Brazil's military relies on Starlink for operations and security


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I can see they peddling back from the Starlink shitshow. Many lawcels filed complaints saying frozing starlink assets because of X is illegal.

As a side note I just want to say Brazil has the worst judiciary on this continent and the constitutional framers of 1988 are responsible.

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As a side note I just want to say Brazil has the worst judiciary on this continent and the constitutional framers of 1988 are responsible.

Explain pls :marseyinshallah:

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In 1964 President Jango Goulart was ousted on a military coup led by Castelo Branco. The high command of the armed forces then governed by "Institutional Acts" (AI), which were defined as "above the constitution". A new constitution was framed in 1967 establishing the new regime (leftist organizations were banned and only two political parties were allowed, "ARENA", the party of the military, and the "MDB", the official opposition), the President was elected by an electoral college made of members of congress and representatives of state legislatures, this was called "indirect elections" and were typically rigged on state level.

In 1984 the MDB won triggering the democratic transition, on that year there were massive demonstrations "Diretas Já", calling for a new constitution and direct elections. The president elect Tancredo Neves died before being sworn in, so his VP, José Sarney became President and so started a constitutional process to redact a new one, elections were called for a constitutional convention and surprise, leftoid and centrão parties won the majority. The new Constitution was approved in 1988 and had like 450 articles regulating stuff like interest rates lol (which is why Brazil has amended it's constitution over 100 times since). Because many of the constitutional framers were former imprisoned dissidents or exilees they decided that military bad! Presidency bad! garantismo (a doctrine to give every possible right to accusers) good!, they also placed stuff like congressmen and senators have full immunity and can't be arrested unless removed from office first because under AI-5 the President had the power to remove them from office, now only the higher courts could do that. However for some reason they enlarged the judiciary power. As I mentioned the STF is not like SCOTUS, is not a mere constitutional court. Justices can make individual rules (which can be overturned by the group as a whole but rarely ever are), they can put you into trial and convict you or extend sentences for minor courts, STF members also head the Superior Electoral Tribunal, therefore being in charge of the entire electoral process. This is all the 1988 constitution in action, the logic was "well, the military and the Presidency were all powerful making use of the courts during the dictatorship, so let's make the higher courts all powerful and with the least amount of accountability, that surely will avoid abuse of power from the Presidency!"

!historychads !macacos

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The one thing that amazes me time and time again is how South American countries have military coups almost on a regular basis, even though most of them gained independence by the first half of 19th century.

A shithole like Somalia, Angola, Myanmar or Bangladesh having a coup can be excused as savages who have not yet gotten accustomed to running a working republican democracy. Brazil having a coup 140 years after its independence is peak r-sluration.

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Brazil having a coup 140 years after its independence is peak r-sluration.

Brazil didn't have a single coup between 1822 and 1889. The Empire was remarkably stable, but after the 1889 coup which proclaimed the Republic it sealed the Military as a political actor of its own. After that there was the 1930 coup (STOP THE STEAL, by Getúlio Vargas), the 1937 self coup to consolidate his dictatorship and the most famous is the 1964 coup. For most of the 20th century the Armed Forces worked as a "state within a state" or "deepstate" thing conspiracytards in the US talk about. The 1964 coup is set apart from the rest as it was basically the Military deciding to re-organize and re-shape the country. It wasn't a chaotic Junta like in Argentina, but a bureaucratic civilian-military hybrid, which is why it lasted 21 years.

Ever since the democratic transition the Armed Forces have been a role model under civilian control which is outstanding when you think about it.

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"state within a state" or "deepstate" thing conspiracytards in the US talk about

>The CIA dosent exist chud

-hut of the pizza in The year of our lord 2016+8


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The CIA ain't no deepstate and if they're then they're terribly incompetent at it.

People overestimate intelligence agencies as some omnipotent super-powerful entities. A shady high command of the Military is a better definition of deep because they can actually coup you and even shut down and re-shape intelligence agencies if they wish.


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Its not about competence but rather that they stick around for awhile steering policy

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The Empire was remarkably stable, but after the 1889 coup

Kill all slaveowners.

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Darn American Southrons today actually be like "yeah the Civil War wasn't about slavery" when the Brazilian slave owning elite started a whole fricking coup cause they lost their slaves.

