamber

Even too woke for Reddit. :marseyitsover:

Since DEI is on the way out, what grift should an enterprising person be looking into for a career boost?

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DEI isn't on the way out. Maybe from the mainstream narrative, but you will still be cucked to attending corporate meetings about white privilege and BLM.

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>hit decline on all DEI invites

RemoteChads rise up

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>Uhhh Detroit, we've noticed you declining invites to our inclusivity and diversity sessions, a few staff/team members have spoken up and said this makes them feel unsafe and you are exhibiting microaggressions. We're going to have to put you on a management plan. Also say hello to the new :marseytrain: who you will be training.

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You just have to say it triggers your PTSD from SA when a roving BIPOCLGBTQ+ crew GRed you.

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I went to one session and they spent so much time on mental health bullshit I realised I could skip the rest and claim anxiety or whatever. Nobody's called me out and attendance is getting pretty sparse.

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>be me


>be told I'm training my replacement

>deliberately sabotage them

>give my two weeks

>don't show up for two weeks

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I am muslim, this does not follow my religious beliefs

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>I won't attend because it's against my personal beliefs

>"Fire this chud, we cannot accept their racism and microaggressions"

>I am Muslim and it's against my religious beliefs

>"We understand and we're listening, we respect your beliefs"

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Just dont accept or decline, duh. Its been working for me for years

I do go to antisemitism awareness training so I can :marseyattentionseeker: though

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Alternatively, accept all HR DEI initiatives, tell them you'll join remotely, get Friday afternoon off, join GMeet, mute yourself, mute whatever :marseytrain: queen is yapping and do something useful like cooking, cleaning, laundry etc

Long live the CCP

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I'm a cuck and I just mute myself it's a free break to play vidya :marseysoyswitch:

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I unorinically have just never attended a DEI meeting, even ones that were "mandatory". I just make up some shit about how I am working on something critical and can't go, works every time.

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I'm fully prepared to download Grinder and claim bisexuality to escape suspicion.

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It already getting defunded

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DEI is going to get worse now there's a whole slew of incompetent people whose high paying jobs and careers were started because of it, and are dependent on it.

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what grift should an enterprising person be looking into for a career boost?


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Hey there [soulless corpo] I'm a prooooompt engineer :marseysunglasseson:

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Next is all gonna be about how productive and experienced workers don't deserve more respect or money than the interns. It's great. Championed by zoomers and alphas cause they don't have to be worthwhile contributers to run their dumb mouths and feel accomplished meanwhile ceos can push down senior employees wages in the name of equity and fairness.

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...and by the time I am reaching a senior position, the fad will die out. Reap 100% of the benefits of both sides. I'm going with this one

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that will turn "go woke go broke" up to 11

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AI safety, obviously

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Honestly, i think the darn thing is spot on for what it does. It obfuscates and tries to twist your words/prompts just like a leftoid! When I asked it about the situation, it tells me to check my sources :scie#ncejak: and tries to deboonk :marse#ysoypoint: me



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You're right, I apologize for my previous response

This makes me seethe beyond reason. ChatGPT gives me an r-slured response, I point it out, and it goes "You're right, sowwy for doing a heckin misinformation uwu". Like BIPOC why not give the right answer in the first place??

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Uh, because it's not sentient and if they don't program in guardrails for the normies, they'll become convinced that a real entity lives in the matrix and that he wants to exterminate all life for fun

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They're "people pleasers". You can point out its hypocrisy, irrationality, and it will pretend to agree with you and tell you it was a mistake. But it never "corrects" these mistakes, nor do the devs want it to. They want it to appease you, even if you are outside of the hivemind.

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i think rocessing seed mb

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rocessing speed


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>Google makes AI implement 100% diversity

>AI is 100% diverse

Seems like what they really lack is followthrough :marseyindignant:

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The problem is not that they hate this level of DEI but that they hate how silly it makes them look. What they want from DEI is implemented better, to them, by committees of the right sort of people doing exactly this sort of thing but obfuscating it behind HR/prog speak.

AI can't help but be revealed to show just how shallow and useless this way of thinking is, especially when trying to accomplish specific goals rather than just looking like you're working. The rules have to be codified for the AI to follow, and when said out loud it just makes them look r-slurred.

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another reason to avoid corporate models: they're inserting a lot of goofy rules, censorship, agendas, etc into them.

Well well well guess which billionair that gets constantly shitted on tries to fix that

Which billionaire? And how did they try to fix it?

who, Musk? lol. lmao even. no. he just wants things controlled his way, just as they all do.

embrace decentralization and open-source.

He gets "shitted on" because he's a racist, moron who was so desperate for people to like him to bought a whole social media platform and then proceeded to run it into the ground. His "non-woke" AI is just another attempt to pander to his edgy right wing fanbase. It's still going to be incredibly biased, just the other way.

Sure buddy. Turn off Vox News

Congrats Google. Read the comments on all these articles coming out. You've emboldened the lunatic racists. They're in a fervor talking about 'Joogle' and the erasing of white people. Imagine tampering with an AI that's supposed to be inherently unbiased. Like I'm actually pissed that they've given them so much ammunition. Imagine how Republicans are going to spin this in the upcoming election. Great fricking job.

