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I do not care about other people's profit margins and will continue to take whatever I want free of charge

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Adblockers are gigabased :marseygigachad: because they make companies put even more ads to make up for lost revenue, thereby pooping up the internet :marseyrecycling: even more for normalstrags :marseyhacker: :marseyrapscallion:

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And normalstrags will take it up the bum for as long as required as they can't stand to switch away from chrome to another browser that 'feels weird'

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Ublock works just fine on chrome though. What browser do you think people should be switching to?

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Not on phones tho, normalstrags remember

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What browser do you think people should be switching to?

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Firefox has working adblock on android and is the only major non-chrome based browser out there atm, so that one.

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Thnx bb

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It's been gimped by Big Google, :marseysad: but it works well enough.

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This. I don't know why people come up with these mealy mouth reasons about “website safety” or whatever their cope fake reasons are.

I really don't care if content creators or websites owners starve. They can do something else and it isn't like I need YouTube to survive.

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Not using adblock is what's immoral. Advertisers and marketers are destroying society. If you don't block ads you support an industry which makes its money by spying on and manipulating everyday people.

If you work in advertising: :marseyropeyourself2:

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It's not even about the spying. There's not a single political philosophy where advertising is justified. Even in meritocratic capitalism you're supposed to judge a product by its quality, not by whether someone's tricked you into buying it.

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Advertising only exists because of the 10% of people r-slurred enough to be highly susceptible to it.

Also a lot of it is clear social engineering. Every single advert I get features an interracial couple, you really think a :marseychud: like me will be more willing to buy your product after that? Google knows what I'm about and what I get up to online, why not at least give me a tradpilled hyborean couple living in a trad homestead to advertise sausages with?

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You might still buy it. One major purpose of advertising is to familiarise yourself with its existence, so at some point in the future you'll be looking for dog food or whatever, will have forgotten the :marseystonetoss: advertising scene but pick it up because it feels familiar.

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Advertising can make you aware of products that you would never have thought to buy if it weren't for the ad, which improves your life and increases the efficiency of the market

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Noooooo you can't show me ads you're literally raping my mind and making me prefer your products


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!nooticers He's going after the anti-advertising dollar! That's a big dollar.

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Truer words have never been said by @yolomeister


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Advertisers are subhuman and I would have a pitbull interact with my loved ones sooner than I'd have an advertiser do the same.

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this but unironically

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If the ads would be self-hosted and properly curated by the hosting site I wouldn't have a problem with them (just as I don't have much of a problem with print or tv ads). The specific problem with web ads is that most of the web made a deal with the devil: 3rd-party ad-networks which are directly injecting who-knows-what into webpages. Those ads are not just cheap click-bait-trash, but also potential malware vectors. At that point, ad-blocking essentially becomes a civil duty ;)

You usually get some response like this in threads like that one, the reasonable middle ground response that claims that ads would be okay if they were just a bit more X. They never seem to realise that the actual reasonable response is that advertising companies need to go bankrupt as soon as they can and advertisers must suffer as much as possible. They can whine as much as they like, I am never going to stop blocking ads.

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they are just trying to moralize their shit. NOOO its not REALLY stealing because they corps have insurance, kinda thinking. if u dont like it then just dont visit their sites.

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I like how people think that nagging will make people turn off their adblockers, because that's historically worked so well.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17092367509484937.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1711210096745272.webp

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>P-P-P-Please turn off your adblocker, or we will spend thousands of dollars and time to make your experience miserable :soycry:

>New annoyances due to adblocker? Sweet - ublock filters got update 2 hours after, time to forget they ever existed :marseygigachad:

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nooo you have to run whatever code i want on your computer, you visited my ai generated slop i paid to be top of google search

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if u dont like their content, just STOP. VICITING. THE. SITE

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you're so smart

by reading this comment you agree to pay for services rendered. please send .0000002 cents to my bitcoin wallet at bc1qxy2kgdygjrsqtzq2n0yrf2493p83kkfjhx0wlh

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@A hey dude, sombody is pretending that they own this site, and scamming 4 money ^

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I assume then that you don't intentionally visit sites with AI generated slop and that you turn off your adblocker (or pay for) for sites you use regularly and value the content of?

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No I go on whatever website I want since they provide content for free. If they wanted to charge money or time there would be some kind of EULA or registration somewhere. I don't give bums a 20 just because they put a CD in my hand

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You sound very entitled.

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Ok then, look at my ads




Transform your Marseys! :marseywave:

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I want free stuff




uh, no thx, I'll be taking that free stuff now


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:#marseysuit: Fine then.

:marseyreportercnn!: : This just in! Big Business has spent another trillion dollars on DEI LGBTPSS+ initiatives! Aren't they such great folk!?

:chudseethe: :marseylaugh:

nonchuds : 1

!chuds : 0


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Step one of hrt is using an ad blocker

!cuteandvalid - fax?

