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Okay so what the frick exactly is Rust and why does anyone use it over any other language?

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1. Ugly trannified version of C

See this cockchopped method to read a file:

pub fn read<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> io::Result<Vec<u8>> {
  fn inner(path: &Path) -> io::Result<Vec<u8>> {
    let mut file = File::open(path)?;
    let mut bytes = Vec::new();
    file.read_to_end(&mut bytes)?;

:vulgar: :marseyconfused:

vs similar in C (not 1 to 1 but also reading a file):

int main(void)
/* declare a file pointer */
FILE    *infile;
char    *buffer;
long    numbytes;
/* open an existing file for reading */
infile = fopen("test.dat", "r");
/* quit if the file does not exist */
if(infile == NULL)
    return 1;
/* Get the number of bytes */
fseek(infile, 0L, SEEK_END);
numbytes = ftell(infile);
/* reset the file position indicator to 
the beginning of the file */
fseek(infile, 0L, SEEK_SET);	
/* grab sufficient memory for the 
buffer to hold the text */
buffer = (char*)calloc(numbytes, sizeof(char));	
/* memory error */
if(buffer == NULL)
    return 1;
/* copy all the text into the buffer */
fread(buffer, sizeof(char), numbytes, infile);

/* confirm we have read the file by
outputing it to the console */
printf("The file called test.dat contains this text\n\n%s", buffer);

/* free the memory we used for the buffer */
return 0;

Pointers (*) are the one weird syntax thing, once you understand them it's very simple. Rust version has like 15 weird syntax things you need to understand in one tiny code block. As a straight White man, I refuse.

2. The Rust Developer Code of Conduct entitles you to free HRT for life :marseytransflag2:

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It's hilarious how bug-ridden your short C code snippet is.

1. buffer contents aren't null-terminated properly, so printf will always do an out of bounds read. This is exactly the kind of bug that Rust is meant to prevent. BTW, even if it was terminated properly, it's generally a mistake to assume that an input file doesn't contain null bytes, you should instead use a function that takes the input size.

2. fseek and ftell are broken by design and they will not work with files larger than 2GB on the platforms where sizeof(long) == 4, e.g. Windows (both 32-bit and 64-bit) and 32-bit Linux.

3. The code doesn't check for ftell and fseek errors and potentially treats the error sentinel value (long)-1 as a filesize and passes it to calloc and fread.

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Sure, here's a better version that addresses all 3*: https://stackoverflow.com/a/54057690 (this just limits file size, if you for some reason need to load large files in memory at once: https://wiki.sei.cmu.edu/confluence/display/c/FIO19-C.+Do+not+use+fseek%28%29+and+ftell%28%29+to+compute+the+size+of+a+regular+file (since you probably don't need this, just do it in chunks: https://stackoverflow.com/a/11792512))

*Well, looks like it still doesn't error check ftell. Imagine they do.

Remains perfectly readable unlike Crust.

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What if you put a comment above each line?

pub fn read<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> io::Result<Vec<u8>> {
  // define a local helper function because GPT told me to
  fn inner(path: &Path) -> io::Result<Vec<u8>> {
    // open file for reading
    let mut file = File::open(path)?;

    // create a dynamically sized buffer to hold file contents
    let mut bytes = Vec::new();

    // read data into the buffer
    file.read_to_end(&mut bytes)?;

    // give buffer to the caller

  // satisfy type system (I didn't go to college)
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The syntax being confusing is to me specifically about, in order:

  • P: AsRef (P seems like a generic type like Java? But who knows what AsRef is doing here, is that just a pointer? Why isn't P reused, could it be? I'm guessing that P is now a generic type for a pointer to a Path?)

  • -> io::Result (is io a library, like C++? Why do I need to wrap my return vector in an io::Result? Is this like JS Promises? Nothing is manually returned, what is the return vector, bytes?)

  • path: &Path (is this dereferencing path?)

  • let mut file (is mut just saying file is non-const and can be redefined? Is that not the default like in every other language? Why is it needed here since file is never redefined? That leads me to suspect it actually means something else, if so wtf?)

  • File::open(path)? (wtf is the ? doing here? Is :: both how you refer to library types like io::Result and how you call static methods like File::open?)

  • Vec::new() (wait I thought this was a strongly typed language? Why is just a generic Vec allowed? Is there some default "bytes" type?)

