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  • hop : open source community is more straggy than unprotected anal s*x with an aids man

HUGE Python Code of Conduct drama


Long time language contributors are leaving:



Pillar of community banned for months due to CoC BS:



This is a goldmine. Can someone with an account that can see censored posts do a recap?

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lmao one of the offenses for an earlier warning was

utilized emojis and turns of phrase in ways that can be misconstrued or perceived entirely differently by different people.

Imagine typing this and thinking it's a good reason to silence someone. Death to all jannies.

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:snipsnip: :marseyokaymilk:

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I think you missed the point. They decided to try to oust him and then went looking for shitty justifications.

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As all jannies do.

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You think this Marsey could be misconstrued? :marseyropeyourself:


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frick dude, using emojis is the only way I can prevent coming off as a sperg to the HR women

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This but replace HR women with women in general

Current hyperfixation: https://i.rdrama.net/images/17146091388618665.webp

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>entire product runs on concept of "import: Lib"

>shocked when they kick the cishet mayo guy out

!trolls !r-slurs are codecels really this stupid?

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>Create a fast moving set of social norms

>Harshly punish deviation from new edicts

>Have majority neurodivergent

No wonder foids are taking over, only they can keep up with this shit

Technology increases the amount of IQ needed to function and wokeness increases the amount of EQ to function

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>Technology increases the amount of IQ needed to function and wokeness increases the amount of EQ to function

Yep, and introducing EQ gates that will block promotion with a hierarchy you can achieve 50/50 gender gaps without having to engage in explicit discrimination. Anything for equality. Soon VP promotions in tech firms will require you to have a certain free throw percentage in order to help out FBAs.

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We can make these changes now because of ChatGPT cleansing nuerodivergence from text allowing for artificially higher EQ. It's designed to be as HR friendly as possible so neurodivergents can be functional.

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Unless you can stream ChatGPT directly into your brain before you speak its not going to help neurodivergents

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Listen butthole, the reason why women on average contribute less meaningfully to code than men on average is because there's too much chuddery going on to concentrate

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While men are training on Leetcode women are training on snark subs.

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Leetcode is garbage and if you look in your heart you'll see that you know it is.

When was the last time you had to balance a red-black tree?

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Yeah but LeetGlueSomeShittyLibrariesTogetherToMakeAnAppNooneWants doesn't provide the same problem solving aspects I enjoy.

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The virgin moid algorithm enjoyer


The Chaddette slap buggy "AI" on top of some shit that already prints money

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I only do Advent of Code don't worry

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As long as it glorifies the coming of our Lord, okay.

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Men shouldn't use leetcode so the women that replace them can more easily maintain it, shouldn't inconvenience your replacements

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I do it anyway. If you're riding in my wake, you're gonna be eating a lot of shit.

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I lost my 54 day streak on LC :marseysad:

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only they can keep up with this shit

It's also about class. If you didn't go to the right college you're at a huge disadvantage because you were never taught how to talk like a strag. That's what all this far left bullshit is really all about. They may not be consciously aware of what their own real motives are, but they're trying to exclude everyone who isn't from a rich family. It's like in China when the civil service exam had a bunch of poetry interpretation questions on it because only rich people had enough spare time to learn that shit.

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We're never exiting the vampire castle are we

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This is the kind of thing that creates dark ages in human history.

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women having power?

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the world really does belong to high-IQ high-EQ superchads huh

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Aka high functioning sociopaths, the latter of which most women are to an extent

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  • hop : "problematic" is the equal of the word "creepy" your vibe is wrong i.e. ostracize neurodivergents and weirds

When someone tells you something said earlier was problematic, listen. That is not an opportunity for debate.

If the mob comes to burn you at the stake for blasphemy against Sachaltuh'am the god of foot fungi, we won't help. In fact we'll send the bill for good firewood your way.

The frick do you mean you don't give a shit about their religious crap? Other people get to decide what you do with your life if you don't see eye to eye, that's a good form of communication and understanding :marseytransflag2:

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When someone tells you something said earlier was problematic, listen.

"Excuse me, your language here is problematic. I am not simply "someone", I am the law. You will listen to me."

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Normal people know that a code of conduct of 'be excellent to each other' is fine and lets moderation be reasonable without rules lawyers cryposting about how some ESL person used the wrong pronoun which is against the CoC. Non-:marseytransattentionseeker: neurodivergents hate word policing and tend to not get too involved in metashit.

So that always leaves me wondering what skeletons exist in the closet of people who push for these code of conduct changes. :#marseypedo:

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>neurodivergents tend to not get involved in meta shit

Uh, how can you say this with a straight face when you frequent this site?

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Joking about meta is not the same.

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Normal people know that a code of conduct of 'be excellent to each other' is fine

No, no it's not. If someone is actually being intolerable you can kick them out at any time. An official CoC only encourages the wrong kind of people to come in and stir shit.

The one defensible reason to have a CoC is that you actually have some specific culture that you want to preserve, like let's say you're all religious weirdos and get angry at people who use the Lord's name in vain. Then it makes sense to have a code of conduct so that anyone who joins is warned about you being weird. :marseyautismdisconcerting: In that sense the train CoCs actually work, but people need to interpret them for the danger signal that they are.