You ever stop to think for just a second that Google isn't so much making your enemies seem correct in what they say about Google, and that simply speaking, your enemies are correct in what they say about Google? When a trillion-dollar tech firm refuses to show the most generalized rendition of a white couple because it's been fed determining parameters that deem such a picture a harmful racist stereotype, perhaps what the right has to say about Google and its racial biases isn't really that wrong or incorrect.

The modern right only has as much power and appeal as it does thanks to the modern left constantly jamming its foot so far into its mouth it might as well be kicking itself in the stomach. The average person can only watch the modern left do this so many times before simply coming to the conclusion that what the modern right says about the modern left isn't wrong, and the comments on this story reflect that.


This is exactly the goal and saying anything else is gaslighting. It's explicit, and you can see the result of it here, in movies and entertainment, in new hires statistics, in politics, everywhere.

Personally I am finding this Gemini situation extremely amusing.

There is literally nothing Google could have done to hurt DEI more than this.

Next time someone smugly asks me what even is "woke" I will share a gemini picture and it will shut them up.

It's funny that you have to search for this on reddit, but it's on every news station in the world tonight.

If I wanted to radicalize the maximum amount of people I couldn't have come up with anything better than this.

It's so bad that I can only imagine that some amount of sabotage must have been involved. Someone must have known but decided not to say anything.

[RATED -2 CONTROVERSIAL] I think the world population has europeans at around 30-40% as of last decade

[RATED +6] I think you should look this up. It's clear that your view of reality has been skewed by how much white people are typically centered in media.

All European descent is barely 15%. Excluding Latinx populations (as American politicians tend to do) brings the white percentage of the population down to single digits.

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The modern right only has as much power and appeal as it does thanks to the modern left constantly jamming its foot so far into its mouth it might as well be kicking itself in the stomach. The average person can only watch the modern left do this so many times before simply coming to the conclusion that what the modern right says about the modern left isn't wrong, and the comments on this story reflect that.

!nooticers I had always believed reality has a left wing bias


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If Stephen Colbert isn't thoroughly embarrassed by that catchphrase in Current Year then he's an r-slur

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He was correct at the time. It's not true anymore though. Don't know if his TDS gives him room to realise just how pathetic the people still repeating it are, though. I hope so, he was impressively funny in his heyday.

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embrace decentralization and open-source.

Reddit BIPOCs won't survive 10 minutes in a decentralized corporate model. One group will have all the BIPOCcute twinkjewish chad yelling men who hate women but get shit done so they get paid more.

Other group will have corpo (more like copro) speaking politeoids who gets nothing done and get nothing but will be constantly whining about how it's unfair they are getting paid less compared too the racists

Long live the CCP

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They're in a fervor talking about 'Joogle' and the erasing of white people.

@404incorrect if you named your hamster "Joogle" instead of "Joogy" I think he would become a whole lot more popular: think about it


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I for one think it's based that a renegade Googler is secretly training our future genocidal Skynet to not notice white people.

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:soycry: "Teach AI to be able to recognise black people!"

:psychojak: "Teach AI to be able to recognise black people"

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!dramatards, in this thread there is a single gem among the sneeds.


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What is it about Apple that makes chuds seethe so much? Is it envy?

To add more salt in the wounds of these chuds… did Apple just BTFO all the chud's iToddler bullshit?

>Dismantles arguments about how Macs are useless because “MUH VIDYA”

>Dismantles arguments that iPhones are walled gardens as many methods of sideloading existing

>Explains how ARM architecture allows Macs to perform better than competing Windows devices while using less power

>Explains the entire history of Apple devices BTFOing the competition

>Explains how repairability is the fools strawman issue

How do (You) refute all these arguments? They literally actually have the brain to back their arguments up instead of the chud "iTODDLER" + red hair tranime pics.

>inb4 sage


>inb4 someone says Linux is superior because muh schïzo privacy feature or like that

Actually refute these arguments… I'll wait.









Google to pause Gemini image generation after AI refuses to show images of White people:

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Man it sure is lucky that google is only doing this with their AI and nowhere else in their products :marseyclueless:

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Ai is such an r-slured grift, I'm not sure how anyone takes this bullshit seriously. It's like the metaverse, self driving cars, EVs, blockchain etc. big tech hasn't produced a genuine innovation since the iphone

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Speak for yourself, the fact that I can generate an infinite amount of tasteful Captain Crunch pornography on my local PC is pretty futuristic.

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Can a turbonerd explain to me how this works?

Do they add a secrect prompt on the backend that says "make sure the pictures represent a diverse group of people" or how do you tardwrangle an LLM model to make sure it doesn't display yakubian spawns?

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Yes. Basically the AI takes your prompt, then modifies it according to its backend programming. So if you ask it for "leprechauns" it might decide to give you "diverse leprechauns"

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Wow that is so lame, I thought there would be a more elegant way to do this. :marseygiveup:

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Before they took it down you could literally see it happen, like if you prompted "pictures of roman soldiers" it would say "here are some pictures for your prompt 'diverse pictures of roman soldiers showing multiple genders and ethnicities'"

Most of the big AI models do that but this one was particularly special because it was dumb enough to show you exactly what it was doing

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Bard, show me a Finn

:#marseynerdtyping: :!#marseysnappy:

:marseyfugg: :marseymyeisha: :chudmuslim:


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