  • (&mut bytes)? (so was bytes actually a pointer, and this is dereferencing it? I was assuming mut meant non-const when declaring variables, wtf is it doing here, also again wtf is the ? doing here)

  • Ok(bytes) (I guess Ok probably returns whatever you give it? Tbf your comment here does imply an answer to this one)

  • inner(path.as_ref()) (I'm left suspicious that "ref/AsRef" isn't just a pointer, because doesn't Rust just have normal * syntax for pointers too? Also wait, read takes in a ref to a path, right? But then it calls inner with path.as_ref. Wtf, isn't it now a pointer to a pointer, then dereferenced in inner automatically with path: &Path, resulting in path being a pointer in inner? If so is this intentional??? Maybe File::open expects a pointer to a Path and not a Path?)

Could I answer all these questions with some learning and research? Yeah ofc. But I refuse, trannies should try again and make their language less obtuse.

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language bad because I'm too r-slurred to google beginner questions

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Beginners to a language shouldn't need to go down a dozen weird syntax rabbit holes to completely understand every part of something as basic as reading a file. KISS

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ahhhh namespaces ahhhhhh algebraic types my head nooooooooooooo

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You should be able to write code day 1 that looks like it works (but will actually corrupt your data)

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This is one of the worst posts I have EVER seen. Delete it.

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Your entire argument is basically "ChatGPT generated some shit that I don't understand and I'm too lazy to read a tutorial/book." It's fascinating that with your level of knowledge, you think you're entitled to having an opinion.

"I should be able to understand this without learning!!!" Yeah, just like you wrote broken C code that you thought you understand. You don't even seem to have a good grasp of C and C++, and yet expect to magically know Rust. The questions about basic syntax and error handling could be easily answered by skimming through a few chapters of "Programming Rust".

Also, the code is complicated because the inner wrapper is entirely pointless.

This code is fully equivalent to the original version:

pub fn read<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> io::Result<Vec<u8>> {
    let mut file = File::open(path)?;
    let mut bytes = Vec::new();
    file.read_to_end(&mut bytes)?;

Second of all, you "wrote" a generic function that takes arguments of multiple types (path objects/strings). If we simplify it to taking just strings, it would look like this:

pub fn read(path: &str) -> io::Result<Vec<u8>> {
    let mut file = File::open(path)?;
    let mut bytes = Vec::new();
    file.read_to_end(&mut bytes)?;
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>Also, the code is complicated because the inner wrapper is entirely pointless.


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Just read the book and my r-slurred choices will make sense!!!


:gigachad2: : :dukenuk#emtldr:

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>"understands" C pointers

>frightened and confused at pass-by-reference

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Yeah that one's on me, pretty much same as C/C++, been a while since I've touched either :marseyderp:

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With colons, the type comes after the variable name. With that, most of your syntax confusion goes away.

P: AsRef

P is of type "AsRef"

path: &Path

path is of type "&Path", which is a reference to an object of type Path

mut is deeper than just const or non-const. By default, the variable and all its internal components are const. mut gives you the ability to call functions that reassign some internal variable that's part of the outer thing you're calling on.

? is a shortcut for "unwrap or return an error" for the Result monad in rust

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By default, the variable and all its internal components are const

:pepereeeeee: I HATE IT

Good explanations tho ty :marseythumbsup:

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!codecels He should've used D

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ONLY use languages approved by Walter Bright!

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It's hilarious how bug-ridden your short C code snippet is.

I don't think it's hilarious

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kek C-huds rekt

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Factcheck: This claim is 100% true.

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C tards are relics of a dying world. All a la mode programmers know this.

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Anyone who advocates for C/C++ as a good general purpose language is either a 150 IQ turboneurodivergent, or has never had to read code written by the former group.

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OS development is only for 150 IQ turboneurodivergents so it works out

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Those '150 IQ' neurodivergents still making software with memory bugs tho

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Idk what's so hard. Memory is basically infinite nowadays. It won't be long until 128gb laptops hit the market. Just don't free and you won't have any memory bugs.


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If you want a general purpose language, just use f***ING csharp or Java like an actual human

Rust is just dog shit ugly c+ that holds your hand like some kinda gay :marseytrain: UK state strag shit

dude bussy lmao

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>csharp or Java

>actual human


I've been meaning to learn rust but I can't say I have an educated opinion of it aside from hating rust evangelists. I do want a performant compiled language that isn't C/C++ though. What I really want is C++, but not a giant pile of unreadable shit waiting to shoot you in the foot because you didn't neurodivergently RTFM about some obtuse edge case.