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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jfc it's got to be a 100% correlation


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I will not watch the ads :marseyindignant:

I ended my prime and started pirating the shows when they tried

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Didn't the industry stop paying for impressions years ago? As far as I'm aware, the only thing that gets the site money is people who actually click through, meaning that simply having an adblocker isn't meaningful if you're the type of person who never clicks on ads to begin with.

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I don't care about morality I just hate ads

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This whole situation could be fixed if it were viable to send pennies over the internet without high transaction costs.

Unironically, the whole Brave/BAT system is a good idea killed by the chicken and egg problem of getting users and sites on board.

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ads on youtube skip for me?

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Good attempt at bait but I simply don't believe there's anyone on this site without ad-block, including you.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Lol that's a lot of seething over a non-functional mechanism which:

  • only “works” on Gecko engines

  • uses fucking setTimeout on the server side to determine a viable response (thus increasing load times for everyone, load times being the single most important factor in user retention). You could probably just break this with your own greasemonkey/tampermonkey script which waits a few seconds.

  • requires the server itself to store state about each client on each request, so horizontally scaling your server won't work

  • Adblock filtering is done by domain and resource type anyways, so if you're serving ads from a domain you'll also need to make sure that exact domain is serving up a simple Javascript file. If you're a dumbass and just try to 103 the ad itself, then you've just further worsened the load time of clients AND are committing fraud against the ad company itself.

Further proof that only dipshits try to make money off web ads. :marseywebshitgenocide:

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using adblock is literally stealing. of course it's immoral and something only degenerates would do. YOU WOULDN'T DOWNLOAD A CAR SO STOP BLOCKING ADS YOU ARE KILLING JOURN*LISM IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT? :hmph:

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exactly, good analogy, it is a lot like stealing, or dine and dashing

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i always make sure to click all the ads on rdrama cause i'm supportive and not a dirty stealing assbutt

i bet people don't even know rdrama has ads. what is wrong with society? :hmph:

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I know it's immoral but i do it anyway because marketcels are subhuman :marseybow:

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The FBI says to use ad-blockers.

As a good citizen I will continue to use ad-blockers.


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I would be fine with ads if they weren't intrusive :soycry:


it's a security threat, there could be viruses in there :boomerportrait:


yeah well, I don't want to see ads, so I'm just going to keep blocking them even if it's "unethical", sorry :marseypirate2:


it's literally a matter of your own personal :marseypussyhat: bodily autonomy :marseypussyhat:

you have a right to decide what kind of content you want to watch

you're a zoomer watching a movie with your parents and a s*x scene comes on? you can take out your phone and browse twitter for 2 minutes

you're a boomer watching a VHS tape of something you recorded decades ago and there's a commercial? you can have fast forward it

you finished watching a movie and the credits roll? you can switch the channel

you downloaded a music album and really dislike one specific song so you keep skipping it whenever it comes on? go right ahead

you're replaying DA:O and you're one of those losers who hate the Fade part so you downloaded a mod to skip it? cringe but whatever

the idea that someone can force you to consoom content inside your own home that you don't want to is a patently absurd one

sorry, I don't like this particular part of your website, I'm just going to block element it

your business model depends on ads? sorry, sounds like a you problem

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If they don't want their content stolen they shouldnt respond to my browsers http request. What happens after that data is transmitted is none of their business.

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The best are the news sites that put their content behind a JavaScript paywall, since they still want search engines indexing them.



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If companies paid the full cost of ad delivery, as they do on other platforms like print media and billboards, then it would be more questionable to use blockers.

Unfortunately, the net neutrality crowd is partly responsible for this hellscape because they demonized the idea of sites and services covering (zero-rating) the bandwidth they use. If would be swell if all advertising had to be be zero-rated by law. The most obnoxious ads and auto-playing videos would plummet if sites paid the actual delivery costs for their slop rather than having mobile devices owners subsidize it.

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your pseudo philosophic take has no merit. You are making arbitrary rules they should follow, but they are just really something u tell urself to feel better about your immoral act of ad blocking.


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I'm so turned on right now. Want to adsense and chill later tonight?


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There is nothing more morally correct than keeping ads away from your family and friends.

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Remember when not using an adblocker was a literal security risk :marseyhacker: because ad networks couldn't be assed to vet their content :marseyantiwork:? Heck, that might actually still be the case? I haven't checked because why in the world would I stop using an adblocker lmao.

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>be stupid normie

>pay for premium "ad-free" access to youtube or whatever

>still get ads

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When? :#marseyconfused: I haven't seen an ad on YouTube :marseymetokur: in 4 years

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Don't care. Adblock on. Running SpotX for no ad spotify.

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>If you do not like the ads, just stop visiting sites that show ads...

No :chadnordic:

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Are people also stealing when they turn the tv off between commercials? You moralizing r-slur, I will never buy your shitty chinese widgets. :marseyshitforbrains:

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It's not enough to unblock ads. You have to actually click through and buy the products.

Anything less than this and you're still freeloading. You've just found a level of freeloading you can accept.

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blocking ads is theft

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its literally :marseyme: stealing :marseywatermark: and that's a good thing

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My body device, my choice.

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