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In blow to Democrats, federal appeals court strikes down net neutrality


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Breaking News: An appeals court struck down federal net neutrality rules, ending a nearly two-decade effort to regulate internet providers like utilities.

The New York Times (@nytimes.com) 2025-01-02T20:22:52.930Z

this trumplican ruling killing net neutrality doesn't just kill net neutrality, it delivers the final killing blow to any sort of coherent federal consumer broadband protection (corporate press outlets will skip over that last bit)

Karl Bode (@karlbode.com) 2025-01-02T20:14:23.082Z

The Sixth Circuit just invalidated FCC's net neutrality rules, arguing that it was inconsistent with the "best reading" of the statute per Loper Bright. The court's dismissal of the FCC's reading of the statute as "not the best" is hilariously abstruse metaphysical BS:

Dan Walters (@profdanwalters.bsky.social) 2025-01-02T18:21:21.639Z

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit struck down the FCC’s “net neutrality” rules governing internet service providers, in an early policy win for Republicans seeking to reverse Biden-era industry regulation.

The Washington Post (@washingtonpost.com) 2025-01-02T20:18:25.173Z






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I don't necessarily like this because I think a lot of modern internet based services should be regulated like utilities.

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how about you just say "I hate capitalism" and frick yourself

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then you'll end up with expensive Canadian internet

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Is it actually more expensive than the US? It looked around the same from what I saw.

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Canada $58.26 $0.66 $61.12

United States $65.00 $0.08 $70.91

nm I guess something changed. Our two state-mandated monopolies Rogers/Bell have significantly invested in infrastructure and then the gov forced them to sell access to pipes to 3rd party providers and I guess fake competition worked. Could have just let there be competition from the start :marseyshrug:

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Then congress should form a law about it. If they want to be super lazy, they can pass a law delegating broad authority on this issue to the FCC. The people, through their elected representatives, are the sovereign, not unelected bureaucrats.

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this right here, laws are made by congress, federal agencies making shit up is not a good thing, look at what the DEA does

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I dislike :marseysidevote: this, but Dems should've worried :marseybreakdown: about this from 2008-2016 instead of passing a gimp-butt ACA if they didn't have the will for M4A. Also, this happened because of that dumb feminists Ruth Bader Ginsburg and her insistence a woman :marseysouthernbelle7: President :marseymilei: choose :marseyvalentine: her successor.

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i wish i wasn't stuck on a planet of idiots such that we could just use coops for utilities

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Totally slammed.

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In ENGLISH :marseybritbongitsover: please, Poindexter?!?!

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So now total :marseynulloverback: is immiment?

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PoV 90% of dramanauts retain the tradition of being losers thats only opinion is do opposite of what le heckin reddit does.

Jewish lives matter.

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Are you a zoomer or just r-slurred?

Net neutrality has been repealed in 2017. Redditors had been throwing a hissy fit for the year leading to it, predicting "facebook and twitter only" data plans and generally the end of the internet as we know it. Petitions were signed, memes created, hashtags boosted, millions-strong subreddits grew.

Absolutely nothing has happened in almost a decade that followed. Literally nothing of the predicted doom and gloom was implemented. It was fun to dunk on redditors whenever net neutrality was mentioned: "what are you doing here, I thought the internet has been destroyed" and watch them scurry away.

But then the Dems of course were like, huh, sure, nothing bad has happened but why not regulate shit anyways? Lurv me some regulations! Many government jobs created, businesses forced to spend money to prove compliance, what's not to like?

And now it turns out that the decade without net neutrality was actually too long and uneventful for its own good, because now the webs are full of zoomers and memory impaired tards who are unaware that the world was not created in 2024.

!nooticers what the frick.

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Never imagined this place would be against net neutrality of all things lmao.

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Redditors like net neutrality a lot and get hysterical about it ending so naturally people here have to be against the current thing :marseynpcmad:

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Net neutrality is a lie lol seeing how kf is treated

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im not against it but I dont think absolutely anything about the internet with change because of this

the net neutrality arguments are worst case fantasies not connected to market realities

maybe 10+ ago when a gigabyte meant something to the infrastructure it could have made sense, otherwise the economics of it will kill off anyone restricting their customers access

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It's a good way to be right 99% of the time without having to spend any time looking into anything though.