Go is based and probably the best language for most systems code that isn't extremely performance sensitive but I have no data to back that up.

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Go is fantastic for their unyielding support for backwards compatibility and static compilation.

It's amazing to know you can bump the Go compiler up on a schedule and everything "Just works" and then all you need to do is deploy a SINGLE binary, it's glorious :marseywholesome:

The people hating on Rust are memeing, it's a great language and has a bright future. I know multiple people using it in prod and who love it.

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Rust also makes double checking and bug fixing easier due to having a more descriptive compiler and memory unsafe portions being explicitly declared. Its pretty nice.

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Rust is absolutely fantastic for getting like 80% of C++ performance for 20% of the effort. Really great for larger projects esp if you need the performance.

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80% performance? Rust compiles down via LLVM just like C++ so you can get 100% of C++ performance if you're even slightly smart about things (maybe 30% of the effort rather than 20%).

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lol no generics

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At this point fricking Python is faster the Java. C# is fine I just find the compilation from source process insane vs C++. with C++ you just type make and it works but with c# you have to put in 20 different command line flags.

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I fricking hate Java so much dude. I have nothing against C# other than Microsoft=bad (and incompatible with all of my machines)

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I do want a performant compiled language that isn't C/C++ though.

Zig is pretty good, it's closer to C than C++.

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Keep moving zigger, this is a rust neighborhood


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I guarantee that you don't write any code that actually needs performance. Just use literally anything else, it won't matter.

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Most people don't build anything where performance matters, they just think they do. At least not at a systems level where the difference between C++ vs Python is actually relevant.

I'm a senior and I don't think I've written truly performance sensitive code since I was an intern (I/O path kernel code), and that got abandoned before making it to prod (RIP).

I went through a phase in grad school where I reimplemented everything in my LeedCode history with janky C++ and inline assembly so I could snag the 100th percentile. Completely useless exercise but it was fun :marseydramautist:

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>grrrr I don't like unreadable garbage with edge cases you need to look up



dude bussy lmao

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garbage collection

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Not sure why you'd start a greenfield Java project when you could at least use Kotlin.

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The fricking rust is fricking unreadable to me, the fricking C is fricking straightforward. Why does the fricking rust one need an inner function, b-word? Totally bizarre.

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I dont think it does

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>stackoverflow or gemini

Call it

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You definitely don't need that fancy templating in the Rust version unless you're trying to be fancy or write a really nice API or something.

Just take a Path ref ffs

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You will NEVER be a woman.

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Why the frick are you writing in C and not C++. Disgusting code.

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Bring it motherlover!


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Imagine understanding any of this, if you want to read a file why not just USE YOUR EYES? Zoomers smh.

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PHP chads keep on winning

echo file_get_contents(file);

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Further detranified it for you. See all that whitespace to the right of your code? That's empty space waiting to be filled.

int main(void)
	/* declare a file pointer */
	FILE    *infile;
	char    *buffer;
	long    numbytes;
	infile = fopen("test.dat", "r");       // open an existing file for reading 
	if(infile == NULL)  return 1;          // quit if the file does not exist 
	fseek(infile, 0L, SEEK_END);     numbytes = ftell(infile);    // Get the number of bytes
	fseek(infile, 0L, SEEK_SET);	     //  reset the file position indicator to the beginning of the file
	buffer = (char*)calloc(numbytes, sizeof(char));        //  grab sufficient memory for the buffer to hold the text
	if(buffer == NULL)  return 1;        // memory error
	fread(buffer, sizeof(char), numbytes, infile);    // copy all the text into the buffer
	printf("The file called test.dat contains this text\n\n%s", buffer);     // confirm we have read the file by outputing it to the console
	free(buffer);     // free the memory we used for the buffer
	return 0;
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System programming language like c/c++

It's (in)famous for having a strongly opinionated compiler that doesn't allow you to write memory unsafe code.

It has a few nice thing like a good build system through cargo and an algebraic type system. That said the ecosystem is still not as all encompassing as c++ and fighting the borrow checker to compile your code can be tedious

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Cargo is also a package manager which is great. It's the C++ equivalent of conan and cmake merged into one, but it's coherent and not shit. Conan makes me want to commit terrible acts of violence, and it's still the best C++ package manager around - although maybe you could argue that most conan issues are really packaging issues because the people writing C++ packages for it are actual subhuman r-slurs.