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@Aevann I am once again asking you to remove the Jewish Lives Matter chudding which was unjustly imposed upon me.

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petty internet feuds between neurodivergents

Sounds like we need our own CoC.

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:marseytrain: CoCs work great for their intended purpose, but perform terribly for their stated purpose.

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As the Mr. Beast situation shows, any offense is ok as long as you are on the right team until its too big to cover up.

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some ESL person used the wrong pronoun

You ever notice how being "inclusive" somehow manages to exclude lots of people from different cultures and races? Even the fricking neo-Nazis will accept brown people who never would make it in an "inclusive" environment. :marseythinkorino:

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  • hop : only system of moderation that works is banning women, porn, and strags (all inclusive)

>say anything you want but you're gonna get banned if it's r-slurred
>guy in charge decides what is r-slurred, no complaining

This is the only system I've come across that actually works, assuming that the guy in charge has at least moderate social intelligence. Trying to come up with a ruleset for social interaction is impossible and they always tie themselves into knots with all those vague convoluted rules.

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  • hop : i forgot jews as well

Me looking for the janny with moderate social intelligence:


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You were asking for me? !dramatards !besties


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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Any successful community (including rdrama) is going to have one. The power tripping mods join later on when they see the potential to have some internet power, but the creator of the site, I can't think of any example off the top of my head where they're not reasonable, sociable, and surprisingly non-r-slurred. If they weren't that way then no one would want to join the site in the first place.

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Despite the Jewish Lives Matter chudding @MARFAN_EATS_DOODOO do agree the jannies of this site are non-cancerous.

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The average person picks things up naturally, having a large amount of neurodivergent means having to spell out every social conventions as an accommodation for neurodivergents. You then have to lynch an neurodivergent and hang a list of social conventions that were violated around his neck to update the rest of them.

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you have to follow my conventions!


These people use autism for drawing the line like being a normie is some sort of excuse for having no talent

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I think a lot of neurodivergents pretend that autism gives them a talent

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It's a dice roll, hyper fixate on something useful and you end up looking smart and talented by virtue of the amount of time you spend. Roll Sonic and you end up nowhere

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Unfortunately for all of us they're completely orthogonal traits

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Tbh you don't need this, you just need to be willing to break social convention and directly tell the sperg what he did wrong rather than hinting and beating around the bush.

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and editing posts, with no clear indication that such edits had taken place, with resultant misrepresentation of the original posts.

I miss mailing lists with PGP signatures :marseydepressed:

More drama


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  • hop : this neighbor got r*ped by a fish :marseylaugh:

>editing posts, with no clear indication that such edits had taken place

Dude, they do that here.

Some admin prick made a post using my account, so watch your back.

jewish lives matter

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Wdym? Like an admin logged into your account??

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Yeah, carp has a post as user button

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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This "Tim" seems extremely based

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@Aevann should have let that one guy rewrite the site in Pascal while you had the chance.

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  • hop : ur hot shit

CoCs give me the ick.

:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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The only CoC that should be allowed


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Sounds like white male conservative privilege to not be thinking about your identity every second of the day and needing everyone else to as well.

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It's not a serious language

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Yes, but it's used so frequently that we're forced to take it seriously.

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!oldstrags remember zahlman? he inserted himself into this drama and pissed of the jannies who essentially told him to shut up and stop being annoying. Then he made a post on his own wall saying he was quitting, and the jannies followed him there to continue arguing and banned him. Makes me nostaligic to see someone that got doxxed on reddit 10 literal years ago for being argumentative and annoying hasn't changed a bit https://discuss.python.org/t/im-leaving-too/58408

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Rubychads... :gigachad2:

Luakings... :marseyking:

It's OUR time to rise! :dkcharmingchestbeat: :motherfucker:

Stinky TC-"L"-cels and perlchuds go to the back of the bus :marseyindignant:

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(((Lisp))) users are too busy gooning about type currying some other useless crap that has 0 usecases :bitchplease:

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>type currying

>in a dynamically typed language


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I just finished reading this. I thought the SNL sketch the steering committee was talking about was this one which uses the ultranono-word

But the slur they were talking about was just "slut"

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Holy shit, they're saying "Jane you ignorant slut" isn't funny? These people are miserable.

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This is bullshit we don't need a code of conduct we're not children



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Unironically this. Impeding the useful autism of turbospergs is deleterious to a prosperous society.

Don't forget to turn off signatures in settings!

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One of the things he was banned for was

Making assumptions or speculations about other community members' motivations and/or mental health.

I wonder why they don't like that. :marseyhmm:

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Tim's biggest crime as I see it is being a silicon valley oldhead

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In addition to the one you linked, there's also this HN thread:


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Good, I hope python dies, kill all dynamically typed languages

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Finally making space for D to rise to it's rightful place!

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The most important CoC rule in Python is surely that every minor change must break compatibility for all previous versions, right?

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i stopped programming once my terminal started saying shit about how using pip3 install package is bad n u have to do other shit now but the drama is always funny lol who gives a shit


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Jane you ignorant slut

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I hope python is destroyed because the package ecosystem is the biggest abomination ive ever seen

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The CoC is too big, it's not gonna fit


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while we're on the topic:

jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter jewish lives matter

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what does any of this shit mean

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