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maybe a unpopular take but even when my ISP was Comcast I've had little complaints about service, reliability, or pricing. :marseyshrug:

I'm rocking symmetric Gb fiber now that's dirt cheap so clearly there's competition too. Even my friends in the boondocks are loving Starlink which I'm sure will spur more competitors.

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How do you compete when barrier to entry is 10k satellites?

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investments? You know it's a functional business model now.

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you just gotta believe in yourself!

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Comcast had outages every 3 days where i lived and i think their support perversly loves arguing whenever you reported their shitty network has an issue.

They also have data caps that you easily run into. They also charge you 3x the going price to make that cap go away.

Also there was no other option for ISP there, so thats probably why.

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not to victim blame but you are sure it was Comcast's end 100% of the time? :marseyakshually: I had a tech come out when we moved in and it turned out the prior owners had gnarly wiring for the coax with wayyy too many splitters and also amplifiers causing massive interference for the modem. :marseybug2: I can totally believe you get shitty techs though. :marseyshrug:

The longest outage we had was due to a neighbor rerouting their drainage...to dump directly into the fiber exchange :marseyfacepalm:

At least on my parents bill (Comcast) it was an extra $10 fee for no data cap (over 1TB/mo), my current fiber provider has no cap.

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not to victim blame but you are sure it was Comcast's end 100% of the time?

Yes r-slur the issues were always multiple hops outside of my infrastructure or i wouldnt have bothered contacting them.

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Not trying to be an butt, networking is just so complicated I'm regularly learning new things and im indirectly paid to know computer networking.

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I work in computer infrastructure and have already jobmaxxed to the point that i can't get any more promotions without leaving companies or becoming management.

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whats the best way to jobmaxx? Im just a server janny

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Get hired somewhere that is up to date on their infrastructure where competent people already work and learn from them. Attempt to get placed on any and all projects that you will learn from. Keep doing this until the company turns to shit. Then find a new company and do it again.

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Net neutrality is bad because it creates dumb incentives, specifically by banning zero-rating (sending data at no cost to the standard party on the hook).

For example, ad data sent to a phone should obviously be zero-rated under any sane system because the alternative -- what we have today -- is the viewer of the ad paying the majority of the delivery cost. So, when ad data delivery is nearly free to advertisers, of course we get the cesspool of ad-supported stuff online.

It also means there's very little incentive for most apps to optimize their data usage. There'd be a lot more incentive if apps had zero-rated data for the phone owner because the app or site owner paid.

It's not even a risk to competition as long as zero-rating is available to apps and sites on non-discriminatory terms.

BTW, zero-rating is common in Europe, the precious place that supposedly sees U.S. Democrats as "right wing."


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My unlimited data plan costs like two netflix subscriptions. I don't need a discount on rates, they can just charge the marketers too and stack paper

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Two Netflix subscriptions is really substantial monthly cash compared to wholesale rates for the data you use, and zero-rating hasn't resulted in the kind of "stacking paper" you suggest in other countries; that kind of argument is really Reddit-tier slippery slope BS.

This flexibility for who pays is already becoming more common in the form of systems like S3's "downloader pays" model that you can use for some buckets.

I'm only saying that it's r-slurred for the government to mandate that units of bandwidth get paid in a particular way, especially when the main party that can actually optimize bandwidth use isn't on the hook for most costs today, which misaligns incentives.

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I pay about half that just for the privilege of being connected to the power grid. Telcos deserve more

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this is the most r-slurred shit I have read on this site, and I dont want to enact the labour to refute this because hes too far gone !codecels

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No, you genuinely don't understand incentives or unintended consequences. Net neutrality would've been an r-slured waste for everyone involved.

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I can't wait for a world where I have to make an agreement with every ISP on earth just to make my website accessible :marseywholesome: This is a great idea and you definitely shouldn't rope @syscoshill

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That's not how it works, and this discussion shows over and over how you folks have never worked on sizable contracts with ISPs and CDNs.