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The deep state refers to the unelected 3 letter agencies of our executive branch. They get to basically make laws with little oversight and basically try to do congress' job because congress hates doing anything. In fact this is what the whole Project 2025 thing progs were freaking out over so much was all about, using the deep state to accomplish conservative goals.

Fortunately our current Supreme Court hates the 3 letter agencies.

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only until queen Kamala gets into power and she stacks the court!

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The US is more of an outlier here. Lots of western countries have had coups relatively recently. France 1958, Greece 1960s. There was an attempt in Spain as late as 1981 that almost worked. Burgers are just more stable and level-headed.

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We just had a coup lmao


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Are you talking about the palace coup we had just now, or the MOST SAFE AND SECURE ELECTION EVER THAT YOU WILL GO TO JAIL IF YOU EVER QUESTION HOW SAFE AND SECURE IT WAS that we had in 2020?

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Can someone ask this guy why he's blocking me

Current hyperfixation:

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@BlackPhillip, @skankhunt42 wants to know why you are blocking xhem

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January 6th was a coup.

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France 1958

Wow I had no idea

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You'd think the Monroe doctrine would give south america some kind of stability relative to eurasiafrica

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Jfk was a coup but okay

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Kamala, Joe, and Barack also

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that almost worked

bro ....

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I dunno, I read about it a long time ago and that's how I remember it. :marseyshrug:

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I wouldn't even give us that much credit. The world just has a vested interest in the US. Russia and China may want to destablize us but they won't allow a full regime change until they're sure they can buy us.

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In no small part it's because no one there is allowed or can afford guns. Coups are a lot less fun when murdered in the street by partisans is on the table

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The one thing that amazes me time and time again is how South American countries have military coups almost on a regular basis, even though most of them gained independence by the first half of 19th century.

A coup occurring, successful or not, greatly increases the future likelihood of another, that's the end result of people operating according to norms and precedence.

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South America is just a very dramatic place, Brazil especially so. Just look at our favorite crossdressing, gay, ultra-MAGA obese grooftking George Santos, and imagine an entire government made of them

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Even Angola is pretty fricking stable, MPLA has it on lockdown

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Wasn't that after xey went pissbaby incel and kicked macacos from there? I read an story where the only pool that existed in angola was inside a luxury hotel that was supposed to be the next luxury facility in Africa like the Ponte tower ( @kaamrev) was, but Blacks threw a tantrum and it has since remained abandoned

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Coups are good actually. :marseyindignant:

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"Institutional Acts" (AI), which were defined as "above the constitution"

LMAO what a shithole

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"Institutional Acts" (AI),

AI is racist

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Not one single person is gonna read all that

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I did, but I forgot it all by the time I reached your comment

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letting commies write your constitution is never a good idea

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"LET'S JUST CODIFY MARX BOYS" :marseyclueless:

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Cute twink communists won the election for the constitutional thing and chiseled globohomo in the constitution. Because the brazilian judiciary was made up of turbochuds because of the dictatorship, it took a while to take hold, but as they died off they were replaced by megasoys and the result is what you're seeing plus some other stuff that's also bad but no one other than macacos care about.

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What the frick is "le based" shit gonna do for Brasil? They aren't white, none of that matters to them, might as well go edamamemaxxing

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Steamed, with salt, still in pod :marseylickinglips:

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Its also sends a fricking super negative signal to international mega-corporations.

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Super negative signal even though china exists

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Did you miss the fricking past 2 years as foreign companies are fricking leaving and causing Xi to seethe and cope, b-word?

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No idea tbh. I suppose xey would register those companies in Hong Kong due to low taxes and laxer laws. There is a reason why it is the area with the most billionares in asia. Xey will probably jump ship once 2050 rolls and it inevitably is under the CCP's iron fist, plus many businessman already try their hardest to hoard xeir wealth in foreign countries. See Canada, or SEA, or all the money laundering that goes in Macau.

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Xi screwed the fricking pooch and killed the fricking golden goose of Hong Kong. He fumbled the fricking bag so hard that all the fricking foreign companies are fricking fled China and Hong Kong and set up shop in Singapore.

Xi also killed Macau as a fricking location for Chinese money laundering. He doomed China to a fricking future of mediocrity like England with his heavy-handedness.

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G-d I hope not

Better to kill off 20% of their young men invading Taiwan then become the bongs of the East

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