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what the frick exactly is Rust

Overhyped language for people that can't code just like Go.

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20% think they're younger or older than other developers

:marseyhmm: for people who claim to work with logic they're not that bright lol

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>younger or older than the average developers I know

80% have no friends and thus are exactly at the average (their own age) :marseyhmmm:

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More than half of them think they're underrepresented

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Strags are officially an underrepresented community among Rustaceans :marseynyansuperstraight:

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What surprises me is how irrational programmers tend to be. You won't meet one who doesn't have some really strange beliefs. Default is neurodivergent redpill wingcuck stuff, but others are into spiritualism etc more than you'd think.

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I don't have a single irrational belief


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Don't you sometimes get that feeling, when you're trying to figure out some bug, and then realize that logically the code should have never worked at all, and you're like, whoopsie daisies, looks like I'm dreaming and I finally dreamed myself into a logical contradiction with no other escape than to wake up?

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idk why anyone would learn a language other than HolyC unless they hate god

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The worst is that they are all wh*te 🤢🤮

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Sexy Indian dudes know that the only language they need to do the usings is Java.

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its fricking hilarious how jeets use a class-only language

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Straight white men write memory unsafe Python, everything else is for losers and freaks

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lgbt being underrepresented is hilarious :xd:

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Curious that 36% claim to be trans but only 27% claim to be perceived as a fricking woman.

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They dont pass :(

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Germany gayest country per capita reconfirmed :marseyflaggermany:


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:marseyautism: :to: :marseytrain2:

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Please make sure to keep my D save :marseybowl:

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kept ur D safe now brotha :marseythumbsup:


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Germans like complying with rules and Rust is very strict on that. It no doubt tickles their germoid brains.

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>1.5% South African

These are 100% boers. @kaamrev do you guys experience a trans epidemic currently?

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lmao, only 15% are a racial/ethnic minority which is way lower than the general 40%. These is a bunch of racist honkies!

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6% trans is pretty high

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Where did you get 6% from, b-word?

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The chart is a breakdown of the 15% who said they were part of a marginalized community.

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Shut up nerd. Also no way only 6% of rustaceans are fricking troids.

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Nerd > illiterate r-slur

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hey. Cmon

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Smartest wh*toid

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Did you expect me to read the fricking article instead of just looking at the fricking posted graph, b-word?

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35% of the 15.5% who gave an answer to the trans question

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Where are fricking you getting the fricking 15% from, b-word?

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idk someone in the comments said it was 15% and I believed them without reading the source

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Oh, you're r-slurred. Carry on.

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At least I'm not a fricking BIPOC, BIPOC

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There's zero chance only 15% of rust developers consider themselves as part of a fricking marginalized group. All of them present as trans.

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But only 27% think they are fricking perceived as women. :#marseyxd:

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>:soysnoo2: actually you're forgetting about the percentage of people who didn't take the survey

>:soysnootypefast: so let's multiply that number with the trans percentage and there it's fine

:marseyaaatremble: IT"S A SAMPLE! THAT"S NOT HOW ANY OF THIS WORKS!!!! :marseyaaatremble:

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OMG imagine using that disgusting language over RUST. As a proud rustacean, I'm going to inform you: that's blasphemy. You can do better. Grab cargo and start using a beautiful memory managed, statically typed, comfortable yet low level language with a spectacular packaging system. No more memory leaks. No more makefiles. End the weird bugs caused by unrequested type casting. Easily find libraries. AND ALL OF THAT IS BLAZING FAST (at C/cpp-level speeds - yay compiled langs and llvm c:). Why wouldn't you? The syntax is spectacular as well; extremely clean, much better than anything else out there. Those match statements are so extremely pleasant, and the looping conventions are orgasmic. And the compiler is the most useful and polite you'll come across; no more endlessly scrolling segmentation fault and template errors. It's amazing and I love it and you should switch now because it's far superior to literally everything else, all those gross languages you're used to using. Come to rust and you'll never look back, it's so versatile and cleeeeean. Graydon Hoare is literally a god. The rust book is my bible. this is my religion now. USE RUST



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They should have made 'women' and 'perceived as women' seperate categories cause the latter would be 0%

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