A site owner already buys bandwidth from "every ISP" via aggregated peering relationships that their datacenter, cloud, or CDN maintains. An app pays for aggregated transit relationships for SMS when it sends messages using a service like Twilio. The sender of a text/call pays in Europe and much of the globe.

You're just insulated from these relationships and, in a mountain of ignorance, assume they don't exist and that it's some kind of dunk to suggest my idea is to set them up. Do you think a customer makes a relationship with every dairy they buy milk from at the supermarket?

Also, your concept of how markets handle these aggregated needs is absolutely pathetic, most simply because I'm only calling to not ban a form of voluntary business relationship. If you think no one will want it, then you're even dumber for calling to ban it. :marseypathetic: !neolibs

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you folks have never worked on sizable contracts with ISPs and CDNs.

Thank you for noticing. I also have never worked for Micro$oft or Pol Pot

The sender of a text/call pays in Europe and much of the globe.

you don't pay to call people in some places?

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you don't pay to call people in some places?

In the US, the only charge to the caller has been for long-distance or international. A toll-free (1-8XX) number is free to he caller for even long-distance. I'll leave out classic 1-900 numbers. Long distance is no longer a common charge across the US.

US phones have never paid extra to call mobile phones, though, and we've never had different number patterns for mobile vs. landline. This is a huge contrast versus European norms.

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i can't wait for a world where i need to pay a vpn to access the full internet

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The above was typed by someone who has no idea how network protocols work. :marseyxd:

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Seems just a argument for some sort of QoS

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Zero-rating is just how usage gets billed. This is a question of economics, not protocols after that point. Phone networks have, in many parts of the world, operated on a "caller pays" system, so it's not even novel to bill different units of usage in different directions.

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ISPs can absolutely discriminate based on host. What are you talking about??

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Are you :marseyspecial:?

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Hello you have exceeded your monthly data cap of 10GB. You have automatically been charged 25 dollars and granted an additional 1GB of data.

Also this is a reminder that all sites we dont like such as kiwifarms.net are blocked. Enjoy your unregulated internet experience. Thank you.

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>Hello you have exceeded your monthly data cap of 10GB. You have automatically been charged 25 dollars and granted an additional 1GB of data.

That's the reddit cope about net neutrality.

>Also this is a reminder that all sites we dont like such as kiwifarms.net are blocked. Enjoy your unregulated internet experience. Thank you.

This is what's actually happening and redditors are okay with it.

It was also about the ISPs complaining that Netflix and other services were straining the ISP's networks while paying the same as everyone else for access to the network.

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Straining the ISP's network

You mean their customers actually started using the ISP service they were paying for?

These frickers received billions from the government in taxpayer money to expand their network infrastructure and didn't do shit but pocket it.

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Exactly. For the money we gave them every person in America should have a direct fiber link in the back of their skulls. I should be pooping on a potty made out of fiber optic cables. The only people against net neutrality are corpo butthole lickers and corporations themselves.

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You're thinking about this from a residential customer standpoint, not a business to business one.

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There is no business to business transaction occuring. They are middle men offering service to end customers who want to access all content on the internet.

Businesses already pay their own ISP as an end customer.

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The Internet is a series of business-to-business transactions between ASes that create a network that appears flat to you. That doesn't mean that the network is actually flat.

Netflix is already entirely welcome to pay ISPs the same IP transit fees that everyone else is. They would rather prefer to use their immense amount of traffic to coerce ISPs into allowing them to colocate and send traffic for free (Netflix OpenConnect).

Regulatory agencies don't care about freedom of speech, and I wish you the best of luck trying to get the FCC to enforce your statutory right to slur everyone online. The last time I read Net Neutrality regulations, they were carefully written to only regulate end-user ISPs to provide large businesses cheap bandwidth, and not to help you host anything controversial.

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The Internet is a series of business-to-business transactions between ASes that create a network that appears flat to you.

Contracts between ISPs for traffic connections is normal business. Bilking end customers and refusing to deliver their traffic unless they pay you (A third party) is not.

The last time I read Net Neutrality regulations, they were carefully written to only regulate end-user ISPs to provide large businesses cheap bandwidth, and not to help you host anything controversial.

So you can't actually read?

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Contracts between ISPs for traffic connections is normal business. Bilking end customers and refusing to deliver their traffic unless they pay you (A third party) is not.

You have no right to a route through whatever AS you want to whatever other AS you want, except as contractually agreed between those ASes, even under the Net Neutrality rule, which specifically excluded "[applying] the open Internet rules to interconnection." It did, however, essentially oblige consumer ISPs to either peer with Netflix or eat the transit fees from whatever B2B ISP they deal with.

The cheaper your provider is, the more likely that you'll have to beg for routing. Cogent has no routes whatsoever to other destinations all the time due to their aggressive contract renegotiation tactics.

So you can't actually read?

I know that reading is really hard, but the FCC stated that outright: "As in 2010, [Broadband Internet Access Service] does not include enterprise services, virtual private network services, hosting, or data storage services. Further, we decline to apply the open Internet rules to premises operators to the extent that they may be offering broadband Internet access services as we define it today."

I support telecoms and hosting providers being dumb pipes. I don't support Netflix subsidies. I don't really see what's hard to understand about this position, or why you believe the DNC suddenly acquired an unwavering interest in your right to call people BIPOCs online.

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Oh you mean what was actually ended up being passed didn't actually go far enough. Agreed.

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the netflix bytes are actually more straining, libtard

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The only people against net neutrality are corporate peepeeriders and literal r-slurs who are too stupid to use the internet anyway. :marseyindignant:

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Is reddit going to screech their heads off about Net Neutrality like they did in 2017?

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No one cares about Reddit anymore

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Remember when they said the internet was going to turn into cable tv packages. They were so full of shit, they had no idea what they were fighting for lmao

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They were gobbling up big tech propaganda because Netflix et al were saturating ISPs networks while paying the same as much smaller services.

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I'm sick of cute twinks (colloquial pejorative) controlling the world's communication infrastructure. Pynchon's schizophrenic ramblings were basically correct.

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Can't wait until :lizfongjones: gets ISPs to shutter kf

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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that alrdy happened boss

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I thought that was just the server hosts. Don't remeber an ISP getting involved.

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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nope, ISPs got involved too

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Crazy. Was there ever a court case to get that reversed, or was it during the brief period net neutrality was not in effect?

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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The only legal thing I recall happening was Null threatening to sue Epik after he raised $250k for a defamatory tweet after they stole his domain names or something.

I'm not entirely sure what made the ISPs reverse their thing other than it's probably not a can of worms that they want to open.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1735584487Pd3ql1pai5_mfA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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i dont think so, i think :lizfongjones: told them that kf was hosting illegal content (or maybe just offensive content) which led them to shut it down, i dont think any shut downs lasted but i have not been following up on them :marseyclueless:

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I think Cogent is still black holing them.

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sent u the fricking memes btw

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:soycry: We demand net neutrality! We can't let ISPs discriminate or throttle content!

:soyjakanimeglasses: Yes of course ISPs should block kiwifarms and other wrong-think. You aren't guaranteed a platform, chud.

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Tbh I don't know anything about what these rules actually do and I've grown so distrustful of how laws are named that I genuinely have no idea whether this is good or bad

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The narrative is that it makes ISP common carriers who can't discriminate against any traffic. In reality it is muddled and gives Big Tech more privileges since they can be the majority of ISP traffic while not paying their fair share.

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lol, what u think american telcos are hurting atm?

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Are you trolling by poorly attempting put words in my mouth? :marseysmughips:

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it was repealed in 2017 and nothing happened, Biden brought it back in October 2023 and now this gets rid of it again.

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>nothing happened


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What happened?

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Mass internet censorship

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what happened?

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literally the kiwi farms getting almost shut down

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That was while the net neutrality rules were in place tho. At least partially

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I typically assume if Reddit is in favor of something then it should not pass

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Gives more power to ISPs to do whatever they want

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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same bro


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